Evening Ladies
Thank you so much Elmo, im praying and hoping that he gets better very soon with bigger faster and stronger

Its ever so frustrating as its been a routine for me now to wait till the end of the Month, so this Month lets say I wont even think about it.. Im sure i will still symptom spot even though we didnt BD!!

TTC does really get crazy at times!
Im ever so excited for you!! wow gone for just over a Month and soooo many

when I logged in!!

Hope your taking it easy as you still have a little one im sure your running around xx
Gemsie: Wow thats sounds very promising, (really put a smile on my face and congrats again! it shows anything is possible, hope your DF is back to himself x) we went for Physio again earlier in the day and we asked again

and they wouldnt recommend it, as he slipped discs L1 L2 L3 lower spine hes on sooooo many pain killers im confused with them all, Also he has severe shooting pains in his groin area and he constantly has a heat pack or a hot water bottle on his bits hes curled over with so much pain

(and with all the hot heat and the cocktail of drugs he is on im more than 100% that the

have no chance. even if we tried a quickie

must admit we did try last night but he was in so much pain we just laughed it off.
Drs keep saying people usually slip 1 discs maybe2 but 3 is very unlucky, Hes off work for a while, The minute he feels better and drs give us the Green light I will be like a crazy women!

I would love to finish this year being pregnant, At this rate nothing is really happening, its so so lovely seeing you all in progress, cant wait to tell you all when I get my

one day
Have a super weekend xx and do hang around for us Slow ones lol were right on your tails xx and send us