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Chatty NTNP/TTC buddies! 2 BFPs!

LOL! Yup! HAHA! I'll probably make them on his day off. Not sure if it's Wednesday or Thursday. So he'll still get them! :) This spaghetti smells so good!! Mom told me how to make it so I ran to the store and got the ingredients...mmmmm!!! The house smells like garlic. HAHA!
I love garlic, not as much as hubs though, he puts so much in things that it makes it spicy somehow lol maybe I'm just weird thinking if you put too much it gets spicy. :shrug:
It honestly does. I agree with you. Garlic is very potent and when you put too much in something it can get that way. :) JJ already came storming into the kitchen while making my plate asked why I couldn't have just given him regular spaghetti that he hates this. OK so it could have used a whole stick of butter, but I chose to use half a stick. And even that cooked down. So it doesn't taste as great as it could because it doesn't have as much fat in the whole pot! LOL! But it sure does taste pretty good to me!
LOL kids are too funny.
fat seems to make everything taste good.
Heck yeah it does! He'll get used to it though, or go hungry! LOL!
he'll come around im sure:p
if only fatty foods were good for you lol
it'd make everyone more happy :haha:
I agree!! The girls at work were giving me a hard time for eating a 1oz bag of doritos. I became rude. They said alright then go eat a cheeseburger! I was like I dont' want a cheeseburger I want to eat my chips in peace! Then they started making fun of me and I believe they think I won't do it. That I'll fail. But they don't know me. I'll do it just to prove them wrong! UGH! I hate working with a group of women!
I love to munch, and what is worse, in one day I managed to munch a family size bag of doritos once. It was good but I felt like a piggy afterwards :haha: Prove them wrong, I think it is rather rude to talk about the way people eat, if you want to eat any amount of food, it should not be mentioned. If they don't like it, well that's tough luck afterall its not them eating it. so I say they all just need to be quiet!
That was my point. They were telling me that doritos aren't on a diet. That I can no longer eat ranch dressing or doritos or anything like that. I'm like excuse me??? I have to eat some calories! I forgot to make my eggs for breakfast so settled for 2 pieces of toast (that doesn't hold over very long!!). I ate those at 7:45. My tummy was growling at 9 and i ignored it by drinking a ton of water and chewing gum. But I did it! Then to have them chastise what I'm eating while they sat over there eating mcdonalds. I think I did really good! Then ate a big dinner. HAHA!

A whole family size? I haven't done that but I'm sure I could have! I love me some doritos! Normally I look at the bag and say oh crap I ate that much? :haha: Then say one more and put it away!!
I think it happened because I was watching tv, and then I look in the bag and that was what I had eaten lol

I think you are doing a good job, besides Im pretty sure doritos are more healthy than mcdonalds, come on who are they to criticize! and then trying to get you to break your diet by eating mcdonalds?! Well that is just extremely rude and unhelpful.
them :haha: I hate mcdonalds! I was doing the same thing as them and eating out a lot. But I am trying. I created a chart for me and OH. The header: Weight chart. Then has our names under that, then under that the first blocks are initial weight. Then we weigh in every Saturday morning. Then after 4 weeks we put the total loss for those 4 weeks. And we do that up to 8 times. Then I can create a new one!! But that is almost 8 months so...it'll be to when it's almost time for him to go off to basic!
I used to do that with weight watchers. I sucked at keeping it up! LOL!
LOL!! sound like me!!

Well I'm finally able to get on school to get some of it done. One instructor sent out a statement to have everything turned in today. The other one didn't bother to say anything.
Maybe, or she's just one of those ppl. LOL! She's not a professor, she's DR!!
ouch! Im sitting here eating an orange and I got the juice in a papercut! as if a papercut wasn't bad on its own!
Oh my goodness!! OUCH! Rinse it out!!

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