34 is no age at all yet, but of course with fertility, for many women things get more difficult after 35, so I understand you'd be concerned. Having the long and irregular/unpredictable cycles myself, I feel like our situations are pretty similar. I'm "only" 28, yet I didn't want to wait anymore either. We decided for the IUI to meet our baby sooner rather than later and to stop the stressful time of worrying about when and if a next ovulatory cycle will come around. I feel like (hopefully) this is our ticket out of the TTC limbo!
Also, when you think about it: hubby went to the clinic with me to provide the sperm sample that morning

P), he was holding me hand during the IUI, a process which lasted all of 10 minutes. It didn't hurt one bit, honestly just like the faintest "I might be getting my period?" feeling (very slight pressure in my uterus). I feel like we were there together for it, we both put the work in so to say, and everything still happens in my body. My doctor called it natural conception with support

Basically, after taking clomid to ovulate, the IUI is just to give the swimmers a speed boost. So we both got a little boost, that's all. Before I went in, I thought the IUI might be some big procedure, but it was no different from my yearly gyno check up.
You and hubby will ultimately have to decide what's right for you two, but I think for most couples it comes down to pride vs. no more waiting, more certainty, less stress (from being in the TTC limbo for longer). So think about how stressed, worried and impatient you are, and make your decision based on that.

From my experience, an IUI is such a small thing, you forget about it the day after. Way less invasive than taking clomid or anything like that!
fingers crossed for you!

Sounds like you'll join me in the TWW soon!