Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-7!

aww fluffy great pic! how exciting. I'm glad everything is going so well!!

I read online that some people who don't respond to first with gonal have super fast responses later in the cycle. Hoping I'll do that. I responded well last cycle so who knows.

I have more stress this cycle so maybe that is counter acting.

I'm glad your boss was so good about it, what a relief!
I just showed the picture to a friend of mine (we've just started telling some friends) and he said: what's that? X'D I was like: a little foot, can't you see?! Haha.

Crossing my fingers for you Sheece! You've ovulated before, it's just a matter of time until it happens :) Yes I was *so* relieved my boss reacted better than I ever imagined. With work, you just never know, I find. People can be so nice but if it's to their advantage, they suddenly don't care about you anymore and it's "just business". Beyond relieved I got lucky this time! Of course, only time will tell if there will actually be a place at the institute for me when I want to return (I still doubt that :P), but at least he wasn't mean about it now :)

Forgot to add: When we had our initial consultation, my doctor said that stress has a really big influence on when you ovulate. So it makes a lot of sense to me that this cycle might be later for you if you're under a lot of stress.
I'm definitely under a lot of stress! Faced at losing 3/4 of my income and having to buy a car, plus job hunt all of a sudden. Stupid work. At least one of us is having a fair go of it!

My levels went up finally on Saturday, woo! Had another test this morning so hopefully they shoot up some more. After all the stress, my levels on Saturday were only one day behind what they were at that time last cycle, so hoping the IUI will happen on Friday / Saturday.

Booked OH in to have his swimmers frozen on Wednesday, just in case, as he is away next week. Wonder if they can use fresh AND frozen at the same time hmm. Be a good double whammy!
Sorry for the stress, Sheece. It’s so tough worrying about money and jobs... I hope you get some answers soon and it doesn’t end up as negative as you anticipate. And good news about the levels!
How are you doing Sheece? When will you test this cycle?

How is everyone else getting on? I feel like suddenly the Christmas countdown started over here and I'm already thinking about presents and family gatherings and such :)

We had another scan today at 15+1, everything is looking great ^^ Feeling so much more assured and at ease these days!
Great news about the scan! Woo!

DH and I were talking a couple of weeks ago about Christmas and budgets, with our wedding this year finances were a bit tight, and DHs work has been slow so paycheques have been lower. We usually go crazy at Christmas and we were talking and agreed to do just stockings for each other (it's our own special tradition on Christmas eve, just the two of us). I also told him, at the time, that all I wanted for Christmas was to be pregnant...and here I am :)

Truly, that's all I want. I want to be pregnant at Christmas and for my baby to be healthy and thriving. I don't care about anything else.
Fluffy, my last booster shot is on the 13th so I'm going to test from the 14th. No cheapies for me this time, I'm buying a 7 pack of FRER's because at least I trust their line progression!

Yay for another great scan too! I'm glad you are feeling more relaxed now :)

So happy for you Alligator! Pregnant for Christmas, perfect!
Thank you sheece. And I know what you mean about cheapies...I'm getting a nice solid line and steady progression on FRER (I've spent a fortune) but my IC's just started getting a faint's so frustrating!
oooo alligator a massive congrats hun. you got your dream. wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months. crossing everything that this is your sticky bean

Fluffy will you be sharing baby sex when you find out? glad all the testing went well

sheece all my love to you. hang in there. there is always sunshine after a storm and though things are crazy hectic now, you will be ok and your future will be full of sunshine and love.
Wow, CONGRATULATIONS Alligator :D Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months! How have you been feeling so far?

Sheece, only a week until you start testing, I'm excited :)

Meanwhile, we found out that little bean is a baby girl <3 ^.^ Already ordered two dresses online, we're so excited!! Now at 16 weeks (today!) I'm finally beginning to show a bit, even though she has been measuring way ahead in size at all scans so far. Pretty exciting, though I wear wide things at university to hide it from noisy students ;) My gynecologist said I might start feeling kicks in the next 2-4 weeks, I cannot wait ^^
Ooohh a girl how exciting! <3 girl baby stuff is so impossibly cute!!!

I am feeling good...physically I feel fine, a bit tired but that's it. Mentally I am a mess - a ball of nerves and anxiety and worry, but trying to take it a day at a time and repeat positive affirmations to myself over and's helping a little!
Aww I want to say "don't be nervous" but I understand it's impossible not to be! If your little one is healthy, everything will be fine, so maybe it will help you to think that a healthy, viable baby is pretty safe even at this early stage. Another thing that I found calming - but not everyone might - is this statistics calculator: You put in your age and your weight and all that and it gives you a safety percentage every day. I loved watching it go up every day, especially in the beginning when it goes up quite a bit each day :) There is also a "Reassure Me!" button which phrases things very positively.
The last thing I did was imagining my baby happy, healthy and growing. The power of positive thinking and such ;) Who knows if it makes a difference, but it helped me to think positively during the first trimester. :hugs:
You're so right fluffy...I am working on being more positive an affirming to myself that this baby is healthy and that nothing I do will cause any harm...And honestly it's not even so much that I'm worried that working out will cause's more like I worry all the time that I'm bleeding (I check TP all the time) and in a workout class I'm very...sweaty (sorry tmi) and things get moist down there so I'm absolutely convinced I'm bleeding...and it becomes overwhelming and so anxiety causing, it sens me into a tailspin. I don't even know if that makes sense..ahh!
Alligator for both my mc's i started to bleed and thats when i knew things were going bad so for this one i also watched my TP like a hawk. 8 months down the line and im still watching my TP so the anxiety of it never leaves you, YOU have to believe that your body will know when things are right and it will fight for your bean to stick and be healthy. thinking negative doesnt make your mc but it does pick up your stress levels which makes your body react funny. so think positively and dont think of what happened last time. the ladies on my journal were life savers. they constantly reminded me that its a new pregnancy, a new beginning. so from me to you, this is a new pregnancy, its a new little life, its a new little being, just hope and pray that you will have a new outcome.

oh Fluffy a girl. how exciting. yeah there are a lot of girl things out there. the pregnancy gets so much more real when you know the sex. baby becomes more of a person than an it. :haha: some ladies feel baby later and some ladies feel earlier so dont worry if you dont feel it as the doctor says. i know my Ovia app said i should be feeling flutters and i never did which made me quite sad but when you do start feeling it, you will know.
Aw whimsical thank you so much, it's reassuring (but also sad..) that other women know exactly how I feel and the anxiety of pregnancy after a loss. Pregnancy at any time is anxious and worrisome but I think after a loss it's more, somehow. Not to diminish the anxieties of other women because they are valid but it's just not the same. I am doing my very best to repeat positive affirmations to myself and I know I have a better shot of holding a baby in my arms than going through another loss, so I'm sticking to that and taking it one day at a time. You're so close to meeting your little exciting!
Fluffy, a girl! Congratulations :D Let the shopping begin!

Alligator I'm already anxious about all that and I'm not even pregnant yet. Fluffy and whimsy have some good advice though xx

Fluffy, I've started testing, posted on my journal :) Got a dark positive yesterday, but it's only 2 days after my last booster shot so grain of salt. Testing today at same time to see if theres any progression!

This mornings test was fainter, but my fmu always is so not reading too much into that one yet.
Just checked in quickly...

Congrats on the girl fluffy!!!

Hope you are combatting the nerves Ali :)

And hope you get your BFP Sheece!

Also, baby dust to everyone else!
Hi sweden, good to see you! Can't believe you are 36 weeks!

I got a bfn this cycle, but we got the doctor to agree for us to do a 3rd IUI. If that doesn't work we will move onto IVF next year, but fingers crossed it works!! And I ovulate from my left side this time!

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