Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-7!

Well my third test results are in and my eostrogen levels went down! what the. Now 163.

The comment was : need to keep pressing on until eostrogen starts to rise.

I feel like i'm going to be injecting for weeks :/ Hope they dont have to cancel cycle :/

Thats so lame of your work :( I guess at least you have a fair idea about it and can prepare yourself?
Hu Sheece sorry about your estrogen :( It's still early days though, hopefully it rises soon!
Yes I've been putting money away since the beginning of this year, both to cover baby expenses and to cover the lack of income I'm expecting for at least a year, if not longer. Luckily hubby's income covers our expenses (just, leaving very little wriggle room :P), so we should be ok. Who knows, maybe they will surprise me and not be horrible about it, but I'm fully expecting to have to find a new postdoc position at a different university afterwards!
Well that is so frustrating and unfair, it's basically targeting women specifically...brutal!!! I'm glad you and DH have been saving and will be able to make it through, but what an unnecessary headache and stress.
Levels went up to 272 today, phew. They still called it a "slight" increase though.

Glad they've gone up! I'm not feeling hormonal for nothing heh. Another blood test on Saturday, no mention of ultrasound yet.
Fluffy congrats on seeing your little pea's heartbeat. its so mesmerizing to watch and know thats happening in your body. by your next scan, baby would be so much bigger it will be even more wonderful to see.

welcome smurfy, i hope your upcoming cycle brings you a bfp. how long will you do the clomid and when will you US be?

Alligator sorry about AF but its always good to see that your body is ok and you can start ttc again. will you be temping? or just planned BDing around O time?

pregnancies are weird. my first one i could not eat a thing. even eating half a slice of bread was too much for me. i had ms the days when the pregnancy moved to a mc. for my second i was super healthy with eating and drinking water and never had ms at all but also mc'd. for this pregnancy i had all day nausea for close to 4 months. i used to puke only spit (TMI, sorry) and i could not stomach eating much at all. at first i ate fruits and then i could not even look at a fruit and only at chips and bread. so pregnancy does crazy things to you. you just have to go with what ever your body wants and leave your expectations at the door. :haha:

Sheece :hugs:
Thank you whimsical. I am temping! And taking OPKs. CD8 today, nothing really happening but I suspect with my pregnancy I O'd early (maybe?!) as baby measured 4 days ahead of LMP date (and I have 28-29 day cycles religiously), so I'm starting to track now just in case I O around CD11. Temp is steady and I haven't had any other fertile signs yet!
My ultrasound is tomorrow! They also said to be on standby for the procedure too. No mention of trigger shot though so maybe I'm ovulating on my own accord? Guess I will find out more tomorrow, exciting!
Oooh so exciting Sheece! They checked the size of my follicles and then sent me home with the trigger shot, we did the procedure the next morning (first another ultrasound to confirm ovulation had happened, then the IUI). Good luck!!! :D My little sweet pea is 8 weeks 5 days today ^^
Wow I thought IUI was before ovulation happens? I'm stressing about the time off work with no "excuse" but eh they'll just have to deal.

Can't believe you are already 8 weeks!! Time is flying :D
Nono, they gave me the trigger shot and that triggers an ovulation (I got ovitrelle, which is ovidril in the UK I believe) "within 24-36 hours". So I was made to come back exactly 30 hours after the shot, they checked that ovulation had occured with the ultrasound and then did the IUI. In my case it meant I had to get up at 4am to do the trigger shot :P

After the IUI, I got straight up and we drove home and then I took it easy for two days :) I was worried that they wouldn't let me lie down for a while after, but my doctor explained that unlike "regular sex", the sperm is already inside the uterus now, so no worrying about things flowing out. Clearly, he was right :D

Work will have to deal, indeed! Hubby had to take a random leave day as well, I think he ended up just calling in sick for a day ;) Worth it!
It looks like I've responded perfectly to the gonal-f, yay!

I have one follie at 16mm and my lining is 9mm. E2 went to 1555 today (around 450 in american measurements) so I'm triggering tonight at 8pm, and im having the procedure tomorrow at 12.30!

Seems a bit quick to me, I thought I would be closer to 36 hours between trigger and IUI, but I think its because I'm very ready to ovulate now so they don't want to miss it.

Pondering taking a sick day tomorrow but I'm sure they will be suss because I've been late both days this week so far. And last week. I'll just say I have to have a "girl problem" sorted out or something.
So exciting Sheece, your TWW is about to begin!! :D I think better too early than too late with ovulation, right?

I think calling in sick for one day is totally ok if you don't do it all the time - I would. :)

9 weeks tomorrow already. Morning sickness (all day sickness) is still going strong, but now I get heartburn in the evenings too X) Very eager to have my next appointment to discuss when I can finally stop the progesterone, hopefully she will say at 12 weeks and then it's not so long to go. I also keep worrying that something could not be progressing well... I guess it's only normal to worry about that. Every day I feel a bit better, I worry more, and every day I feel really nauseous, I worry less but feel very sick :P
YEah we will BD at home afterwards for a couple of days too just to make sure :)

For me, they told me to cut my dose of progesterone at 10 weeks (I was on 2 suppositories a day) then stagger them out at 11 weeks. From memory anyway, so you might not have to go the full 12 weeks :)
Officially in the TWW now! Haven't been this excited about a TWW for about a year lol.

IUI was easy, just like a pap smear but I felt it less even. OH's wash count was 8.5 mill (the clinics minimum is 1 mill) so we are stoked, and it all went "textbook" apparently.

The most painful part of it all was paying for it yesterday :haha:
So glad your IUI went perfectly Sheece! ^^ Hello TWW :D

I'm in a kind of TWW myself now as my next appointment is tomorrow in two weeks, haha. I'm very impatient for it because I keep worrying about mmc/something being wrong and I feel like once we get to 11w2d for that appointment and everything is fine then, we're basically out of the woods and I can scale down the worries!
Thanks Fluffy!

I'm half way through and it is dragging. How's the wait going for you? Those fears are completely normal and understandable. Just preparing you for the worries of motherhood (that's what I told myself when it was happening to me anyway :P)
I read in your journal that you start testing out the triggers on Friday already, not long now! When would your official 14dpo day be? I remember my TWW dragged like nothing else ever has X)

I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow <3 I have my appointment next Friday, so only about a week and a half to go now. The morning sickness has been getting slightly better and I feel less bloated as well, not sure if that is because I've been trying to eat even healthier now or because I'm at the end of the frist trimester (trying not to worry that it's anything bad...). Very, oh so very over taking the progesterone suppositories morning and evening. Really hope I can stop those after that appointment!

We've decided if everything looks good that Friday, we'll allow ourselves to do a first baby shopping round. :) I've been scared to buy anything so far, but we have emptied out the room which will be the nursery in preparation. Really really hope everything is fine next Friday, it would be such a huge weight off my shoulders.
Hurry up Friday! I'm excited to POAS :haha:

My pregnancy test date is the 6th which is 16 dpiui, so hopefully I'll have a good idea by then and know what I'm up for going in.

I'm back on the progesterone too. I'm taking 2 at night though. Probably should be taking them morning and night but it says to rest / lie down after them and that's impossible when I have to go to work (as much as I would like to lie down under my desk sometimes).

I bet it will be a big relief to see bubs again :) The unknown is the worst part. I like the idea of a baby shop around after your appointment. Nice way to celebrate!
How is everyone doing? :) I'm 11 weeks today! Can't wait for Friday to see little baby cookie <3 Really hope everything is fine, but my tummy definitely started growing this past week, so that's been quite reassuring!

How are you getting on Sheece, your test is on Friday as well, right?

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