Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-7!

One more day to go Fluffy! So excited for you :) how exciting that your belly is already growing! Definite reassurance there:)

Yep ive been testing out the booster. 6 days past the last one today (15dpo) and here is todays test

Trying not to get hopes up but surely the booster would be out by now? Bit worried the lines arent darker at this stage but i have everything crossed!
I'll join in too! I finally got my BFP this month after trying for one year! We are beyond excited 😊 We temp'd, checked CM and CP, OPK'd, EVERYTHING. Then the one month I stopped stressing about it BAM! That and I stopped working out for the month out of pure laziness. I think the tough gym sessions before may have played a factor. Happy to meet all of you 😊
Hey Valriata! This isn't actually a pregnancy group but a TTC group, just so you know! I've been in here for months before I got pregnant and asked the girls if I should stick around, which is the only reason why I'm still here in the TTC section ^^" Congratulations on your BFP!

Hmmm very strange. Yes I would think the booster should be out by now, but also yes I think the line should be darker at 15dpo. Confusing! I'm not an expert (by far), but the only explanation I could think of is a late implantation... otherwise I think it doesn't look strong enough for 15dpo :( Who knows though, tomorrow's test will tell you for sure! Do you get the results tomorrow as well?

My appointment is at 9am tomorrow and hubby is coming with me. We're so excited! By now little pea should look like a proper little baby (my app says he or she is the size of a lime today) and we will get to hear (rather than just see) the heartbeat! I will feel so reassured when/if everything is fine tomorrow, only one week to go until I've completed the scary first trimester.
My fmu is always weaker than 2mu so im trying to keep that in mind too. A nd the cheapie tests are pretty bad too heh.

OH got me a frer for the morning so we will see. I will have beta results tomorrow arvo so fingers crossed!
Well beta result was 5. So who knows what those tests were doing. Either booster took ages to get out or a chemical :/
Sorry to hear Sheece :( Will you be doing another IUI? My doctor said that if they work for people, they normally do so within the first 3-4 tries. :hugs:
Fluffy how did the appointment go? did you get scan pics? just a short while longer and you will be in second tri

Sheece, all my love to you hun.

Val, congrats on your positive. maybe start a journal in the pregnancy section to keep track of your journey. most of the ladies here are ttc and those of us that are pregnant were here for a long while before we got our bfp. just be kind to the ladies here that are still on there journey to getting their positives.

Alligator how are you doing? what have you been doing ttc wise?

afm, doing pretty good. was sick with the flu last week. that was torture. baby is growing well and has run out of room so some movement is painful. i just went back to the first page of this journal to read and its so hard to still read my first post here. a few us came from the cheers bfp's 2016 group and i really never thought i would be pregnant. i still dont believe it some days and have to check that my belly is still there. i wish so hard for all you ladies to get your positives soon. im still rooting for each and every one of you
Appointment went really well, just kind of didn't want to update right after Sheece got her bad news, so I waited a few days :)

Little pea is still measuring two days ahead, so I will actually have completed the first trimester (the first 12 weeks, which is when they end the first trimester in Europe) tomorrow! Little pea was dancing, waving and jumping like crazy, it was amazing :) Nice strong heartbeat and everything, we feel so relieved. Hubby was with me and said it was magical. ^^ Oh and I can finally stop the annoying progesterone, yay!!!

Sorry to hear you had the flu; I had a pretty bad cold (just a cold though) last week and it was blergh! Luckily I'm already better now. We're planning a big brunch with the German side of the family and then a skype session with the UK side this weekend to tell everyone about little pea ^^ So excited!
Thanks for checking in whimsical. I’m on cd4 right now - af is wrapping up, so we weren’t successful this month. The first official month of trying after our loss so perhaps it was wishful thinking. My period was heavier and more normal this time around then the first one after the MC so I hope that’s a good sign. I have good/bad days, I really struggled with AF arrived, it was just another reminder I should still be pregnant, I should be 20 weeks today, actually. It sucks. I’m feeling a little better and more positive that this will be our cycle. I know women try for months and months so I need to be patient, but it’s so hard after a loss to be calm and know it will happen!

Sorry you’ve been sick! I’ve been battling a cold the last few days and just starting to feel a bit better. Being sick sucks!
Hey ladies, I took a little time out from the boards but all good now. Thanks for thinking of me Fluffy :) I'm so happy for you you had a great scan and are in the 2nd trimester now!!

Alligator - we are close to cycle buddies, I'm CD3 today.

My AF has been horrid this time, heavy flow and painful. Bit worried the endo is coming back! That or it was a chemical after all.

Had my first blood test for the cycle this morning. Doing everything the same as last time, I just hope I get a bigger follicle this time. And sooner than CD20!

I've been sick too, had 3 days off work last week, found out it was a bfn, then got horrible AF. I was hating life for sure ha ha. OH and I bunkered down at home, and cancelled a few plans that we had and I think that helped.
I’m sorry sheece - DH and I did almost nothing this whole weekend! Between being sick and AF arriving I was like you... not in a great place and just wanting to be home and lounge. Oh and I totally ate my feelings ha. It’s thanksgiving here so turkey and pie and snacks... ugh. I feel a bit gross but nothing to do but get back to the gym and my healthy routine. I think my cold is nearly through so hopefully I can get back to the gym tomorrow! Last week at work was so busy it’s been over a week since my last workout, yikes! Yay for being cycle buddies!! I hope you O sooner and we can be TWW buddies too! Fx.
fluffy thats lovely to hear. it is amazing to watch him/her on the screen and to think that is happening in you. will you be staying team yellow? glad you feeling much better too.

Alligator sorry about AF but its a good sign that your body is "normal" again so you can ttc again. are you temping? i forgot. its so hard to not think about where you would have been and where you are now. i have 2 angels in heaven, one which would have been born last month so yeah you never forget. you learn to carry it with you and let it make you a stronger person. my ink really helps me with this part. i always feel like im carrying my angels with me, day and night. just take it a day at a time and remind yourself every single day, it was not your fault and you will have your dream baby.

Sheece, glad you feeling better. i was off work for 3 days last week too. it was so good to be a home body.
Thank you, whimsical. I am very hopeful that I'll be pregnant with my rainbow soon...and I know once I am, the time it took won't seem so bad, but right now it seems like everyday lasts forever, and each month is just another reminder of the loss. I am considering getting a tattoo, some hearts or something small, to remind me of my little angel...I really do believe our baby is in heaven, watching over us, and craddling our rainbow until he/she is ready to join us. I just hope that's sooner, rather than later.
Sheece, hoping you grow a big fat eggy or two this cycle and this is it for you! :)

Whimsical, we want to find out the gender. We're going for a prenatal scan and blood test (like the Harmony test, just a different brand) next week and while the point of the test is to check for Down Syndrome, you also get to find out the gender. The take the blood that day and then it takes about a week to come back. They also do an in-depth scan to check if all the organs look fine and such, I'm a little nervous about that tbh...

I think that's a lovely way to think about it :) It's like your future baby will have an older brother or sister who was watching over him/her in heaven already. It completely depends on what you believe of course, but if you do, then you will get to meet your angel baby in heaven one day in the far future when your time here is up. :hugs:
Exactly fluffy! I know and respect that everyone has different beliefs, but I truly do believe that I will meet my baby one day, just not on this earth. Which makes me sad but it does bring me some level of comfort.

I had a dream a couple days after the miscarriage that my aunt (who passed away almost 10 years ago and with whom I was very close) was in heaven and was welcoming my baby with open arms, and I felt/knew that she would take care of her (the baby was a her in my dream, I always felt like it was a her) until I could. That was so comforting and peaceful.
alligator thats a lovely dream. i do believe all angel babies are watching over us and their siblings. its like i can never say this is my first baby, this is my 3rd. just that the other 2 never got to be with me and are in a much better place. small steps though hun. it will be worth it and you will get your rainbow.

fluffy, oh that full blood work scared me too but you will be glad you have done it and the results wont matter much because you want this baby. its so exciting to find out the sex. makes things more real than ever before.

Sheece, we shall do a follie dance for you so you get more than once juicy follie and who knows, maybe twins too. :bunny: :bunny:
Follie dance away!! hehehe

Sorry I've been quiet girls, got a lot going on at the moment. Just need life to cut us a break!
We had the in depth scan and everything looks great, so the doctor said the chances that the blood results would show anything negative are less than 1% :) We saw every detail of little pea for over an hour, it was amazing! We should have the blood test results towards the end of next week and then also find out the sex. So, soooo relieved that everything is looking great with little pea now and I'm already 13+2 today ^^

I also told my professor today, I was so so nervous. To my total surprise, he revealed he is actually a father of four and congratulated me and thanked me for my trust in telling him :) I'm so relieved!!!!! I was sure he'd be angry and let me know there is no future in this institute for me since I decided to have a child at such a bad time (as a postdoc, because waiting until you're in your late 30s/early 40s is a grand idea fertility wise...). But no, he was so nice about it! I almost cried with relief X)

I'm following your journal still and I'm sure you have discussed things with your doctors, but just in case this is new information to you: My doctor told me that some women respond really well to gonal, some respond really well to clomid and they don't really know why. So maybe if the gonal isn't working so well for you, you could try clomid/sth else next time? Obviously I'm not a doctor, but my impression was that changing what you take to stimulate the follicles can make even more of a difference than increasing the dosage.

How is everyone else doing?
Oh fluffy that is so wonderful about your scan AND you find out the gender soon!!! And great news about telling your prof, and his response. I love that he was excited and supportive for you.
Oh and I forgot, I have a little picture for all of you :) Hubby feels funny about posting too many pics, but he let me upload this little gem:


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