Clomid buddies?

Thanks!! It going on 13 months now. I love this board because everyone is so nice and helpful. It helps to calm my nerves to be able to talk about this because I know my dh gets tired of it! Lol I do have a couple friends who listen but I don't see them everyday ya know. How long have you guys been trying?
Hey Star e have you got any results back yet xx

Well I'm CD13 just done another Opk and the line is the darkest I've seen it so far still not a positive but that must mean something I also took my temp and I know I can't be sure as I've not been tracking properly but it was 96.7 the other day and now it's 97.45 that must also mean O is coming I really hope it is and I've not missed it xx any theories guys or advice would be helpful xx

I haven't started temping yet. I just bought the book taking charge of your fertility which will explain the process to me. If I read anything insightful. I'll let you know. If you can try to BD EOD since you aren't exactly sure when it will occur (bc last time you O even without a + opk). I wasn't aware that the temperature changes could suggest that O was coming. I thought temping only shows when O has happened. Have you had any changes in cm?

Tomorrow is my appointment so I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow. It's so slow moving. I've just been on the back burner. Waiting for cd 35 bc doc likes to wait until then to begin new cycle. So I've literally just been waiting. Then I have the long process of taking meds for 10 days to get AF. Then AF comes. And then clomid and trigger shot and IUI. So at some point there will be lots of things happening.
Hey Star e I was actually just wondering about you as you had gone quite I hop your okay and keep us posted how are you feeling about it all doing IUI and all that hun.

I know I didn't get a positive last month so I feel more reassured this month now I've got it, I can't really remember when I started with OPKs last month so I reckon I started too late to catch it as Clomid has shortened it. Well my CM ain't good Clomid made it dry up so Preseed has been a godsend but the other day I did get a bit of EWCM on TP when I wiped.

Apparently from advice I've received temping when you O you should get a dip in temp for for around three days and then it's meant to start increasing if it increases for 10 days straight then it can be a sign of pregnancy if it carries on increasing after 10 days then defo take a hpt. I'm still all new to temping so if you could post your findings about it from the book that would be so much help hun. I'm really just going to monitor it whilst in two week wait see if I get a slight constant increase helps break up the wait.

I've also just downloaded an app on Google app store called myfertilityfriend it's what all these guys have showing up on there posts it monitors everything does analysis of tour results and charts your temp it's a free app so I'm giving it a go.

lulu I'm now in the LTTC phase been TTC since NOV 2013 got BFP in Aug 2015 but MC at 5 wks, that was a natural one too but the only one I've ever had. I'm a long time contraceptive pill user from age of 16 till 30 so I think that has also messed me up too, also being in thirties hasn't helped either but me and DH didn't meet till I was 26 and I wanted everything perfect before trying, if I knew we were going to have this many issues I would of tried sooner xx
Well I'm fuming just called docs about follicle tracking see if could go earlier as I reckon Thursday will be too late and can't bring me forward said to still go in as you never know might still see something, I'll still go but think it will be a waste of time.

I've took two more Opks cheapie and digital and still positive on CD14 but lines are much darker alot darker than tester line so more BDing for us, also checked Cm appears a little stretchy but can't really tell due to needing Preseed and temp this morning dropped slightly but if I'm honest had broken sleep and haven't been tracking for full month I'm just going to keep tracking temp see when rise happens and then check through TWW properly really as if it continues to rise steadily for 10 days straight and past that then it's a sign of possible pregnancy so it gives me something to do whilst I'm playing the waiting game wish me luck xx
Hey Star e I was actually just wondering about you as you had gone quite I hop your okay and keep us posted how are you feeling about it all doing IUI and all that hun.

I know I didn't get a positive last month so I feel more reassured this month now I've got it, I can't really remember when I started with OPKs last month so I reckon I started too late to catch it as Clomid has shortened it. Well my CM ain't good Clomid made it dry up so Preseed has been a godsend but the other day I did get a bit of EWCM on TP when I wiped.

Apparently from advice I've received temping when you O you should get a dip in temp for for around three days and then it's meant to start increasing if it increases for 10 days straight then it can be a sign of pregnancy if it carries on increasing after 10 days then defo take a hpt. I'm still all new to temping so if you could post your findings about it from the book that would be so much help hun. I'm really just going to monitor it whilst in two week wait see if I get a slight constant increase helps break up the wait.

I've also just downloaded an app on Google app store called myfertilityfriend it's what all these guys have showing up on there posts it monitors everything does analysis of tour results and charts your temp it's a free app so I'm giving it a go.

lulu I'm now in the LTTC phase been TTC since NOV 2013 got BFP in Aug 2015 but MC at 5 wks, that was a natural one too but the only one I've ever had. I'm a long time contraceptive pill user from age of 16 till 30 so I think that has also messed me up too, also being in thirties hasn't helped either but me and DH didn't meet till I was 26 and I wanted everything perfect before trying, if I knew we were going to have this many issues I would of tried sooner xx

I downloaded FF a few weeks ago. For some reason, I thought we had talked about that, but realized I got it confused with another post. FF provides you with so many free lessons. They send you an email everyday with a new lesson and its very helpful. I have not started using it yet as my cycle has not begun, but I have been delighted to be able to get so much useful information. I need to start practicing more though so that I am prepared and not confused when my cycle does start. And yes, basically there is a dip before ovulation and then an increase. If there is an increase for 3 days, then it means you have O. If pregnancy is achieved then the temps should stay high. I will say, I have heard people recommend not to temp after the three days if it will stress you out to much. Some people temp until they have confirmed O, but feel too stressed to be checking afterwards as a temperature dip may indicate no pregnancy. It all just depends on how one reacts to the information. Personally, I think I will continue to test b/c I will eventually find out and I would rather have more information. But I totally get it if that would bother some. Everyone should do what is best for them.
thanks for asking about me. lately i have been a bit down. i feel better when things are happening, but its just a long long wait. and im scared too. i mean, im 34 and ideally i would want more than one child, but sometimes, after reading so many stories of the difficulties and knowing that if worse comes to worse, IVF is not really an option for me right now, i just get scared. i really hope IUI works. and of course i will tell all of you about the process in case you decide to do it too.

today was my appointment, they took bloods again, another progesterone test to make sure i did not ovd. and they gave me a provera prescription which i will take for 10 days. i am waiting for them to call me. they said they will call today and let me know if i ovd. if i did not (which i am confident i did not), then i will pick up my prescripton and start taking it today. once AF comes, i will go in for a u/s on cd 2 or 3 so that they can check for cysts. if no cysts, i will be put on a higher dose of clomid.

i'll let you all know what they say when they call me today.
Well I'm fuming just called docs about follicle tracking see if could go earlier as I reckon Thursday will be too late and can't bring me forward said to still go in as you never know might still see something, I'll still go but think it will be a waste of time.

I've took two more Opks cheapie and digital and still positive on CD14 but lines are much darker alot darker than tester line so more BDing for us, also checked Cm appears a little stretchy but can't really tell due to needing Preseed and temp this morning dropped slightly but if I'm honest had broken sleep and haven't been tracking for full month I'm just going to keep tracking temp see when rise happens and then check through TWW properly really as if it continues to rise steadily for 10 days straight and past that then it's a sign of possible pregnancy so it gives me something to do whilst I'm playing the waiting game wish me luck xx

oh so follicle tracking has to be on a certain day? they will start tracking my follicles at some point in my cycle too, but i am not familiar with the process. if thursday is too late for you, then that means you won't know if you O? cause you need to do it prior to o, right? and then again after o?

i wish you tons of luck! i am glad the preseed worked for you as well! it definitely helped me. they also say cinnamon is good for cm. so if you can just put it in the things you eat. enjoy the Bding and keep us posted!
Thanks Star e and I really hope you get to start your journey again soon xx I feel like I've started this journey with you so it's really nice to hear from you. I'm the same turning 33 soon and would like more than one so really hoping it works soon.

The follicle tracking is supposed to look at them before you O so can tell you if you have some good full eggs that can be inseminated if you get me, it can also tell you if O will happen and when. But it'll be too late for me I reckon it will be able to tell me that I have Od but that's it won't be able to tell me if my eggs where viable

Well today I've been getting really bad abdominal pains so severe at times it took my breath away so I called non emergency NHS number for advice and they told me to call my doc as there the specialist so call my doc and they say oh well just see how you go and if it gets worse go A&E useless. The pains have calmed down now so I'll leave it for now but at the time I was worried about that OOHS if that's how you spell it where your ovaries are over stimulated. My doc is garbage that I've been transferred to so if no BFP this month I'm going to ask for another Doc as she's rubbish x
never took Clomid myself, but I have a friend who were finding it very hard to get pregnant. I don't really remember for how much time she took Clomid but then later she got pregnant. I guess this should be very seriously be discussed with a doctor. As much as I can remember, she took 100 mg of Clomid. I'm just trying to say that Clomid really does seem to be helpful...
Thanks Star e and I really hope you get to start your journey again soon xx I feel like I've started this journey with you so it's really nice to hear from you. I'm the same turning 33 soon and would like more than one so really hoping it works soon.

The follicle tracking is supposed to look at them before you O so can tell you if you have some good full eggs that can be inseminated if you get me, it can also tell you if O will happen and when. But it'll be too late for me I reckon it will be able to tell me that I have Od but that's it won't be able to tell me if my eggs where viable

Well today I've been getting really bad abdominal pains so severe at times it took my breath away so I called non emergency NHS number for advice and they told me to call my doc as there the specialist so call my doc and they say oh well just see how you go and if it gets worse go A&E useless. The pains have calmed down now so I'll leave it for now but at the time I was worried about that OOHS if that's how you spell it where your ovaries are over stimulated. My doc is garbage that I've been transferred to so if no BFP this month I'm going to ask for another Doc as she's rubbish x

so sorry to hear about the abdominal pains. yikes, that sounds very painful. glad it calmed down though. i have heard about many people on clomid getting pretty bad pains; its good that you called in to make sure. better to be safe, for sure. sometimes its necessary to cycle through docs. if you have a bad feeling about one, it is definitely better to move on. do you like the clinic itself?

btw, i got the call. i did not ovd, which i already knew anyway, so i was not bothered in the least by the news. they gave me the proscription and its like provera, but a bit different. it has to be inserted in the area if you get me and apparently it has less side effects than the provera, which will be good b/c the provera made me irritable. so we shall see. so at least i get to mark something on my calender. today is day 1 of the tablet. after the 10 days of this, AF should come 2-4 days later. i'll keep you updated.

let me know how thrusday goes.
Hey Star e I was actually just wondering about you as you had gone quite I hop your okay and keep us posted how are you feeling about it all doing IUI and all that hun.

I know I didn't get a positive last month so I feel more reassured this month now I've got it, I can't really remember when I started with OPKs last month so I reckon I started too late to catch it as Clomid has shortened it. Well my CM ain't good Clomid made it dry up so Preseed has been a godsend but the other day I did get a bit of EWCM on TP when I wiped.

Apparently from advice I've received temping when you O you should get a dip in temp for for around three days and then it's meant to start increasing if it increases for 10 days straight then it can be a sign of pregnancy if it carries on increasing after 10 days then defo take a hpt. I'm still all new to temping so if you could post your findings about it from the book that would be so much help hun. I'm really just going to monitor it whilst in two week wait see if I get a slight constant increase helps break up the wait.

I've also just downloaded an app on Google app store called myfertilityfriend it's what all these guys have showing up on there posts it monitors everything does analysis of tour results and charts your temp it's a free app so I'm giving it a go.

lulu I'm now in the LTTC phase been TTC since NOV 2013 got BFP in Aug 2015 but MC at 5 wks, that was a natural one too but the only one I've ever had. I'm a long time contraceptive pill user from age of 16 till 30 so I think that has also messed me up too, also being in thirties hasn't helped either but me and DH didn't meet till I was 26 and I wanted everything perfect before trying, if I knew we were going to have this many issues I would of tried sooner xx

I'm about to hit 30 soon and still want one to two more. I didn't think it would be a problem but it has been which is causing me to obsess over it and that really can't be good for ttc anyway.

I really hope your doctor will listen to you. and I hope you were able to catch the egg this go around. I started taking guaifenisin today because Clomid completely dried me and I have noticed a difference. I think I'm also going to take preseed with me to the next appointment so that if they use lube it is sperm friendly lube and not the stuff that kills them. That happened last month and it made me worry so much.
Thanks best get BDing I wasn't going to take one till 9pm tonight leaving 12 hours since my last but I got backache out of nowhere then stomach cramps and bloating so took one just incase and got that right away it's the darkest one I've had so far xx

angela, i cannot believe i missed all these posts. i just decided to click back a page right now and eyes widened with all the posts. so does this mean you have been receiving positives for a couple of days now?
Hi ladies, may I join? This is my first round of Clomid. We started late because I had to get an HSG to ensure my tubes were open, which they are! 😊 So we started Clomid on cd7 instead of cd5. I'm doing 3 days of Clomid and we will be doing IUI when I get a pos opk. Im cd9 now and going to take my last Clomid tonight. I haven't noticed any side effects but I'm on the low dose. We have been ttc for over a year now and we're not sure what's causing the infertility. My dh also had a SA which showed slightly low motility and some morphology that was that may be the issue but hoping this new route will help us out.

lulu welcome! sorry i didnt see your post earlier. i will be starting my second round of clomid in a couple of weeks. i dont ovd on my own so i have to take something for a while to induce it and then wait out AF. I will be doing IUI for the first time this cycle. have you done IUI before? do you also get the trigger shot?
Well that's good news star e you can now start again and hopefully have better luck this time and O is definitely likely.

Well took Opk digital now says negative but second line still quite dark and cheapie is still quite dark but gone lighter so must be coming out of LH phase so I guess tomorrow or Wednesday I will O or maybe I've already O due to the pain I felt we've BD twice today in the hope to catch it and will BD the next three days too I know it won't be able to tell me if any good follicles or how many but it should tell me if I've Od here's hoping I have so come tomorrow I should start DPO1 and the antagonising TWW will begin again xx
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Guys I need help the ones on right are from yesterday really faint lines the second to left darker line from this morning then one far right really dark does mean I'm Oing now :shrug:

i know this is an old post, i just had not seen it until now b/c i randomly decided to click on the previous page, but anyway, for what its worth, i agree with lulu, the one on far left looks positive.
Hey lulu I know what you mean about stressing out and about Clomid affecting CM as I've had the same problem Preseed has been a godsend this month would definitely use it. Well I hope you also get that sticky egg Fx for you and baby dust

And star e I got positive opk yesterday evening but now got negative so think it lasted around a day and half which means O is on its way xx
Thanks!! It going on 13 months now. I love this board because everyone is so nice and helpful. It helps to calm my nerves to be able to talk about this because I know my dh gets tired of it! Lol I do have a couple friends who listen but I don't see them everyday ya know. How long have you guys been trying?

i have absolutely no one to talk to about this except you all, and of course DH. the people around me are not pregnant, and some of them want to be, but they don't have a mate yet. bringing up that im ttc would probably make them more stressed, so im just on my own with it.

i just started trying last month. im 34 and have always had issues with PCOS, don't ovd, only get AF about 2 times a year. docs put me on clomid right away given my long history with PCOS. 50mg of clomid did not make me ovd. so my FS is going to put me on a higher dose of clomid and we will try IUI.
Angela- yeah I think we may need to be using preseed as well to be just to make sure. I don't have much experience with us and such but I'm sure they can tell if you O'd and can give insight about the O.

Star- thank you!! This will be my first IUI too and supposedly I do O but nothing has happened over the last year. My docs office told me that when I get an "almost" positive on opk, she actually described it as the line being half the color of the control to call them so I can go in to do an US and possibly the IUI. She did mention a trigger shot but I'm wondering if I should ask for it to better my chances?? I dunno I'm so new to this part of ttc. Have you don't triggers?
Angela- yeah I think we may need to be using preseed as well to be just to make sure. I don't have much experience with us and such but I'm sure they can tell if you O'd and can give insight about the O.

Star- thank you!! This will be my first IUI too and supposedly I do O but nothing has happened over the last year. My docs office told me that when I get an "almost" positive on opk, she actually described it as the line being half the color of the control to call them so I can go in to do an US and possibly the IUI. She did mention a trigger shot but I'm wondering if I should ask for it to better my chances?? I dunno I'm so new to this part of ttc. Have you don't triggers?

this cycle will be my first with iui and the trigger shot. so i dont know anything about it. but you mentioned bringing preseed to the appointment. i had never thought of that, i mean, i have no idea what type of lube they use. its probably a great idea to bring it. i want to do that too. i dont see why there would be a problem, would there be any reason why they wouldnt use what we bring in? i mean, the last thing we need is to have them use something that kills the swimmers.

i also totally understand you when you say you think about getting pregnant often. for me, being 34, i feel anxious. i hope its realistic to think i can have more than one child. and its such a slow moving process. thats been the biggest realization for me, since i am new to this. the need to have so much patience. fortunately, i am comforted by small things. i just started taking the progesterone pill to induce AF and i felt less frustrated today b/c at least i was doing something, at least i could mark it on my calendar.
good luck angela. i bet the day you felt the cramps was O day. i hear that from so many people. that the cramps mean it either came that day or the day after. let us know when you find out. at least we will be hear during your tww.
fx for you.

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