Clomid buddies?

Well just as I thought it was too late to see any eggs as I've already O but this is the gulp bit all that pain I felt was because I have released three eggs Three follicles all of good size ruptured one follicle on right and two on the left one follicle more dominant than the other two but from Doc all of very good size yikes triplets lol xx so I'm hoping that atleast one got fertilized I've got three little eggs so my chances are good this month FX for me so excited next 9 days are going to be such a long wait before I can test eeeekkk xx

Angela what amazing news! Three eggs! It's no wonder you had that pain that took your breath away. All worth it if it works out! And you did not up the dose of clomid right? It was the same dose? My fx for you! I can imagine the next 9 days will seem long but at least you are not waiting with little hope. There seems to be a great chance! Good luck.

Welcome Robinson! Tell us your story.

Lulu can you pick the day of the trigger shot? I will definitely tell them about opk when I see them next. After I finish progesterone I have to wait a few days for AF to start. So it's a very long wait. Will be more exciting once I actually start taking the clomid. The progesterone 10'day thing is very boring. Thanks for the tip of iui witching 36-48 of trigger. I'll remember that when its my time.

Afm, yesterday was better but still sad. I didn't feel nauseous but I did feel sad. Same thing today. Sad but no nausea. It seems to get way worse in the evening. Mornings are okay. But evenings I can feel it strongly. I just feel off. But it's definitely better.
Angela- 3 eggs that is fantastic!!! Can't wait for you to test either!! Triplets would be a lot of work but so fun! I'm hoping I get 2-3 eggs too.

Robin- welcome!!

I'm also waiting to O. I use opks because they need me to be able to tell them when I'm almost O'ing to do IUI. But I'm going back tomorrow for another follicle check and may just get a trigger. Good luck!!
yes this is my first round, been ttcing ntnp 3 years now. have an dd that's 8 from a previous marriage, my dh has 3 kids. After several obs and blood test I came back with unexplained infertility. I have no imbalances but I don't o on my own ever since my mic 3 yes ago. I had 28 day cycles now I can go a year without AF. Decided to get aggressive this year, wish me luck.
Good luck robin!! Do you know about when you are supposed to O?
FX Robin and Lulu I hope O comes soon for you.

Star e glad you feel a bit better xx

Well I've not really got anything to update really today went out with friends last night maybe my last night out for 9 months hopefully xx I've had slight twinges and a bit of backache but nothing big if I'm honest my temp has risen again just hope it keeps high till I can test on 12th 8 days to go xx I would love twins but my god not triplets I'd die xx I just hope one has been a sticky egg and hope my long 2 and half years of TTC is finally over xx
Well just as I thought it was too late to see any eggs as I've already O but this is the gulp bit all that pain I felt was because I have released three eggs Three follicles all of good size ruptured one follicle on right and two on the left one follicle more dominant than the other two but from Doc all of very good size yikes triplets lol xx so I'm hoping that atleast one got fertilized I've got three little eggs so my chances are good this month FX for me so excited next 9 days are going to be such a long wait before I can test eeeekkk xx

Angela what amazing news! Three eggs! It's no wonder you had that pain that took your breath away. All worth it if it works out! And you did not up the dose of clomid right? It was the same dose? My fx for you! I can imagine the next 9 days will seem long but at least you are not waiting with little hope. There seems to be a great chance! Good luck.

Welcome Robinson! Tell us your story.

Lulu can you pick the day of the trigger shot? I will definitely tell them about opk when I see them next. After I finish progesterone I have to wait a few days for AF to start. So it's a very long wait. Will be more exciting once I actually start taking the clomid. The progesterone 10'day thing is very boring. Thanks for the tip of iui witching 36-48 of trigger. I'll remember that when its my time.

Afm, yesterday was better but still sad. I didn't feel nauseous but I did feel sad. Same thing today. Sad but no nausea. It seems to get way worse in the evening. Mornings are okay. But evenings I can feel it strongly. I just feel off. But it's definitely better.

Star- I'm not sure if I can pick when to trigger...I think the follicles need to be big enough otherwise they won't be good. But I'm really hoping today they are big enough to trigger! I'm also so glad you are feeling a bit better! Try to keep yourself busy...that usually helps to keep my mind off things.

My appt is at 2:15 today for the follicle check and I will update opks still aren't positive so we'll see.
Got done with my appointment. Turns out I have 3 follicles on the right and 1 on the left. They didn't grow as much as they hoped. The doc came in and said to keep doing the opks through the weekend and keep bd'ing just in case but he doesn't think I'll O this weekend. He thinks the Clomid made me O later than usual. The one on the left is at 15 and the other 3 are around 13 I think. So I have another appointment on Monday to check them again and hopefully we can trigger Monday. I need to buy more opks now lol just playing the waiting game.
Robin sorry to hear about the mc I wish you the best of luck this cycle!

Lulu hope u O soon. It's sounds like the follicles are def on the way to getting bigger. Good luck with the appointment on wed! Good thing too that you have been BDing just in case! Do you temp? Sorry if I'm be already asked u. I don't don't remember.

Angela. So great that the temp is rising! Fx crossed or u! What a joy of its twins. I would love twins!

AFM I'm better today. Thank goodness. I think my body has finally adjusted to it. It was a shock at first and now it seems to be normal. Went out for a fun dinner tonight. So that was good.
Trying to catch up from my absence. You ladies are a great support group. I have no one to even talk to about this stuff, no one gets it...
My provera round finally produced af. I was getting worried, but it was like 4/5 days after the last pill. This round of Clomid I'm on CD 3-7.
I can't even remember when Dr advised to bd. Not sure if this is even a waste of time as dh decided to have a giant fight with me (I think the hormones are in the air and he reacts way awful).
Fingers crossed for all!!
Hi cowgirl the best way to predict O is with OPKS if you ain't got PCOS and temp do you temp at all. Well I'm possibly DPO5 not really got any symptoms I'm still getting slight backache and cramps but nothing really major if I recall though when I had my MC I didn't really get any symptoms I think a few days before I got my BFP my boobs felt huge and heavy and my stomach bloated out but apart from that nothing. Not long till I can test 8 days to go, still temping it's still high but dipped slightly today saying that I have had restless sleep and in the end took temp half hour early as had to get up xx
Lulu all sounds good though a possibility of four eggs there that's really good FX for you xx
Hi Angela,
I do have Pcos and my Dr had advised me to save my money bc Pcos messes up the hormones and the results are voided. I'm not sure if Clomid helps with that or not. I don't temp bc our bedroom only had a space heater and terrible insulation. Plus ds
still doesn't sleep well so I never get any true rest.

When I was on Clomid for ds, we bd.ed every day for over two weeks. I figured I would be a late o'er and I was. But this time Dr switched me from CD 5-9 to 3-7
Oh right cowgirl well I hope you get that sticky egg do you get O symptoms xx I hope it works for you xx babydust all round what CD are you hun xx
Hi girls! I have been anxiously waiting my opportunity to jump on this thread. Long story short. I stopped BCP last may to get preggo, 10 months later no period. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, my doc says being on BCP for 13+ years masked the symptoms. I am doing a pack of hormonal BCP started yesterday to induce a withdrawal bleed and then I will start Clomid on day 5! I was initially going to do a progesterone withdrawal but the doc said she wanted me to have the estrogen in the pill so I could have a stronger bleed. In a little less than four weeks I will be starting Clomid. I am going to focus the next four weeks on doing yoga, eating healthy and re-starting acupuncture. I am going to start temping again once my withdrawal bleed starts, I took a break because I found temping with no ovulation and no period for months at a time too depressing. I also got connected with a massage therapist who does fertility massage which I can get covered by my health insurance with a co-pay. I am currently working with an OBGYN, she has been great. I know that many people recommend seeing a fertility doc with clomid but my health insurance will not cover fertility treatment with a specialist so I want to do what I can with my OBGYN.

What I would like to know is there anything I should do to prepare myself for taking clomid? Anything that you wish you had known before taking it? Does Clomid really mess up OPKs?
Hi 2ducks welcome and FX Clomid works for you and you get a BFP. I took Clomid at night before bed that way you sleep through most of the site effects plus the side effects only last for as long as your taking it so after finishing you last pill the side effects should go I got hot flushes and became emotional just teary over nothing at all. Also alot of women who suffer from PCOS say don't bother doing OPKS because they can be false positives and best way is know your body look out for symptoms like change in CM and temp.

Are they sending you for any tests too to track your ovulation xx
Angela, Thanks for the info! I am getting a 21 day progesterone blood test to confirm ovulation. I talked about doing an u/s with my OBGYN. She said that it tells the same thing as a blood test only it is a lot cheaper, I am all for cheaper. I am going to an OBGYN office that is 45 minutes from my house because the only OBGYN in my area is a dude in his 60s and I prefer female providers. I don't want to go back in to her unless absolutely necessary. I am going to do my blood draw at my PCP so I don't have to drive 45 minutes and wait for an hour at the hospital lab. If I have to get higher dosages of clomid I will insist on a u/s so I can actually see what is going on. Thanks for the advice on taking it at night. Since I already have a bunch of OPKs I will still use them but definitely not rely on them. Did you find that clomid dried up your CM?
OMG yes Preseed has been my godsend this month without it we couldn't have BD some people also rave about mucinex too which makes you produce more CM yourself I'm thinking even though Preseed was great this month if not successful I'll look at mucinex next month.

Also I did bloods first month which showed I had Od but Clomid shortened my cycle to only 26 days so by time I started OPKS and BD it was already too late. Due to that this month I started temping and also started OPKS as soon as AF went I don't suffer from PCOS.

Some people find Clomid can cause your cycle to shorten or lengthen with some saying they didn't O till CD21-23. Bloods do show increase in progesterone so can tell if Od which is good so that will help xx. Goodluck hun let us know how your getting on. Clomid this month made me suffer from slight overhyperstimulation of ovaries and I've released three eggs so I'm hoping I'm lucky and I get my sticky egg x
Star- I don't temp, my schedule is all over the place and I would never wake at the same time to take my temp. I thought of trying but just not sure if I'd get good temps.
My opks are getting darker though...I think I'll get my positive tomorrow or tonight. I'm hoping its tomorrow because then I have my appointment at 8:15 on Monday and we can do the IUI then. This time sensitive stuff is crazy.

Hi 2ducks welcome!! I've heard great things about acupuncture! And I understand about staying with your obgyn, the fertility stuff gets so expensive. I never thought an ultrasound would cost so much. Fx for you during the next few weeks!

Thanks Angela, I'm hoping the 4 follicle release so that we have a better chance! Headed to the store now to get more opks lol. I think I'll use a digital because the lines are almost positive.
That's what I did Lulu wen lines got dark I used digital as they're too expensive to use all the time xx Ooohhh sounds like it's not far till your TWW, I apparently dropped three eggs with one follicle being more dominant than the others but four my god you not nervous about multiple births I'd be happy with just one, I'd also love twins but my god no more than that triplets or quadruplets no thanks I'd cry and not happy tears lol xx
I've seen it before where drss don't recommend the digital ones bc you won't be able to see the slight changes if they are detecting a surge...sort of like the pregnancy tests when you have slightly less hcg than what the sensitivity of the test is.

I didn't use preseed or mucinex or anything to help with cm with ds.

I have no idea when I o,ed with ds pregnancy because it seemed like I had crazy pains in my ovaries all the time.
I do seem like I'm pretty in tune to what my body is feeling though. Sadly, bc ds was breech I had a csect and still have no feeling around the area of my incision, which sucks but whatever, I'm happy he is here

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