Well just as I thought it was too late to see any eggs as I've already O but this is the gulp bit all that pain I felt was because I have released three eggs Three follicles all of good size ruptured one follicle on right and two on the left one follicle more dominant than the other two but from Doc all of very good size yikes triplets lol xx so I'm hoping that atleast one got fertilized I've got three little eggs so my chances are good this month FX for me so excited next 9 days are going to be such a long wait before I can test eeeekkk xx
Angela what amazing news! Three eggs! It's no wonder you had that pain that took your breath away. All worth it if it works out! And you did not up the dose of clomid right? It was the same dose? My fx for you! I can imagine the next 9 days will seem long but at least you are not waiting with little hope. There seems to be a great chance! Good luck.
Welcome Robinson! Tell us your story.
Lulu can you pick the day of the trigger shot? I will definitely tell them about opk when I see them next. After I finish progesterone I have to wait a few days for AF to start. So it's a very long wait. Will be more exciting once I actually start taking the clomid. The progesterone 10'day thing is very boring. Thanks for the tip of iui witching 36-48 of trigger. I'll remember that when its my time.
Afm, yesterday was better but still sad. I didn't feel nauseous but I did feel sad. Same thing today. Sad but no nausea. It seems to get way worse in the evening. Mornings are okay. But evenings I can feel it strongly. I just feel off. But it's definitely better.