pcos can definitely mess up opks. though i have heard of opks working for some women with pcos. i have pcos and opks did not work for me. they read positive for two weeks.
in terms of clomid, like angela said, taking it at night can help minimize side effects. personally, i did not have any side effects with clomid. though i really have had them with prometrium, which is progesterone that i insert vaginally to induce AF. fortunately, the side effects from that were only severe the first two days, the effects have finally subsided.
preseed is a life savior. i could not have BDed as much as I did during the first cycle without it. its amazing. to help increase cm, you can try adding cinnamon to your tea or morning breakfast. it is said to help with that. also, mucinex or robitussin, but only if they ONLY have one ingredient - the guaifessin ingredient.
afm, no news. last day of prometrium will be on wed, then i have to wait for AF. last time when i took provera, i started my period two days later. hopefully it will be similiar with this. i get excited logging stuff on my calendar. so i log the days i take the prometrium. i just like doing things. it makes it more fun to have things to do.
angela, fx for you and twins! what a joy that would be
good luck to everyone on this cycle!