Clomid buddies?

Angela any updates? Hope u r doing well.

Afm nothing new. Side effects of prometrium net I'll there but totally manageable. Thank goodness. Just three more days of it.
No updates really star e I'm around DPO6 on CD21 been getting bloating, backache and cramping quite a bit everyday in fact since CD13 when I got my positive OPK but these symptoms are symptoms I get every month prior to AF arriving so I can't judge only difference is I normally get tender boobs before AF but not got that this time I'm going to start testing on 11th it may be too early as AF is due between 12th & 16th but I've got the 6 day early hpts so hopefully they might show something we shall see. I'm not sure how I'm feeling now though if I'm honest I don't feel hopeful or like I am but that could be down to my low mood due to DHs gramps passing away the other day, I'm hoping I do get a BFP as the whole family could do with some good news xx

Only three days to go my god that's gone quick well feels quick to me and then hopefully start this crazy train again are you excited about the IUI and all that how do you feel about it all xx
Angela- I'm so sorry to hear about your DHs gramps!
4 more days till you test, not too far away! Fx for you!!

Star- yay only 3 more days for you! Are you getting excited?

Afm just had another appointment, they found 1 good sized follicle and then kinda stopped looking lol then we did the trigger and we will go in for the IUI in the afternoon tomorrow and do timed bd tonight. I am not to test for 2 weeks... TWO WEEKS!!! I told the nurse how hard that is going to be. But she said seeing the positive from the Trigger shot and then it going negative can be really hard. So...almost in the tww.
Not long to go lulu this TWW is a killer I'm hating it already I'm possibly DPO7 should really wait another week but I'm going to test on DPO11 and just see but I'm not hopeful that it will say BFP as think it may still be too soon but we shall see, one good follicle that's great news atleast you know you have a good egg hun FX for you, you will have to keep us all update with any signs and symptoms xx babydust to you I hope you get your BFP xx
Thanks for all the great info ladies! I will definitely ask my OBGYN about an u/s to check for cysts, I didn't know that could happen. I hope that OPKs will work for me, I bought a small package of ICs and I have a few left over from my last big package but I definitely wont buy any more until I actually know if they are working.

Star- I also am very excited to start logging things on my chart again. I had so much hope when I added FF to my phone, it was so exciting to see my chart evolve every day but after 65 days of no ovulation and no positive OPK I really needed a break.

When everyone had their first round of clomid was it more common to get a 21 day u/s or blood draw? My OB is suggesting a blood draw because it gives the same info.
Hi everyone!
I am new here and really wanted to connect with some other ladies going through the same thing I am. Last month I started Clomid for the first time. I took it from day 5-9 on 50mg, but that didn't work so them they upped my dose right away to 100mg and so I took it from day 11-15 and that seemed to trigger something. But then I got a phone call from the clinic saying that my progesterone levels were too low and that I needed to have the HCG shot, or the trigger shot. After that I did ovulate properly and I thought after that shot that I would for sure get pregnant, but sadly it didn't happen and AF came.

So here I am on cycle #2 and on my second round of Clomid. Does anyone have any advice or success stories from your second round? I really want this time to work.

Hi siobhan welcome nice to hear your story and Goodluck hun FX that you get your BFP very soon xx on here at the mo we are all going through fertility treatment but some of us are now in our TWW so may have some positive stories soon. Statistics show that your more likely to fall pregnant on your second to third go of Clomid so FX crossed for you, I'm on second month of Clomid currently in TWW on possibly DPO8 I didn't have luck on first month I'm on 50mg taken CD2-6 it also messed my cycle up last month shortened it to 26days but this month cycle seems to be going back to CD30 and had follicle tracking which showed three good sized follicles that had burst so three good eggs Im hoping atleast one of them has stuck and I get my BFP this month but we shall see I'm testing on 11th it maybe too soon but I can't hold out much longer it's killing me xx

2ducks on my first round of Clomid I had CD21 bloods which can tell you that you have definitely ovulated they are really accurate so they can reassure you that you have Actually O, the second month I did follicle tracking which is the U/S this is better than bloods as this actually shows how many follicles you have of good size meaning good mature eggs and when you may O or if you have already Od but I believe it is more expensive than bloods xx
Well I stupidly did a hpts which obviously came back as BFN don't know why I did it as Implantation has more than likely not even happened yet it's far too soon to tell. The things is I just don't feel positive about it this month I don't know why I just don't which is weird maybe it's because I'm LTTC and constantly feeling hopeful misinterpreting symptoms as being pregnant each month then getting BFN has took its toll and now I don't get my hopes up, IDK I'm defo holding out now till 11th and if still BFN then I'll wait to see if AF shows its ugly head and if it doesn't by 17th then I'll test again. I really hope I'm wrong though and I do get a BFP xx
No updates really star e I'm around DPO6 on CD21 been getting bloating, backache and cramping quite a bit everyday in fact since CD13 when I got my positive OPK but these symptoms are symptoms I get every month prior to AF arriving so I can't judge only difference is I normally get tender boobs before AF but not got that this time I'm going to start testing on 11th it may be too early as AF is due between 12th & 16th but I've got the 6 day early hpts so hopefully they might show something we shall see. I'm not sure how I'm feeling now though if I'm honest I don't feel hopeful or like I am but that could be down to my low mood due to DHs gramps passing away the other day, I'm hoping I do get a BFP as the whole family could do with some good news xx

Only three days to go my god that's gone quick well feels quick to me and then hopefully start this crazy train again are you excited about the IUI and all that how do you feel about it all xx

Angela, i am very sorry hear about your DH's gramps passing away. that is really hard. sending you warm wishes to get through it.

i understand having moods that go up and down with all this. its only natural b/c the wait is so long. if the wait was not that long then maybe it would be easier to stay positive but time really sets in. a day can feel like forever and the mind sometimes decides on its own what it will focus on.

i think its totally fine to allow yourself to feel down, just try not to be stressed. stress is the worst and can work against the ttc process. so just be comforting to yourself and hopefully your mood will pick up.

i had been horrible down because of the prometrium and then the side effects went away. lately i have been just super busy, especially yesterday. the prometrium has really made my skin break out and normally i get cortisone injections to rid myself of them and had scheduled an appointment to do just that. but then at like 1am b/c i can never fall asleep i realized maybe thats not a good idea since im ttc. of course i researched it and found out its not a good idea so i spent the next while debating on whether to go to my appointment at all. decided to go and ask for a ttc/pregnancy safe topical gel. so he gave me two things, one for spot treatment and one for prevention and they are both class b on the pregnancy drug category. so i think that should be okay. i'll probably only use the spot treatment one for now until i do more research on the preventive one b/c that on would require me to apply everyday and i dont want the stress of having to worry about it.
Angela- I'm so sorry to hear about your DHs gramps!
4 more days till you test, not too far away! Fx for you!!

Star- yay only 3 more days for you! Are you getting excited?

Afm just had another appointment, they found 1 good sized follicle and then kinda stopped looking lol then we did the trigger and we will go in for the IUI in the afternoon tomorrow and do timed bd tonight. I am not to test for 2 weeks... TWO WEEKS!!! I told the nurse how hard that is going to be. But she said seeing the positive from the Trigger shot and then it going negative can be really hard. So...almost in the tww.

lulu, so today is the big day. good luck with the trigger!!!!! very exciting. so do they tell you to do BDing after the IUI as well? I think it was you who told me that you and DH do the BDing just to make sure and that sounds like an excellent plan. are you bringing the preseed to the appointment? did you ask them about it?
Thanks for all the great info ladies! I will definitely ask my OBGYN about an u/s to check for cysts, I didn't know that could happen. I hope that OPKs will work for me, I bought a small package of ICs and I have a few left over from my last big package but I definitely wont buy any more until I actually know if they are working.

Star- I also am very excited to start logging things on my chart again. I had so much hope when I added FF to my phone, it was so exciting to see my chart evolve every day but after 65 days of no ovulation and no positive OPK I really needed a break.

When everyone had their first round of clomid was it more common to get a 21 day u/s or blood draw? My OB is suggesting a blood draw because it gives the same info.

2ducks that is a smart plan. i made the mistake of buying the expensive clear blue ones and wasted two packs of them trying to figure it all out. after all that waste I realized they just dont work for me at all.

the other thing i would suggest is if you determine that opks work for you and have trouble reading the IC, you could use a digi to just confirm the reading if you think the IC is positive, but you dont know. if you do that you could pee in a cup and stick both sticks in the cup. that way you can do a test to see what one says and compare it to the other. i think the digi ones are super sensitive and in a way that may or may not be good. it will all depend on whether or not opks work for you. the first run with them might be frustrating, but i hope that they do work for you.
Thanks for all the great info ladies! I will definitely ask my OBGYN about an u/s to check for cysts, I didn't know that could happen. I hope that OPKs will work for me, I bought a small package of ICs and I have a few left over from my last big package but I definitely wont buy any more until I actually know if they are working.

Star- I also am very excited to start logging things on my chart again. I had so much hope when I added FF to my phone, it was so exciting to see my chart evolve every day but after 65 days of no ovulation and no positive OPK I really needed a break.

When everyone had their first round of clomid was it more common to get a 21 day u/s or blood draw? My OB is suggesting a blood draw because it gives the same info.

as for cd21 my obgyn had my bloods drawn. this cycle im with an FS so i dont know what she will do. im still waiting for AF to come.
Hi everyone!
I am new here and really wanted to connect with some other ladies going through the same thing I am. Last month I started Clomid for the first time. I took it from day 5-9 on 50mg, but that didn't work so them they upped my dose right away to 100mg and so I took it from day 11-15 and that seemed to trigger something. But then I got a phone call from the clinic saying that my progesterone levels were too low and that I needed to have the HCG shot, or the trigger shot. After that I did ovulate properly and I thought after that shot that I would for sure get pregnant, but sadly it didn't happen and AF came.

So here I am on cycle #2 and on my second round of Clomid. Does anyone have any advice or success stories from your second round? I really want this time to work.


welcome sio!

i will start my second round of clomid, hopefully in like 10 days or so. we shall see. my first round of clomid 50 mg did not make me ovd. so this round they will up me to 100 and do the trigger shot. so i cannot personally tell you about a success story, though there are many out there! it can very well work on the second or third time. its all individual. fx for you !

how many follies did you have on the last round? were they monitoring the sizes as well?
Well I stupidly did a hpts which obviously came back as BFN don't know why I did it as Implantation has more than likely not even happened yet it's far too soon to tell. The things is I just don't feel positive about it this month I don't know why I just don't which is weird maybe it's because I'm LTTC and constantly feeling hopeful misinterpreting symptoms as being pregnant each month then getting BFN has took its toll and now I don't get my hopes up, IDK I'm defo holding out now till 11th and if still BFN then I'll wait to see if AF shows its ugly head and if it doesn't by 17th then I'll test again. I really hope I'm wrong though and I do get a BFP xx

angela, i totally understand your desire to test. but it is far too early to test. so please do not let the BFN bring you down! its a tough ride all of this. hopefully you will get it this round. you will be able to test very soon and find out. i guess for now, just try very hard not to test until its likely it will be an accurate read. that said, i get it, i would probably test too. its so hard to resist, but just try not to.

afm, nothing new. i have 2 more days of the prometrium. then the wait for AF. my goodness if the prometrium does not work and does not bring AF, i will really sink down into a beyond frustrating place. there is no reason to think it will not work, but b/c its not the provera that i took last time that did work, i am a bit skeptical b/c its something new. and i remember when i was taking provera that by these last two days i felt that if i did not take the pill, AF would come immediately. its like i felt AF was begging me to stop taking the pill b/c she wanted to come. i dont feel like that this time. so ugggg, i cannot belive im saying, here's to hoping that annoying AF comes.
Hey Star e I know it was far too early I really don't know why I did test not long before I can test though I just have to be patient, I really hope I am I'm still suffering from backache and cramps last two days also my stomach feels a little off but I can't predict it is too soon to really get symptoms to be honest the best sign is taking a test xx

I'm sure AF will come for you star e here's hoping you can start soon FX for you can't wait for you to start your journey again xx
Sip- welcome!! I am on my first round only so I have no idea if it will work for me but I have my fx for you that it works!!

Angela- remember it's still super early! I hate symptoms too because they always seem like they are great and then those darn tests prove otherwise. I am really hoping this is your month and those tests will start showing bfp soon!

Star- the big day! IUI around 4 this afternoon. I got the trigger yesterday and have been feeling like total crap. Bloated, cramps, my whole body aches and now a sore throat. She said I'd feel pregnant and then it should go away. I did ask them about the preseed and she said the one they use is water based....not sure if it's sperm friendly but I didn't push it. And I will ask today about the schedules bd, they told us to do it last night and I'm not sure if we're up to it again tonight; may skip to igt due to IUI and then bd tomorrow night again.
It's funny how we want weird things! I really hope af shows up for you! Fx.
Thanks lulu only two days left to wait to test if BFN then I'll test on 13th and if still BFN then I'm not going to test again until after 17th if AF doesn't show as it should of definitely by then.

I hope IUI goes well FX that it works hun and babydust just think as of today you will be in your TWW please keep us updated about how everything is going and how you got on xx
Fx for your Angela!! 😊

Had my IUI, not much to it, DHs count was fine at 10mil, we didn't abstain from bd so that's why it wasn't higher but the nurse said it was fine for IUI! Here's to hoping! She said I can count my 2 weeks to test from yesterday because we had timed bd. If not I just call and get another prescription of Clomid and head to cycle 14! Not sure why I feel defeated already....maybe it's this trigger many hormones going.
Good luck LULU you are officially DPO2 then aren't you xx exciting times ahead FX you get your BFP when are you going to test xx

AFM I keep waking up early which is annoying I feel restless I'm DPO9 and my temp has shot back up on FF it says it could be an Implantation dip that I had on DPO7 but who knows we shall see only two more days till I test on DPO11 I am getting impatient now though still bloated still getting cramps only slight and still getting slight backache in the lower back I'm just hoping this isn't dreaded AF symptoms wish me luck xx
Thank you Angela! Implantation dip is great! Especially since your temp is going back up!! Only 2 more days!!

Afm yesterday I had the worst cramps/ O pains of my life! Not sure if more than 1 follicle was releasing on my right side but man I had a hard time walking and even today I can still feel it and certain movements hurt pretty bad. I'm usually really good with pain too. so I also thought to my self....I can't really test early, because if I do I will get a false positive. My friend told me she got cheap tests and tested each day until she got a negative, which was around day 9pt. After that she tested and got a negative on day 10 and the night of 10 but then woke up early and got her positive on day 11. Not sure if I wanna test until negative....

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