Clomid buddies?

i love reading your posts. its great to be here. my life has gotten terribly busy. hopefully it will slow down by sunday. im also having major panic attacks. im super nervous right now bc i have no symptoms of cramps or anything and i really really believe this prometrium might not bring on AF. last time w provera i knew AF would come. i could feel it. this time nothing. i don't think i can handle havimg to wait again ane take more meds just to get AF. im so nervous about it. moody about it. feel dread.

lulu i totally get u about not wanting to push it with asking them to use preseed. i would do the same thing. and so happy that iui is over now for you!!!! im not looking forward to the pain you describe though. i have no idea what ovd pains feel like. or the trigger shot. and i had not really thought about abstaining from BD if doing IUI. i guess the count could be lower but i think its more beneficial to BD too. whats the usual protocol on that?

angela: how you doing today? backaches? two days till u test! fx for you! i love how there is so much action going on for you ladies. its intereting to catch up on.

oh please please AF come! tomorrow is my last day and if AF does not show up two days later im calling them and will be so very sad.
Lulu I had really severe abdominal pain too and it turned out that it was because I dropped three eggs so you could be right and have dropped more than one, also I can see why your friend did that because then atleast you would know the hpts sticks are working correctly xx

Star e I hope AF does come for you I really do I've got everything crossed for you, what will be the next step if it doesn't will you have to go on provera

AFM I'm still getting slight backache and cramps but not as bad now almost as if they are subsiding so I'm not sure what that means I was tempted to test agen but I refrained which I'm happy about and went the shops for bits and pieces and went to the hpts but walked away I refuse to buy anymore at the moment I've got 4 already in the house lol its crazy it's like being addicted to buying fertility stuff lol I'm just hoping I can change that addiction to buying baby stuff soon xx
Hello everyone! I'm just got back from the doctor and she is starting me on Provera. I don't know anything about this or Clomid and was looking for a group to join with ladies in similar situations. Are Provera and Clomid closely related?
Hi teacherlynn welcome, I don't think they are if I'm honest I don't take provera just Clomid but from other people on here provera brings on AF and Clomid assists with ovulating xx I'm currently on second month of Clomid 50 mg currently iny TWW xx if you've not took Clomid before it's best to take at night as you'll sleep through most side effects and it can dry up CM so invest in some mucinex or Preseed xx
Star- I'm so sorry you're having panic attacks! Those are the worst, dh gets them from time to time and we have to work through them which can be rough! I really hope af shows up for you! If not, what's your next step?
The clinic I go to seems to have luck with pregnancies so that's why I didn't push on the preseed, whatever works I'm down to try.
I've heard that places tell you to abstain from bd for 48 hrs prior to IUI, our place told us to just go for it because it's better to have fresh little guys up there as close to O as possible so the doc told us to go ahead an bd. The nurse seemed to think 10 mil was a fine number and I also did some googling and found that anything above 9 mil gives the same results, but also low counts can result in pregnancy too. So I just need 1 of those little guys to make it lol.

Angela- I'm hoping more follicles did release! Hopefully we went through all that pain for something lol. Yeah I kinda wanna test now because what if I never know when the HCG leaves and comes back and I think a bfp really is still from the trigger? When I mentioned this to my husband he just looked and me and said "don't' test" lol maybe he knows that I would be crushed!
It would be so great to change the addiction to buying baby stuff instead of buying pregnancy tests!! Keeping my fx for ya!

Hi teacher!! Welcome! I've never taken provera but I think they work different. When do you see your doctor next?? Maybe ask her what her plan is and why you're taking it. 😊
AFM I'm a little confused my FF says from my temps I'm only DPO8 but I thought I was DPO10 took another 10mum hpts this morning BFN, I'm worried now that I've missed my chance as if FF is correct then due to what was happening with DH'S gramps we didn't BD on O day or the day after that in fact it was 5 days later when we felt in the mood again all the way for 5 days prior to O we BD so I'm hoping that was enough as it says sperm can live up to 2-3 days so here's hoping but I don't know why I'm just not feeling it this month I feel like I already know that I'm out if I'm honest, I've now decided I'm going to listen to FF and class myself as DPO8, it says I should AF by 17th so I'm going to hold off till then I think before I test again as don't think I can take the disappointment of seeing constant BFN's it's only another week away and if AF hasn't shown by then, then I can get my hopes up xx also my symptoms seem to have subsided slightly still getting slight pains in stomach low down especially on the left side but nothing too major but like I've said before when I did get my BFP last year I got no symptoms at all till I missed AF.

Anyway how is everyone getting on xx we need to start seeing some BFPS on here soon and hopefully all of us will have our BFPS before long 2016 BFPS all round would be amazing xx
Lulu I had really severe abdominal pain too and it turned out that it was because I dropped three eggs so you could be right and have dropped more than one, also I can see why your friend did that because then atleast you would know the hpts sticks are working correctly xx

Star e I hope AF does come for you I really do I've got everything crossed for you, what will be the next step if it doesn't will you have to go on provera

AFM I'm still getting slight backache and cramps but not as bad now almost as if they are subsiding so I'm not sure what that means I was tempted to test agen but I refrained which I'm happy about and went the shops for bits and pieces and went to the hpts but walked away I refuse to buy anymore at the moment I've got 4 already in the house lol its crazy it's like being addicted to buying fertility stuff lol I'm just hoping I can change that addiction to buying baby stuff soon xx

lol about buying fertility stuff. I feel like right now my addiction is trying to eat nutritious foods to boost fertility. yesterday was my last Prometrium pill. So if it does not work in two days I will call them. And as for the next step, I would imagine they were just there. That would be so horrible because I would have to do it for another 10 days! I really don't think I could handle that. That would be beyond annoying! Please continue to have your fx for me.

glad you resisted the urge to test! just wait until it's likely that it will be accurate. I hope he will be buying baby stuff very soon!
Hello everyone! I'm just got back from the doctor and she is starting me on Provera. I don't know anything about this or Clomid and was looking for a group to join with ladies in similar situations. Are Provera and Clomid closely related?

hi teacher Lynn! Angela said it just like I would – Rivera is used to induce AF and clomid for stimulating ovd. first round of Clomid at 50 mg did not work for me. So they are upping me this month 100 mg. But instead of putting me on the Provera as they did last time they put me on Prometrium so I'll be updating this thread soon as to whether or not Prometrium works. Provera definitely did for me. Provera definitely made me moody and I did not have any side effects from Clomid. When are you starting them?
AFM I'm a little confused my FF says from my temps I'm only DPO8 but I thought I was DPO10 took another 10mum hpts this morning BFN, I'm worried now that I've missed my chance as if FF is correct then due to what was happening with DH'S gramps we didn't BD on O day or the day after that in fact it was 5 days later when we felt in the mood again all the way for 5 days prior to O we BD so I'm hoping that was enough as it says sperm can live up to 2-3 days so here's hoping but I don't know why I'm just not feeling it this month I feel like I already know that I'm out if I'm honest, I've now decided I'm going to listen to FF and class myself as DPO8, it says I should AF by 17th so I'm going to hold off till then I think before I test again as don't think I can take the disappointment of seeing constant BFN's it's only another week away and if AF hasn't shown by then, then I can get my hopes up xx also my symptoms seem to have subsided slightly still getting slight pains in stomach low down especially on the left side but nothing too major but like I've said before when I did get my BFP last year I got no symptoms at all till I missed AF.

Anyway how is everyone getting on xx we need to start seeing some BFPS on here soon and hopefully all of us will have our BFPS before long 2016 BFPS all round would be amazing xx

Angela can you explain this a bit more? I'm confused. I thought you had followed FF? isn't that how you knew you ovd?
Yeah I've just really started on FF and I didn't start temping till I got my BBT with the Preseed package so only started a few days before O, well I got that really bad pain constantly on CD14 and due to positive OPK the day before, my CM and my symptoms on that day it said I most likely Od on that day but after a a charted more temps after my dip FF changed my O date to CD16 which makes me DPO8 not 10 and I think it might be right, I'm now not going to test till 14th which will make me DPO12 so I should definitely now by then and get a BFP. I'm just worried as we didn't have BD on O day or day after I'm just hoping Preseed did it's job and kept a happy healthy environment for his wrigglers to last a couple of days xx

I'm still keeping my FX for you star e that AF will come I really hope it does xx
Yeah I've just really started on FF and I didn't start temping till I got my BBT with the Preseed package so only started a few days before O, well I got that really bad pain constantly on CD14 and due to positive OPK the day before, my CM and my symptoms on that day it said I most likely Od on that day but after a a charted more temps after my dip FF changed my O date to CD16 which makes me DPO8 not 10 and I think it might be right, I'm now not going to test till 14th which will make me DPO12 so I should definitely now by then and get a BFP. I'm just worried as we didn't have BD on O day or day after I'm just hoping Preseed did it's job and kept a happy healthy environment for his wrigglers to last a couple of days xx

I'm still keeping my FX for you star e that AF will come I really hope it does xx

oh I see. I didn't realize FF could change the O date. so it's a bit confusing but it's bc it's your forst cycle temping. I haven't temped yet. will start this cycle if AF ever shows. today is day 1 not taking the prometrium. but as I've said with provera I knew I would start bc of all those symptoms. I had slight symptoms today but so so slight. not anywhere near what provera did. even if I do get AF I still might ask for the provera. this prometrium has really did a number on me. First with the sadness and the nausea and now with the uncertainty. I would rather take Provera and just being a bad mood and at least know what I'm getting.

I very much hope that precede work for you to make DHs swimmers catch your egg. I think it's very positive that you did BD five days before O. that's very good. was FF influencing whether not you continued to BD? I still need to class myself in it as well, but, I'm wondering if FF had never shown that you O would it have had an effect on what you did?

I have my fx for you. there is still a lot of hope. keep us updated.
Here's hoping star e yeah FF is saying because it's not got a few months of data it can't fully predict properly I think I'm possibly DPO10 though I Od a day earlier than what FF is saying but we shall see, not long till I test again anyway only 3 days away xx I don't know why though I just really don't feel positive at all I am getting my usual pre warning for AF signs so we shall see, me and DH did plan on BDing on FF O day and night after but due to DHs Gramps we didn't as both of us where really not in the mood so if I'm honest due to that if we did miss our slot then I don't feel so bad about AF coming and know that next month we will get it right xx
angela: well in three days you can test. i hope you get it! but even if you don't you what to do next time. but, what would you do next time? b/c i thought FF was not really good at necessarily helping to determine when O will happen, but only if O did happen. i guess knowing this cycle when you O would help for next cycle b/c it would be around the same day? i need to start learning this temping stuff. i very much hope that you get your BFP! fx for you!

afm, uggggg AF has not shown! last time when i took the provera, it showed by today. when i stopped provera, AF showed two days later. im very restless right now. i mean, i am experiencing some symptoms. whereas pretty much, prior today i wasnt. but still. i wish i had not went along with the prometrium suggestion. provera worked so i should have just stayed on it. but i didnt know and she said it would have less side effects. im nervous. i mean, the bar is super low if im waiting around and anxious about whether or not a medically induced AF shows. i mean come on. cant even get AF. i am going to be really frustrated if i am set back again. i can hardly even think about anything else. i just want it to come!
Hi ladies!! Sorry I haven't been on in a couple days!

Angela- only 3 more days!! Keeping my fx. I don't think I could ever temp, I would never do it at the same time lol.

Star- did they say how long after the medication you should get af? I'm really hoping she comes and you can continue with this cycle!

Afm- I've just been waiting out this trigger...I have to admit I started to "test out the trigger". Waiting for a negative then can start testing...not sure if this is a good thing or not. And I can't really symptom spot because this trigger is giving me symptoms with the HCG they gave me.
lulu, i hope you get it. keep us updated.

the slight symptoms i had earlier have gone away. i just dont think the prometrium worked. technically it can take a couple of days for AF to come. but, i am feeling negative b/c at this point in my last cycle, provera had already worked. im still going to hold out hope, but this is really frustrating.
Star e there is still hope that you may get it I'm going to keep my FX for you and LULU if I'm honest I'd probably do the same if I'm honest FX you get your BFP xx keep us updated on what is happening and any symptoms you may have xx

AFM I'm DPO10 and I'm not really getting any symptoms anymore they seem to have subsided but it is too early really to get any symptoms, took a cheapie one-step stick today which was negative they are meant to be 6 day early sticks but reading up on them they're rubbish and really only two day early sticks as most people only get a positive with them by DPO12 but what do you except for something that is so cheap xx only two days till I'm DPO12 so I should definitely know by then plus AF is due now and should definitely be here by 16th xx we shall see for some reason I'm not feeling confident though xx

star e temping is quite straight forward I try to take at the same time set my alarm to wake me up at 5am but as you can see from my chart I haven't been sticking to that time as I've been really restless waking up at odd times and FF says it's best to take temp after unbroken sleep than try take at your slotted time if you don't think you can fall asleep again or not enough time I.e three hours from waking up and slotted time xx
by 10 pm tonight it will be three full days since my last pill. my symptoms have subsided and I suspected this would happen even before I stopped my last pill bc I had the provera round to compare it to. the clinic is not open on the weekend. so I'll call Monday. it's so annoying bc I bet they will say give it another few days. then I'll have to go back in and wait all just to have to take the meds for another 10 days. Im really not hopeful and feel so low right now. im just going to be pushed back again. I can't even start the cycle bc I can't even get AF.
Star e can you not ask them to put you back on provera if you have no AF by Monday xx

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