Clomid buddies?

so I just called the pharmacy to see how many mg my provera was in January when I took it and it was the highest dose. whereas on prometrium the FS gave me the lowest dose. I guess my obgyn gave me the highest bc she knows my history with PCOS. I told the FS that some years I only get AF once a year. I guess she went the conservative route and at the time I didn't even know my provera dose was the highest. I think this dose of prometrium was too low. Either way I am so sad right now. I just wanted to start my journey again and prob won't get to.
Please don't get down or give in Star e this whole TTC with fertility assistance takes time until the perfect dosages are found for your body what works for one person may not work for another and so on, you will find the correct dosages and pattern for you and at the same time like us all we are learning about how our bodies react and work through our cycles helping us to better understand the signs our bodies give us so don't loose faith as you will understand your body better than any doctor so come Monday you can tell her it's not worked and why and tell her what type of doses you actually need, you best at reading your own body and know wen something is right or wrong xx please keep me posted on Monday about how you get on and don't be fobbed off by her if she says give it a few more days after all you know it's not worked and your the one paying her for time therefore she needs to listen and come up with a solution xx
I called the nurse who is on call today and told her about my concerns. Of course she just told me to call the doc on the Monday.

So, there is potentially something happening. Not sure though. I have slight spotting, I guess that's what it's called -- I see some spotting, but only when I wipe and not every time I wipe. I remember with the Provera that the first day was pretty much the same way (except I saw something every time I wiped and this time its only occasionally when I wipe). Then the next day (with the Provera) was the full on flow. So if this is something similar to Provera then I should expect to see a full on flow tomorrow. If that does not happen, then maybe AF is not going to come.

I don't know. I will definitely update you all tomorrow. Please keep your fx for me!

Angela: thank you for the support. you are definitely right about how it takes time to learn how the body works, etc. I know I need to be patient but oh it is so hard. how you doing today?
AFM I'm DPO11 took another test and it's BFN I'm feeling so deflated now I don't think I am at all now, I think I'm going to just wait now till AF shows its ugly head should be here definitely by 16th, I am gutted but I already knew I guess I know it's still early but there's not even the faintest of lines and all my symptoms seem to have gone now plus with the skin break out that which I always get before AF I know I'm out xx

Star e well that sounds hopeful that something is happening and AF maybe on its way FX for you I really hope it has worked xx
Hit ladies sorry I haven't been around work is still crazy busy!

Star- I'm so sorry you are feeling down and Angela is right we know our bodies and they can change also. Talk with the doc tomorrow is af doesn't show and tell her what you want. A good doc will listen to their patient and try things that is known to work. Keep your head up we are here for ya going through this crazy roller coaster of a life ttc. I've got my fx and my toe crossed that af shows for ya!! 😊

Angela- ladies get their bfp as late as 16dpo and sometimes way after af is late so don't call yourself out till af shows!! :) when HCG builds up in my body I break out horribly, hopefully it's a different hormone change for ya! Keeping these fx crossed for you too!!

Afm just waiting around for my real test date and still poas lol. It's very lightly positive...I tried a different test yesterday afternoon and it was negative but I had drank coffee and 1L of water before testing so I think it was dilute. This morning I got another slight positive.. This wait is horrible. My friend who was going through the same thing said his wife would wait the whole 2 weeks before she tested...I was so surprised because of my poas addiction lol. I'm not feeling much though.
Angela , I just saw your chart...your temps are looking good! How long is your lp usually?
AF showed! I am very surprised. I really thought it would not show. I did start feeling some symptoms yesterday, but I thought it was my body trying to work, but not quite making it. I am very thankful for this. I want to start taking the clomid and trying again. I will call the clinic on Monday and tell them I started and then they will ask me to come in for a u/s to make sure I do not have cycts, etc. I am hopeful I will get the clear and they will give me the clomid. I just want to know if clomid will make me ovd cause it didn't last time. Maybe the higher dose will work. I will keep you all posted.

Angela, I agree with Lulu, it's not over until AF shows. Things can change. I was pretty much certain that AF for me would not show and it did. I will keep my fx for you. And of course, I understand your sentiments. This ttc journey is really difficult and there is so much uncertainty. My AF infrequency is really frustrating and its hard for me not to let it get me down. I try to be positive about it, but its hard.

I took my temp this morning just in case AF showed. So get to log my first temp in FF today.

Lulu, faint lines seem like a good sign. When is the real test date?
Star- yay!!!! So excited for you that you can ttc this cycle!! What was your last dose of Clomid? I've heard that some people don't O on one dose and then O really well on a higher dose. Keep us posted on what they say! Do you do Clomid cd5-9 or cd3-7?
They keep getting lighter and lighter now I gotta keep an eye on them to see if they hopefully get darker again. I have a bunch of ic's so that's what I've been using lol. Official test day is the 21st, af due 22nd.
Hey Lulu I'm not sure how long my Lp is as this is the first time I've tempd and didn't start from beginning of month as only started due to getting a BBT with my Preseed package, if my cycle is anything like it use to be wen I went regular then I will definitely have AF by 16th and if that happens then my LP will be 14 days xx
Lulu how many DPO are you, a faint line is a really positive sign what mui are your hpts and we're did you get them from FX for you that you get you BFP, if I don't get my BFP this time then I've decided I'm going to hold out till my LP phase is over and then test next time as seeing BFN all the time just gets me down and disheartens me if AF shows I know I've got 4 months left of TTC with Clomid at 50 mg as they won't increase it due to me reacting so well to this dose before they start me on IVF so wish me luck xx

star e I knew it would come that's making news and it's great that you started temping from day one as it will give you a clearer picture I'm so excited for you IUI is only round the corner now I've got big high hopes for you this month xx
Well I think I'm definitely out guys I've just been toilet and got a tiny bit of spotting so I reckon by tomorrow full blown AF will show. I'm gutted but if I'm honest with myself I already knew xx oh well roll on next month hopefully now I'm more intune with my body and how it's working it will help me next month get my BFP xx
Angela so sorry about the spotting. You mentioned IVF and I was curious if you have ever considered IUI? I have not tried it yet, but the plan is to do it this cycle. I have to ovd first though, so there is always a hurdle to get to. I was successful with getting AF last cycle, but not with ovd. So if you get AF tomorrow, it came early, right? Let us know what happens tomorrow. Fx that AF will not come!

Lulu, my last dose of clomid was 50mg and I took it cd5-9. This dose will be 100mg, but I am not sure what days yet b/c they have not given me the prescription yet. They told me to call them once AF starts and I have to go in for an us on cd 2 or 3. They will check to see if I have any cycts and if I do not, they will give me the clomid and tell me what days. So I am going to call them first thing tomorrow. I am hopeful I can get an appointment for tomorrow. I have read a number of stories of women who did not ovd with 50 but did with 100. I'd be so thankful if the meds at least worked to get me to ovd. I want to know that my body responds to the stimulus. fx for your test date! let us know how you are getting along.
Star e AF hasn't shown it's ugly face it is due between 12th -16th but due to the spotting I know it is coming xx I asked the Doc about IUI but she said that I could try it but I would have to give up one of my chances at IVF, I've been told that because we haven't got any children we're entitled to 3 free goes at IVF, so the doc told me I'm better keeping all my shots for that xx
Star e AF hasn't shown it's ugly face it is due between 12th -16th but due to the spotting I know it is coming xx I asked the Doc about IUI but she said that I could try it but I would have to give up one of my chances at IVF, I've been told that because we haven't got any children we're entitled to 3 free goes at IVF, so the doc told me I'm better keeping all my shots for that xx

that makes sense. and 3 free IVFs! I'm so happy for you that that's a real option. IUI is covered by my insurance but not IVF. so IUI has to work for me. hopefully you will get your BFP on one of the clomid rounds though. my fx that AF does not show for you.

afm I called the clinic and I was hoping I would get in today but they told me to come in tomorrow. so tomorrow it is. I don't know exactly what they will do. they were super busy when they called me back so didn't have time to ask much. We shall see.
I know I am lucky that I get it through NHS I guess xx

Well I'll keep my FX crossed for you hun that everything goes well tomorrow xx keep us posted about how you get on xx
Hey, sorry to butt in. I'm on my first cycle of clomid 50mg cd2-6. I have a few questions...firstly I'm currently 14dpo AF was due cd28 but does clomid lengthen your cycles? I usually have a 30 day cycle but DR said it will regulate to 28 days, I ov'd on cd15..

I had cramping as if AF was coming starting at 10dpo until 12dpo and nothing, not even spotting, usually I start cramping an hour after she's here. Been having a few weird symptoms, I'm convinced it's the clomid playing with my head but I'm too scared to test incase it lengthens the cycles, I can't face the disappointment. Would appreciate some of your ladies input :)
Hi cupcake welcome I would definitely test if I was you do you temp and what is your usual luteal phase xx you should hopefully see something at DPO14. Clomid can act differently for all sorts of women it shortened my cycle on the first month from CD30 to CD26 but this month it seems to have gone back to normal CD length I know some people have sed it lengthened and others sed there CD remained the same, test hun you could be BFP xx
I don't temp, I use OPK's which didn't work for me this month at all just going by the pains in my right ovary! I've got tests coming tomorrow, wasn't going to test this early but I can't take this any longer lol I'm constantly thinking about it, having cramps on and off but no way near as bad as AF cramps I'm convinced that it's the tablets making me feel weird but I'll find out soon. I'm going to test tomorrow morning, if I'm feeling brave that is :D
I started temping this month and find it really useful xx I didn't get a positive on OPKS either as due to it shortening my cycle I Od early and missed it my bloods on CD21 said I had Od, this month I had follicle tracking which showed I had dropped three eggs but I think I missed my moment as due to bad news in family we didn't BD on O day or day after but did leading up to it xx FX you get your BFP if not I buy Internet cheapie O sticks off Internet that way I start doing them as soon as AF disappears and do two a day once in morning and in evening so I don't miss it xx
Ah see I don't get any of that, basically the Dr just told me to take them and go back in 3 months if nothing is happening! This has all happened before, I got all obsessed with OPK's & ttc for 3 years before I had my ds...just gave up and it happened, maybe I should just stop stressing over it although it's really hard not to lol! Just hoping I do get a bfp, not feeling optimistic though x
Angela- I am 7dpt6dpo so still very early but I think my tests will prob be negative tomorrow or the next day, I will post a pic of the tests. Did af show today at all? My friend went straight to IVF and they got pregnant with their now almost 2 year old. She never messed with IUI either.

Star-so excited for your appointment tomorrow! Keep us updated! Fx that 100mg will be perfect and you'll get your bfp!!

Hi cupcake!! Welcome, I agree with Angela, try testing and see! This was my first go with Clomid and it made me O late and thus will probably lengthen my cycle. I usually O day 15-16 and they had to trigger me on day 17 to time with IUI. Fx that you get the bfp!! 😊

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