Oh Star, I hope you find comfort soon. I see the overstim as a good thing in an odd way - you proved you can have mature follies ready to go! I know how disappointing it is to wait for another cycle but I'm so sure it won't take long until you get your BFP. Next cycle, they'll have a better idea on how to treat you, taking out a lot of guesswork this time, I bet! Im so sorry this cycle was so hard. I hope you recover soon and have a better cycle next

Angela is right about what happens with follies - don't sweat losing them because its the way it always goes.

I have to ask, and please don't think I'm crazy lol but are you at all tempted to BD and try with these follies? I know, I know, no one wants a litter of babies, or to be the next Kate Gosselin (ok, except maybe me

) And I would never advise you to go against medical advice. I'm not at all saying you should - I'm just wondering what you're thinking! I feel like I'm desperate enough that I'd BD and hope they don't all fertilize lol please don't think I'm terrible!
AFM, still crampy here and there. TMI- Very bad stomach/bm issues this morning but I know it was from over indulging all weekend - we went out to eat twice and had ice cream and junk at home. And I'm lactose intolerant. Not looking into that in terms of TTC lol but I can tell there's still female cramping going on besides the digestive issue. Only one more workday, then I'm off for a follie scan Wed.. Terrified, really. I'm convinced I'll get bad news, but of course my mind flies back and forth into positive/negative. Just wish it would be scan time and get it over with already. Quite tired of thinking about it 24-7. Had to tell some people from work today that I didn't respond to the first round of clomid and my dosage got increased. A few girls were wondering how it went, and I didn't text them all last week/spring break to update them; it just sucks, not a convo you want to have. So I got all kinds of bs generic crap advice. And the therapist next to my office is 3 months pg, with THE cutest bump ever. She's like 5'2 and 100lbs pre-baby. So her bump is all baby, and she's the perfect cute pregnant girl. So jealous. But I know she's a PCOS'er too and it took her forever to conceive. So not as jealous as a regular case, just more so sad for myself and wish it was me. You know what I mean.