Clomid buddies?

so im on CD 15 and no +OPK yet...up until tonight my CM has been pretty dried up, but all of a sudden tonight i have very thin, creamy sort of CM...sorry TMI just not sure if that means anything lol, waiting for EWCM and a positive OPK!
CD 18 and got my temp spike today so entering the dreaded TWW.... only got to dtd once about 12 hours before ov, so really hoping this one sticks. Good luck ladies :)
mama I think creamy ofte precedes ewcm so could be a good sign. try to test twice a day if you are near O - I've heard many people recommend testing twice. good luck.

mommy hopeful - Gluck! waiting is awful. 12 hours before O is good hope this is your cycle.

afm I've had stretchy cm for past two days but it's not clear and not slippery. it's somewhat thick and cloudy/ whiteish but it does stretch. I'm going to log this as creamy. does that sound right? I'm also very sick today. I woke up in the middle of the night with severe nausea - obviously not pg. I'm not sure if it's a bug or what. it's awful though. Im just chained to my bed feeling miserly. also crying bc nausea makes me feel so helpless when it's intense like this.
Star- it sounds almost like a ewcm mixed with creamy. I get this a lot. I've only had clear ewcm once. It almost always has some creamy mixed in to it.
star i hope you're right!!! and i've been going a bit over board and testing every time i pee hahaha oops :$
also i actually just checked and im pretty sure i have EWCM! lots of it! and i was completely dry before last night...still no positive OPK but im really hoping they just dont work for me and that i am ovulating! so im gonna get to bd'ing! ill keep doing the OPKs and bd'ing EOD
krissie thanks for your reply. So maybe it is EWCM. I just don't know what this means for me. Because before TTC I never checked my CM ever. So I don't know if this means I could be about to o. Or if this is just something my body naturally does on its own. I had a huge temp spiked today but I really think it's because of how sick I was and how much tossing and turning I did. I guess I'll know more by tomorrow. just bedridden right now because I feel so sick.

mama yeah it could be that they don't work for you. It does not necessarily mean that you aren't going to O. I think your BD plan sounds good. good luck!
Star- it is hard to say. When I o I get excessive ewcm with some creamy. But I've also had cycles where I've had literally weeks of the ewcm mixed with creamy. It's so frustrating.
yea I have no idea. but even if I do O soon I haven't BDed. we've been exhausted and the nausea got me the entire day/ night. if I don't O then I guess I'll know that my cm can be creamy and stretchy and not indicate O. or perhaps it would need to be more excessive.
Star e if you Have Od that would still be great news as you have then Od on your own which is amazing news still FX for you xx

mommyhopeful good luck and FX that you catches that sticky egg xx

Mamma I get EWCM for sometimes up to three days before I get a +OPK so good luck could be around the corner for you xx

AFM DPO4 and last three days I've been getting indigestion and heartburn it's weird as I never suffer with it ever but I'm not reading too much in to it at all if it persists I'm going to go the dr AF is due on MAY 12th and if AF is a few days late then I'll test then but not before as it's too stressful and consuming I'm not putting myself through that again I am a lot more relaxed about it this month but I think that's due to being off Clomid so we shall see if that has a positive effect xx
thanks for the reassurrance angela!! its only a bit of EWCM right now so in hoping its just building up to O :)
angela - i think your attitude this cycle is great. not being so invested must be freeing. glad you have been sticking to getting healthy. my fx for you. good luck and keep us posted.

afm.... FF says that i have O. but i did not BD on any of the fertile days :(
i honestly did not think i would O b/c i usually don't. if AF does indeed start, does that mean i did for sure O? is there a chance that this O could be that one of the cysts broke? its just hard to believe i would O since i normally don't. unless the injections had some effect and my ovaries are confused into working properly. i don't know. DH wanted to BD on O day even though he was tired, but i foolishly said no b/c i felt so so tired. and i obviously had not idea that was O day. oh well, you live and learn i guess. i also couldnt control that i would get super sick on saturday.

i also did not get the ewcm until the day of O! i thought it was supposed to come a few days after the ewcm. so when i got it on friday, i thought well it will happen in a few days so i can put off BDing. has this ever happened to any of you? how long do you get ewcm before O? the only thing i can think of doing for future cycles is to start BDing EOD starting around cd10. normally i would let the cm guide me, but this cycle it turned to ewcm on O day. and opks dont work for me b/c they read positive. unless i try another opk. the clear blues def don't work. do you all think a less sensitive one would work?

how soon after O does AF come? on my last cycle it took 16 days.
Hey Star e my fertile CM varies from cycle to cycle this month I got it the day before O and day of O last month 5 days leading up to O and time before I got no fertile CM at all and had to use Preseed, I'd use the thought that as soon as you get fertile CM whether it's EWCM or watery always BD just incase. That's a strong solid line from FF so could be right just keep taking temps and if they stay up then you know it's O your LP never changes your lasts months O wasn't a solid line so from this one it will give you your exact LP I'd go with 16 days to be safe when was the last time you BD xx also tell your Dr see if they will take bloods or so follicle tracking to see if O has occurred xx Goodluck hun and FX for you but how amazing would that be if you have it means the injections helped somehow and worked xx
we BDed on Sunday - so two days after FF says i Oed.

the thing is if i did O that is great, and i would normally be so so happy b/c it would mean i would be bumped up 10 days b/c i wouldnt have to take the prometrium. but this month DH has to take a work related trip at the end of the month (just for a few days) and that could interfere with next cycle. its tough b/c ttc makes it difficult to plan anything. and b/c we never know if i will get AF or how long it will take for follies to grow everyting is up in the air. we will just have to see.

how do i find out what FF says my LP is, just by looking at what day the chart says is the next cd1 day? looking at my chart it marks may 15th as cd 1.
FF due to last month's LP will mark you down as having a 16 day KP hun but due to your lines being strong this month if AF comes then you will know your real LP but now take,16 days as your LP xx FX for you hun you could still be in with a chance as sperm can live up to 5 days waiting for an egg xx
probably low chance bc we missed all the fertile days. and we BDed two days after O and i don't think the egg lives for two days. it's still good news though bc if I did O maybe this means that my ovaries will start working. and I did learn something this cycle. start BDing even when it's wet or creamy cm. I don't have to wait till ewcm comes. I'll push though the tiredness next cycle.
Oh right sorry hun I thought you meant two days before O xx that might also mean your cyst might be gone too hun if you've Od xx
Hi girls! I posted in this thread before and then lost it even though I suscribed to it. For some reason, every single thread I post it is then linked to my subscriptions and I can't figure out how to change it! Anyway, I digress...

I am starting 50mg of Clomid CD 5-9 this evening for the first time. I am very excited and nervous at the same time. I do not ovulate on my own. The closest fertility specialist is 1.5 hours away from me so I am hoping i can work successfully with my OBGYN. Did any of you ladies have issues with EWCM on the 50mg dose?

Star_e, what dosage of Clomid are you on? In addition to ovulating on Clomid I would of course love to get a natural period!
2ducks- I still get a ton of ewcm on clomid. But I know it can dry some women out. If that's the case preseed is really nice. We used it when we conceived ds.

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