Don't worry, Inked! Clomid is trial and error. You could absolutely get better news next week. And if it's status quo, you can up your dosage and likely respond. Do not give up! I've been exactly in your shoes and have gotten the "not big enough" on CD12. It broke my heart and scared me to death about my future in TTC. But my RE increased my dosage and I had a wonderful 22mm follicle! Of course it was still a result in BFN, that's my luck, but it was a good shot. It was a fair chance. That's something us PCOS'ers don't usually have. So it was a success in my mind, just not a BFP success. Now see, even this round I've done the 100mg, and not sure if I O'd or not. I had a CD12 scan on Wed. that revealed a 11mm follicle, "too small" day, and it devastated me. I went back in today, two days later, and there's a possibility I O'd. It could have potentially grown to 15-16mm, which many say 16mm is mature - he saw no signs of O but I did bloodwork to determine. I'll find out tomorrow - and if I did I'm in the TWW, if not I get to up my dose of Clomid. I'll start 150mg, and I'm optimistic that it will work.
Don't think it's over. I have literally been in the same place and I know it's scary. You will be okay. I'm still in the same place, really lol keep me posted, sweetie!
Krissie - thank you for sharing your story.

I hope this round of Clomid gives you a sticky BFP. If I start another round tomorrow we'll be almost cycle twins! I LOVE the new pic of miracle baby Christian, he is so adorable. Looks like a little ball of energy and laughs
Angela, your chart does look good! 6 days is not a long wait, but somehow TWW makes it feel like ages lol I'm hoping and praying this is it for you!
How are you, Star?
How is the Clomid treating you, 2Ducks? I'm excited you finally get to take it and have a chance! I hope you don't get the nasty side effects. So sorry, but refresh my memory here, are you being monitored?