wifey - great news that you had big juicy follie! i know some people do back to back IUIs . if i ever get to the point where i am able to do the IUI i wont do back to back b/c i dont think it increases the odds by that much. i think ive read 24-36 hours later is when many people get it done. but i dont remember exactly. what did the people on the iui board tell you about that? i know by now you have already done the iui, so my fx it went well for you.
mommy - i completely understand taking time off from ttc. if that is what you and DH need, thats a great plan. I need to start working on trying to be healthier. that is what i was supposed to do with all my time off waiting, but instead ive actually been more unhealthy. but, today is a new day and ill start trying today.
mama - i have pcos and am irregular as well. while i have not found that opks work with me or that symptoms are something i can rely on, i have found that temping has worked for me. when i did O, it showed it and this cycle i have not O and it did not detect O either. great that you downloaded FF, its such a useful tool. and sorry AF arrived, but it is good that you know that you can O with clomid. thats helpful b/c the alternative of having to bring on O with injections is a big pain. fx that this is your cycle.
angela - wish your healthy kick would rub off on me, even a little! im going to try to make today a new day and be a bit more healthy. and it totally makes sense that you dont want to waste a clomid round this cycle since the timing might be a bit off for BDing. still, i hope you do O on the later end so that you have a shot this cycle. fx for you!
krissie - so great that you Oed, or that it looks very promising that you did. thats wonderful news! fx for you!
afm: today is cd31 and doc told me to call her if no AF by cd35. so maybe i'll call on friday (cd33) and set up an appointment for monday (cd36). then they will check to see if the follies have shrunk. she said if there was still one left that she could drain it, which i do not want to happen. she said it is extremely painful, but only lasts for a few seconds. the alternative would be to wait another cycle. my head will spin if the follie has not shrunk. this overstim thing is beyond frustrating. i'll know soon enough.
also, im thinking of buying the wondfo opks to see if they work on me, b/c the clear blues do not and its possible nothing will b/c of my pcos. i still want to give them a try just in case. are the O wondfos just called wondfo one step ovulation tests? i just want to make sure i get the right ones.