Best wishes, Van! Can't wait for a happy update!
Krissie, you're 9DPO, correct?! I'm thinking you're a day ahead of me. How are you feeling?! It seems like all my symptoms have gone away today, which I'm hoping is good sign of AF staying away. Last TWW I had so much cramping and breast sensitivity it was through the roof. This cycle, I felt crampy then had a horrible back ache at 6DPO then everything seems better now at 8DPO. I've felt out all along this cycle so I still am, but trying to be positive. I have the odds in my favor, it's just up to fate.. Just wondering if you're noticing any symptoms or feeling in or out.
GL & FX Kaiecee!
Angela, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so unfair beyond words.. I hope you get a sticky rainbow BFP soon
Star, I felt the same way about not even knowing what a TWW feels like because of ov dysfunction. I ovulated in the past but it seemed so weak compared to a med induced ovulation. I felt nothing when I ov'd on my own and only knew by the calendar, then BBT confirmed I O'd on and off. But then my cycles were so long it makes me wonder if it was true O or not. But anyways, I know exactly the feeling. I've only felt true TWW's now that I'm on Clomid and expecting it to clearly be a 14 day affair rather than the latter. Waiting to O is just as bad as waiting after O in my opinion. Wondering if the meds are working, and if so how well, what's next if not -- it's so stressful during either phase of the cycle. BUT - seeing how you responded over the moon and back with the injections, I really believe your BFP is coming. If they could get the dosage right you could go with 3 follies per cycle and increase your odds of conception! I could totally see that happening for you. As long as this last cycle was between the overstim and waiting, I think it will be tamed down next time and avoided.
Star, I also have a question and forgive me if it's stupid or an obvious that I'm not getting. When you had the 12 follies, could they have retrieved those eggs and went for IVF or froze them? I don't mean it as in your personal decision, but technically could that have been an option? Or do eggs that get retrieved have to be developed differently, or do they want more than that? Sorry, just wondering and feeling dumb that I don't know lol

What do you think? Did they mention anything of it?