angela - fx for you! sounds like you have a great BD plan. so hopeful this is your cycle. maybe the grapefruit juice will help! it's always nice to add a little something to the process. you never know, maybe this will be the push in the bfp direction. fx!
lulu - good luck! enjoy the camping. and as far as zika, the good news is that from what i have read there has not been a locally transmitted case in the us yet. of course they predict there will be soon, but none thus far. use repellent in any case. and fx for you!
afm - i have noticed things that i don't like about this clinic since the first visit. the thing is, i have read reviews for other clinics and there are things that people mention that i would not be able to sustain - like extra long wait times. the clinic i go to has much room for improvement, for sure. but i can get to it from my workplace fairly easily. unfortunately i dont have that much flexibility during the work hours and these clinics don't have early morning or late evening appointments. so im kind of stuck. a lot of the other clinics are located too far away. if this blood draw thing does not improve though, i dont know what i'll do. i cant go through that another time. i mean sticking me and moving it around for a while once inside is not pleasant, but its miles away from sticking me like 15 times and then dropping the tube on the ground and having to do it again. my next appointment is tuesday. and now all i can really think about is the blood draw. for this one short week they had a hospital worker there and she got my vein right away and i commented to her, oh wow, usually it takes them a few times (its never been as bad as this past awful experience, but usually it does take them at least 2 sticks with some digging once inside). and she said, yea thats b/c im a hospital worker. wish she was still there. she's not though.
i hope these follies are growing. and only time will tell if what they told me about the follie size is correct or what they told DH when he called them.