FX for you star e you deserve it here's hoping you get your BFP in relation to symptoms you can't really tell anything in the TWW symptoms don't usually start until after the TWW unfortunately I've thought I've had symptoms but then BFNS and AF showed up on time when I did get my BFP I had no symptoms at all I only knew once AF was late xx in relation to the sore boobs HCG shot can do that but don't worry as if you are preggers HCG takes a while to build up in the body and only starts to build up after Implantation that's why they suggest not testing early xx I really hope it has worked hun but if not enjoy the break and feel happy that they have possibly found the right dosage for you and that you can O xx
AFM I'm just waiting to O haven't got a BFP on OPKS yet but thought I may have Od yesterday as got a bit of pain like O pain loads of EWCM and in a little bit of the EWCM there was a tiny streak of red blood confused about that thought it may have been slight O bleed which can happen from the follies bursting but my Temps have not increased so I'm unsure I'll keep an eye on that if anymore then straight to the Dr's I'll go as you can never be too careful when it comes to stuff like that especially when your taking Clomid.
I think from the EWCM and OPKS appear to be getting slightly darker I reckon I'll O around CD15-16 I'll get a BFP OPK about CD14-15, my bloods CD21 fall on a Sunday so I'll have to get them done on CD22 instead but I can't see that making too much of a difference xx I'm feeling like this maybe a big O like when I dropped three eggs due to the same discomfort I'm feeling as I did last time but I won't know if this is the case as I'm not getting follicle tracking this month as Dr isn't doing it xx me and DH also started BD EOD starting from CD8 just to cover all basis and will probably continue well after O is confirmed just to be on the safe side FX for me as only one more round of clomid to go now before we have to move to IVF xx