Clomid buddies?

Star e I follow a thread for Liverpool women's hospital as that will be the hospital I get sent to a few fell pregnant first time some are on the second time with an FET and one is just going through there second with FET at the mo I didn't know what FET meant but now I do it makes sense as I'm not commenting on that thread yet just reading it so I get a sense of what to expect and what the process is so I'm not totally clueless when I have to do it xx

AFM I knew that temp spike was due to my cold as I was at my worst yesterday think I'm coming out the other side of it now and my Temps have gone back down xx I'm still going to start testing tomorrow with ICS xx

Vankiwi how is the pregnancy going how are you coping on the heat xx
So third day of low temps and no more crosshairs. So I'm counting this cycle as a bust and just waiting for a new one.
Krissie that is so frustrating!

Angela I'm good, been really busy, DDs birthday party is today, she turns 3 on Monday. Then we go on vacation on Friday. After we get back from vacation I have my 18 week scan. Fingers crossed for you this month!
Krissie that is super frustrating. I'm so sorry. I'm still hoping you'll O soon. I know you've never experienced this high low temp thing but has a cycle not worked w clomid before?

Angela fx for you! You are getting your progesterone tested this cycle right?

Vankiwiw I hope my story is similar to your friends!
Krissie I'm still hoping this cycle isn't a bust for you if it is what would be your next step xx

Vankiwi sounds like a busy schedule ahead I hope you enjoy your holiday away plus it helps keep your mind occupied have you got anything big planned for DDs bday xx

Star e here's hoping this cycle goes all to plan keep us posted about what your doing and going through as I'm interested for when I go down that route xx
AFM 8DPO BFN which is understandable as extremely early but if I'm honest I've not got my hopes up this month I don't expect to get a BFP at all as I really don't think Clomid is working at all I just want to get next month out the way with my last dose of clomid so we can move on to IVF xx

I'll still test everyday though and report back here with my results xx
Sorry about bfn Angela. You're still so early though.

Afm, af arrived this morning. Since I o'd so early I'm considering taking clomid later. But I'm going to do a bit of research first. I'd like to increase my dose to 75 mg so that's definitely one thing I'm doing different.
Sorry AF got you Krissie here's hoping the increase in clomid helps you must have Od really early meaning you probably didn't stand a chance this cycle xx

I know it's very early 8DPO so I didn't expect to see anything at all and I'm not getting my hopes at all this month to be honest I'm not taking any supplements this month not even folic acid I'm not trying out any wives tales like pineapple core etc I'm just going to just get on with things as normal and if it happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't xx
Sounds like a nice low stress month Angela. At least only one month left of clomid for you.

Yes, I suspect o was cd 7. But I wasn't using opks until cd 8. But when I started they were super dark.
wow krissie, so you did ovulate, but super early. i didn't even know the follies could get mature so quickly. what dose are you on right now? sorry this cycle was a bust. what's the plan for the next cycle? you mentioned adjusting the dose.

vankiwi- hope DDs bday went well. and enjoy your vacation! fx for your next scan! keep us updated.

angela, so sorry about the bfn. but as you mentioned it is very early. my fx for you! i know seeing the bfn is tough and if it does not work this cycle, which i very much hope it does, it will be on to IVF soon where you will learn a lot more and hopefully get it on first try.

afm - just learning about IVF right now. usually people who do IVF take some drug called menopor and they have to do this weird mixing of the drug that seems hard to me. but apparently i am not going to take that drug. maybe b/c i reacted so sensitively to the gonal drug the cycle i overstimmed. i'll have to ask. glad i don't have to worry about that drug for now at least.

i really hope that i don't overstim and that i have a chance with this cycle. and that i am monitored enough for them to accurately tell when retrieval should begin. cause apparently its possible to stim too long even if it does not lead to overstimulation. it seems so tricky.

also it seems like even if many eggs are gathered, the number that gets fertilized is a lot smaller than the number of eggs collected and even smaller is the number that make it past the day 5 blast (not entirely sure what that is, but i'll read about it more later). im still in the learning phase. everything is new to me. i just hope that i have enough eggs that make it. ideally we would like to freeze some, but maybe that's wishful thinking. we could get nothing. here's to hoping.

my next appointment is tuesday.
Fx for you star! I don't knew much about ivf.

I didn't ovulate the cycle before so I'm wondering if I had an egg already maturing and the clomid was enough to ovulate it.

I will be doing 75 mg instead of 50 mg this cycle. And moving my days to 3-7 instead of 2-6.
Star e FX you get plenty of eggs and they're all of good quality and take to the sperm and freezing process please keep us updated as I'm very interested in the process due to going down that route too xx

Krissie FX your next cycle is a better one and you get your BFP my first ever cycle on Clomid I Od very early I didn't start OPKS till CD10 and wasn't taking my BBT then but bloods confirmed O so Clomid can make you O early as well as late xx

AFM DPO9 using FMU BFN I don't feel any sadness this cycle though seeing BFNS as I really think IVF is the way forward for me I just have to go through the motions of Clomid before they'll allow me to move on I'll keep testing all the way up to DPO12 then I'll stop after that and wait for AF I'm only going to use ICS which I know aren't the best even the 6 day early ones like mine but refuse to use my more expensive ones if I'm getting BFNS on the ICS xx
Hi all, I am starting Clomid 50mg for the first time on Thursday after being diagnosed with pcos earlier this month. Gynae didn't tell me much about it though so still researching where ever I can
Welcome Alphy Clomid isn't too bad you may get a few symptoms from it like hot flushes and a dizzy spell but they go away once you finish your last pill Goodluck are you being monitored at all and do you BBT I look forward to hearing your progress xx

AFM done another IC before bed BFN xx
Sorry about the bfn Angela. My fx for you. I'm hoping you'll get it in a few days. If not, you have a plan in place and I'm sending you all the warm wishes you get that bfp very soon.

I'll keep you updated about the IVF process in case it's helpful.
I'm still learning about it. So far no new news. Just using the gonal f injections to grow the follies. I've heard that stims usually last around ten or so days but who knows if mine will be longer. I'll see. I have a scan tomorrow but I remember when I over stimmed it nothing nothing and then too many. So we shall see.

Krissie - glad you are switching up the process a bit. that might be all you need my fx for you! Keep us updated. im curious to know why you O so early. Maybe it's bc clomid could do that but maybe it's like what you said and you had one growing and clomid pushed it to O. Much of this ttc stuff is a mystery. Hope this next cycle works!

Welcome aphy. Hope clomid works for you.
FX for you star e here's hoping it works first time how much is it costing you to do IVF xx
i had my appointment today and nothing has grown yet. this happened on the cycle when i overstimmed too. it was nothing, nothing and then boom too many. i asked her if this was normal and she said "yes it will probably be a long stim, not as long as last time". last time my iui stim was 31 days! most people stim for 9 to 11 days with ivf. im already on cd6 (meaning i've taken the stims for 4 days already) and am worried that my cycle is going to be very long. sometimes i think she forgets that when i did overstim i had also taken clomid 150mg on the same cycle and b/c i was not responding she decided to add to the protocol the injections. she deemed me clomid resistant, but when this other doctor there had to scan me when she was out he told me clomid probably did have an effect and that contributed to the overstimming. i think clomid did have an effect so if she is thinking of doing 75 until we get something it could be a very long time of nothing. im just worried.
I'm so sorry this is so much work for you star! I really hope you don't end up with a terribly long stem again! Are you guys hoping to do a fresh transfer this cycle or wait and do a frozen next cycle?
krissie we are hoping to do a fresh transfer and ideally we would like to freeze any extra. but who knows how many eggs i'll even get, if any that make it to blastocyst phase.

i have just heard so many stories of long stim vs. short stim and it seems like i've heard that people usually stim for a lot shorter length of time than what im speculating i'll do. im going to ask her on friday how long she thinks my stimming will be. if its longer than 11days, i'm just going to question why. i just want to know what the rationale is.

angela in terms of cost, the clinic charges about 7,000 for the basic ivf (meaning none of the extras that people do, like no icsi, or pgs, or the assisted hatching thing, etc. I'm not doing any of the extras we just wanted the basic). the price does not include meds or freezing.

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