Clomid buddies?

That's great news Aphy!! Fx for you now in the tww.

I started back at work today so hoping that keeps me distracted and less obsessed with my cycle and ttc.
Aphy, I've never given myself the trigger shot before. The nurses have always done it for me, but this cycle they changed it from Pregnyl (a powder you have to reconsitute and give IM) to Ovidrelle (a pen type of injector with a fine needle, like you'd see with insulin given SC). I'm a nurse myself, so I have no issues doing the injection :haha: DH thinks I'm a weirdo but I'd rather do it myself who has done a million injections on people than he as a first timer! I'm looking forward to this new trigger though because now I can time it better by getting it at home. I hear a lot of ladies triggering at 11pm, 12am or even 2am! All depends on what the doctor says. What I do hate is that it is hcg so you can get positive pregnancy tests up until your period, which leads to a lot of wasted hope! I'm learning to not test and just wait out AF. Will this be your first trigger shot? Glad to hear you got a +OPK! :happydance:

Kaiecee, glad surgery went well hun! Hope you have a speedy recovery and aren't too sore for too long. If you end up taking a break this month, don't fret, I think it would be good to give your body time to heal. If you feel up to it though, go for it! ;)

Krissie, hope that blazing positive pops up soon for you. Waiting to O is worse than TWW for me! I O'd CD18 last round of clomid, you deffo still have time. kmfx!

Star, hope today's FS shows some growth! Hoping for the best for you and would love to see you in this cycle with a strong chance :) :hugs:

Angela, are you using OPKs this cycle? Or are you monitored with FS? I see you're CD8, hope AF is gone and you're feeling better. I hate when she's extra horrendous like that!

AFM, 2 nights (counting tonight) left on Femara. I dropped one pill down the sink (so mad!) and I called the RE to ask them to call me in a replacement pill, didn't think that was a big deal. The nurse told me, "no, don't worry about it, one pill won't make any difference" :shock: At first I was like, oh ok thanks bye.. Then thought about it, and that's so crappy. I deserve to be able to take all ten pills that were rx'd to me; that's knowingly a med error on their end now as I see it -- I'm going to go back to the pharmacy and see if they can help me by dispensing and recording it as one dropped or call the RE for approval. I don't want to take a half dose on the last day, it's just not fair. Don't they realize as expensive as seeing this specialist is, that someone would want to take all 10 pills prescribed?! That's the last time I refill my daily pill organizer on the kitchen countertop!! :haha: :dohh: and by the way, my whole order of femara was only 71 cents -- so much cheaper than Clomid was for me!
I'm not using a trigger shot with my Clomid. Doc didn't even mention it to me. On Clomid,has anyone experienced anxiety? I never have anxiety but suddenly today along with the bloatedness etc I am experiencing bad anxiety. Feel permanently on the verge of an anxiety attack. I don't like it one it!

Welcome back at work Krissie! Hope it distracts you xxx

So frustrating wifeyy! Good luck with femara!
Hmm.. I already have anxiety but I will admit this cycle on the higher dose of Clomid my anxiety has been a lot worse. I have no idea if it is a side effect or not.

If we have to do another round of clomid I am going to stick with the lower dose. I hardly had any side effects and this cycle has been horrible.
krissie - that is definitely a great sign! you still have time and that's great. fx for you! i hope you have a big juicy follie just waiting to O. keep us updated. and im so sorry you are having more side effects that usual. that really sucks. if you don't think its worth it to be on the higher dose, then yea stick with the other dose where you didn't have to deal with the effects of clomid.

angela - i am so unfit. i had to climb 6 flights of stairs today b/c the elevator stopped working and i was winded. good luck on the workouts!!! getting fit has so many positive benefits. love how motivated you are. its great!

aphy - hope your temps confirm O and that you get your bfp very soon. good luck!

wifey - i totally agree. if it were me, i would really want to take the full dose that was prescribed. ttc is so time consuming and taxing in so many ways. the last thing needed is to worry, even if they are right and its not a big deal, about not taking the pill. i very much hope they will help you out! So glad femara is very cost effective for you! that's wonderful news. good luck! my fx for you! so hoping this your bfp month.

afm - finally seeing some growth. i have about 8 follies ranging from 12-14mm. so still underdeveloped, but a big improvement. my e2 is at about 1000. lining still 10. i started taking ganrilex (to prevent ovulation) and am being kept on the same fsh dose (150 iu) until my next appointment (wednesday). i tried to get some estimate as to when ER wil be and they said probably monday. i'm going to be taking ganrilex for the next five days. that injection really stings.
Wiffbby I hope you get that extra pill if you don't though I'm sure it won't have any detrimental effect otherwise they would make you have it xx FX for you xx

Aphy yey on the TWW FX for you hopefully your anxiety will pass all this fertility stuff does add pressure and stress xx

Krissie I hope your not out this month and O comes soon for you xx

Star e that's amazing news 8 is still a good number you could if all survive still freeze four hun I've got absolutely everything crossed for you xx

AFM I'm not going to be monitored this month yet again saying she's on holiday for two weeks I'm a little annoyed as she said she will do it next month to call back at start of period told her I need to book an appointment to see the DR as this is my final month I'm then meant to be getting transfered to women's for IVF and I have questions and concerns because I don't know how it all works her PA said she would get her to call me today but she hasn't so will have to chase her up tomorrow xx I know they are very busy but atleast if your talking to me pull up my notes and see what my story is it feels like these last three months she can't be arsed with me as she knows it's a hopeless case xx
Angela :hugs: it is ridiculous they are doing that to you!! At least it should be your last month and then onto something different.

Star- I am so happy to hear that hun!!

Wifey- were you able to get your last pill?

Afm, I am so over this cycle. I feel like crap and my ovaries are hurting. The doctor doesn't have any openings for three weeks and by that point it won't matter. I am going to call back when af arrives and ask to be transferred to femara. He discussed it before so maybe I would have better luck with that.
Angela - that's so frustrating. I wish someone else in the office would do the scans and that you were able to speak to her. im so glad you are moving onto another option and another place. Keep doing the positive things you are doing to set yourself up nice for that procedure. I'm super hopeful and sending you so much positive energy for a much much deserved bfp.

Krissie - ugggg so sorry this cycle was so annoying for you! I have read that people do not conisistently respond to clomid. Not sure what happened here. Wish the docs schedule wasn't so hooked up. I think trying femara sounds like a great plan. Hopefully your doc will have some good advice when you see him next. Fx and so sorry about this cycle.
Angela, I'm so sorry they make you feel that way. In reality, it's not the case -- you are their priority, their job, the reason they make so much money. Without their patients, they're nothing. They just don't see it like that, and that's why they get on their pedastool and treat people like that. You deserve to be listened to, advocates for, monitored, all of that. You're not a hopeless case that she's too busy to be bothered with. You're a strong, lovely woman who is trying with all her heart to make a baby and create a family. You deserve the best, most supportive care. I hope the Women's Center treats you better, and if not, have I got a speech for them! ;) I'm really hoping you end up with a sweet surprise BFP this cycle and can avoid moving on. Miracles happen when we least expect it. <3 hang in there, girl!

Krissie, if you don't O, try not to be too upset. Easier said than done, I know, but I've been there. Didn't respond to 50, responded to 100. Didn't respond to round 2 of 100, responded to 150. Responded to 150 two more times. The high dose is miserable for me side effects wise, I was ready to jump out a window some days (not literally) and I'm much happier on Femara now. Granted, I haven't seen a follie scan yet to see if it's working but I honestly believe it is. I've read so much success and positive things on Femara after Clomid. Esp with our lovely PCOS, it is supposed to be better for us than Clomid. Hang in there, don't give up on O yet but just know we're all here for whatever happens! :hugs:

Star! So happy to see you have 8 follies now :D that's a great number! And ER Monday?! Awesome!! Will be here before you know it. I'm so excited for you and hope it goes perfectly. So sorry the Ganrilex stings, that sounds awful. It will be worth it when you're pregnant here so very soon :baby:

Aphy, how is TWW treating you thus far?!

Hope you're resting and healing quickly, Kaiecee.

AFM, I did not get my replacement pill. I called the pharmacy and they couldn't give it to me without a doctors order, all that crap. I told them I talked to the nurse who feels like it's not important and it won't matter but I disagree as I'm seeing a specialist and if I'm only given 10 pills/5 days of meds I want to take it all. I know it's my fault I dropped one, but that shouldn't mean they can't fax over a stupid order for me. I was pretty ticked about it, but I got over it. Nothing I can do now, but I am going to tell the dr about it and let him know it was upsetting and I feel like this is a known medication error on their end and negligent. Don't mess with me, I'm a nurse too! :bodyb: also found out that I return to work Tuesday instead of the next week :shock: I'm happy to go back to work but it's thrown me in a tizzy trying to get everything done before school starts. I had so much planned before work started, and now that it's a week ahead, I'm flustered. It will work out somehow, it has to!
Thanks wifey, that makes me feel better. I'm confident clomid is not the route I want to pursue anymore.

Are you a school nurse? I'm a school psychologist and headed back to work this past Monday.
Thanks for checking in Wifeyy! How come you have to return to work a week early? I'm so glad you managed to get your missing pill - even though it took a fight to get it! One less stressor for you this cycle. When do you know if this worked?

For some reason I don't feel like I am in the TWW. Not cause its going fast but my head doesn't seem in it for some weird reason. I'm still experiencing the shortness of breath side effect but at least it is improving compared to the past 2 days. Was hoping FF would adjust my O day after this mornings temp but so far nothing so I am a little anxious that my chances might not be that good if I O'd earlier than my OPK says I did. Not quite sure whether I should use my +opk day to determine how many DPO I am or whether I should go with FF. Either way, I think I will only test around the 17th which should roughly be around 10DPO. I am a little worried that my temps aren't reliable as I get up 1-2 times every night to go to the toilet (often around 03:00am etc) which means I never have the full 4 hours restful sleep that is actually required. Like this morning for example, I woke up at 05:50 (took my temp anyway even though I always take it only at 06:40am) and it was at 35.8 or something very low but then I climbed back in bed and just dozed til my normal 06:40am time and took it again and it was then 36.8.

I go for my CD21 on Saturday which will probably give me a final answer on whether Clomid worked or not. I just hope my gynae actually calls me with the results this time! Last time I saw him he gave me the script to go have the bloods done and then just said to make an appointment to see him when my period starts again the next cycle.

How are all the other ladies holding out this month?
Aphy, I had my dates wrong. I thought the first day of school was Aug 22nd, but my supervisor called and was telling me that another nurse will be with me the first two days of school, next tuesday and wednesday. :shock: I was like, oh okay! Tried to play it off like I didn't have my dates mixed up lol I'm sure TWW will hit you more once testing time comes about! Oh, and I did not get my last pill. :( I'll know if Femara is working for me on Monday! wish me luck!

Krissie, I am a school nurse :) I absolutely love it. Last year I was in a high school doing special needs only; this year I'm in an elementary school general ed clinic that does have some special needs students but it's mostly general ed needs. I bet being a school psychologist is awesome! I love our schedule lol I'm ready to go back but it just took me by surprise because I had one date in mind, a "to-do list" to accomplish by then, and it flipped on me.
Aphy, I had my dates wrong. I thought the first day of school was Aug 22nd, but my supervisor called and was telling me that another nurse will be with me the first two days of school, next tuesday and wednesday. :shock: I was like, oh okay! Tried to play it off like I didn't have my dates mixed up lol I'm sure TWW will hit you more once testing time comes about! Oh, and I did not get my last pill. :( I'll know if Femara is working for me on Monday! wish me luck!

Krissie, I am a school nurse :) I absolutely love it. Last year I was in a high school doing special needs only; this year I'm in an elementary school general ed clinic that does have some special needs students but it's mostly general ed needs. I bet being a school psychologist is awesome! I love our schedule lol I'm ready to go back but it just took me by surprise because I had one date in mind, a "to-do list" to accomplish by then, and it flipped on me.

Oooh my bad! I read like my ass about the missed pill, Sorry &#128532; Good thing your boss called,can you imagine if he hadn't?
Krissie, I am a school nurse :) I absolutely love it. Last year I was in a high school doing special needs only; this year I'm in an elementary school general ed clinic that does have some special needs students but it's mostly general ed needs. I bet being a school psychologist is awesome! I love our schedule lol I'm ready to go back but it just took me by surprise because I had one date in mind, a "to-do list" to accomplish by then, and it flipped on me.

That is awesome!! We have one nurse for our entire district and she does mostly care plans and training. I love being a school psychologist. I taught special education for 5 years before changing and it is a much better fit. I also love the schedule. I feel like it gives me the best sides of being a working mom.

I did that one year, thought I went in a week later. It was so disappointing and made my summer feel stunted.
It's okay Aphy lol :) I misread stuff sometimes too! If she hadn't called, I would have been in for a surprise Monday to know tomorrow is the first day of school!

Krissie: Oh my, that would be a lot of work on one person! I think it seems like the ideal working mom schedule, however I may go full time SAHM when we have a LO. We don't have any family members (that we trust; funny, sad and true) to help with care so I don't really want to work just to pay daycare, my pay isn't that great lol I love special education :) I've worked with special needs infants to adults for the past 7 years professionally. They're the whole reason behind me becoming a nurse. <3 I'm glad you love your job too, we are lucky to have positions with so much time off! It's been stressful being wrong on the date, but it has to work out somehow.
I have a really lucky care system set up. For DS's first year he went to my best friend and then my mom through the week. When he turned 1 I started sending him one day to daycare to help with language and social development. So I only have to pay for that so it really hasn't been that bad. I am hoping to do the same with our second and put DS into preschool.

Unfortunately, I have to work so I am just glad I have something that I am comfortable with set up.
hey i have a lot to catch up on. but just want to give you this update. i had a long night and might have to catch up a bit later. still have stuff to do. tomorrow should be better.

i had my appointment today. so i had 6 on the right ranging from 14-18mm. and 14 on the left ranging from 14-17mm. doc said that if estraidol level stays at an apporpriate range then we will trigger sometime this weekend with ovidrel, but she said if my e2 spikes then we have to trigger with lupron to avoid OHSS. she said b/c of my pcos and other things that i meet all the markers that put me at a higher risk for OHSS. if we end up triggering with lupron, she advised me to do a FET a month later b/c lupron lowers the chances for pregnancy. she said if we get many good eggs, DH and I can decide to roll the dice b/c we would have some to do a FET later if the fresh resulted in a bfn, but if the eggs are bad quality and we don't get that many, she advises to just wait it out and do FET a month later. have any of you heard this about lupron? with lowering the chances?

my next appointment is friday. hope the e2 stays in a good range. today it was at 1253. lining has been at 10mm for like a week.
Wifey - sorry you didn't get that last pill. I'm sure you will be fine, though I totally understand your desire to get it. And it's a bummer finding out you have one week less. But it's great you love your job. That's always helpful. When is your scan?

Krissie - sounds like your care system worked out beautifully. Hope you can recreate it with your next LO. How you doing?

Aphy - I do not temp regularly and FF has still managed to predict O. I was worried about it at the beginning but to my surprise it seems to work even w I consistency. I usually try to give it 3 hours of rest. I wake up to go to bathroom at night too. But sometimes it is tricky. Hope your cd 21 bloods confirms O.

Angela and vankiw and kaicee i hope all is going well.
Star e that's great news that you have progress but scary there is so many I've never heard of that drug so can't help you I'm afraid I really hope you have many good quality eggs FX for you but crazy how they've all just sprung into action so happy for you xx

Wifbby gutting you couldn't get that pill I hope it doesn't have any affect on you at all and you do still O FX for you xx

Krissie here's hoping femera is a lot better for you and does the trick and the DR listens to you and puts you on it xx

Aphy from looking at your chart you have definitely Od you have an extremely clear thermal shift and it won't matter that you keep waking up as it doesn't appear to have affected your chart i.e made it go all rocky xx

AFM CD11 not even started opks yet it's like I've already given up this month not even started BD which is bad I'll start opks today and BD I have to atleast still try xx exercise and fitness going well so far not as sore today got two more days of workouts before two days rest xx
angela - yes definitely try b/c you never know. better to try. glad the workouts are going well! whatever you can do to make sure you get your spot on the list.

aphy - i realized today that i had forgotten how wonky temps can be. i temped this morning a lot later than i normally do and my temp was .5 higher. i did not log it into FF b/c i am going to see if i can take it at the usual time tonight first and just disregard the other temp if the one tonight is very low so as not to confuse FF too much. i never really know what to do. maybe i'll put it in, i don't know. and the thing is i cannot temp at the same time b/c i wake up to go to bathroom like at 3am. thats usually the case but sometimes i don't and that is where i run into the inconsistency.

also one time FF gave me cross hairs and i knew it was wrong and then it readjusted it later when i gave it more days of data.

all in all, FF has worked for me despite the rocky temps. hopefully it will work for you and if it gets it wrong it will readjust.

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