Clomid/Femara Testers - TTC #1! much smow where you are. Weve got freezing rain this evening...which sucks! I would prefer snow for a white xmas!

so i wont be going in for the bloodtest tomorrow cause AF has arrived. Been crampy throughout the day and it got worse til she made her appearance. Im hopeful for next cycle....clomid cycle #2.
Yes, I prefer snow too. Freezin rain can be scary and very dangerous to drive in. Sorry, AF showed up. But, at least you had a strong O. FX next cycle will be your BFP!!!
Hi All

Elle I get the same as you - just Day21 progesterone tests. Doc hasnt even suggested about scan (and that's private, when I did it on NHS a year ago they did scan, which I find odd as you'd think it would be the other way round). I just had an early miscarriage on Monday (second round of clomid, 100mg) and doc still hasnt suggested a scan - he just says to start clomid again at same dose when next true period starts. Does anyone know if that is normal? When I miscarried earlier this year the NHS wanted me to get scanned to check it had all gone. Anyhow I'm now waiting one cycle before starting clomid again. Trying to look at it positively - I managed to get pregnant on clomid, just need to work out how to stay pregnant!

Tiatammy good luck with starting your clomid, hope you get lucky on the 200mg!

Starlight it would be lovely if you got an early Christmas present tomorrow, have my fingers crossed for you.

And Kerrbear, your scan picture is wonderful, I cant imagine how incredible it must have been to hear your baby's heartbeat. Thank you for sharing.


I am so sorry for your loss. :hugs:

Thank you for the compliment on the scan picture. I was just so happy to see the heartbeat and to know that the rate is in the normal range. When I miscarried before we found out when we went in for the ultrasound and they couldn't find the heartbeat.
Amanda- That's a lot of snow already! I keep hoping we won't get any here, lol. My temps on this BFP cycle were crazy. Take a look at my chart:

Starlight- Good luck when you test!! Sending lots of :dust: your way!!

BreakingDawn- Sorry to hear that AF got you! :hugs: Good luck with the new cycle!
Mrs Elsie - You have a great attitude. I am glad that you are feeling well! My DH and I think the same way that we really want to have a family together, and if we are not able to conceive ourselves, that we are happy to adopt as well. For us (probably moreso me, lol), impatience gets the best of me sometimes!

Amanda - we got loads of snow here too. It is going to be almost 30cm (12in) by this afternoon!!

Breading Dawn - sorry that AF has arrived :hugs: I am also very hopeful for your 2nd round of clomid and glad that you can start it soon! :)

Kerrbear - how are you feeling?

AFM - tested today at 13 dpo and got a BFN. I was disappointed but not surprised. It usually hits me pretty hard, and this time I am just happy that I O'd earlier on clomid, so now am hopeful for the next cycle! One annoying thing is that my doctor wants me to confirm the BFN with a blood test before I stop progesterone supplements, and becuase of the holidays I won't be able to do the blood test till next Thursday (Dec 27th). This delays my next cycle since I won't get AF until I stop the progesterone, but at least I will be able to enjoy the holidays and a few drinks in the meantime, right? :)
Kerrbear, I love your ultrasound pic and so glad you got to hear the hearbeat!!! Thanks for sharing your chart. This is my first month temping, so I guess I'm not really sure what is normal for me. But, it helps to see that others have crazy temps sometimes too :)

Starlight, sorry to hear you got a BFN :( That is a bummer about having to delay AF, but now you can definitely enjoy the holidays!! Mmmm...eggnog LOL!!
Hello everyone. I have been reading through your posts and you seem like a great group!! I am currently doing my second round of clomid. My husband and I were ttc for about a year and a half before I started clomid. My cycles were very long (50-60 days) and I was bleeding for 3-4 weeks straight. After doing some tests and investigations we found I had low progesterone. After using provera my cycles became more regular. At this point we found that I had not o'd on my own. At that point we started clomid. That first cycle I started with provera, took 50mg of clomid from day 3-7, had follicle tracking (which showed again I wasn't o'ing on my own) after 6 days of them telling my my follicles were ready and I was going to o before the next appointment and nothing was happening, they gave me the HCG trigger shot. The shot worked, I o'd and I got a bfp a few weeks later. Unfortunately I had a m/c. They wanted to do an early scan to see if it was more than one due to the clomid. I went in for a scan at what should have been 7 weeks. They said things were measuring 5w3d. Since we were quite sure of my dates due to tracking I knew right away something was wrong. I started bleeding the next day and completed the m/c within the week.

While the m/c was did give me hope as we found something that allowed me to get my first bfp ever!! I am currently cd12. I finished the clomid on cd7. I am not sure when or if I will o. I have been doing opk's since cd9. They were unable to do tracking this time due to Christmas holidays at the clinic (boo for bad timing). So I am on my own this time and am hoping for the best!!

I wish all the rest of you good luck!! I hope we all find that magical combination of dosage and timing and clomid works for all of us!!

Mrs.Elsie I am so sorry for your loss.

Amanda - I am from Saskatchewan, Canada and we have had a ton of snow this winter. It is supposed to snow more this weekend!! It will definitely be a white Christmas here!!
Welcome Jenkb123!!! So glad you can join us. Yes, these girls are fantastic and so helpful:) I'm excited for a white Christmas, but then I'm kind of hoping we don't have a really harsh winter this year! Sorry to hear about all your struggles. But, that's great that you know you can get a BFP. FX for you!!!
Kerrbear, I love your ultrasound pic and so glad you got to hear the hearbeat!!! Thanks for sharing your chart. This is my first month temping, so I guess I'm not really sure what is normal for me. But, it helps to see that others have crazy temps sometimes too :)

Starlight, sorry to hear you got a BFN :( That is a bummer about having to delay AF, but now you can definitely enjoy the holidays!! Mmmm...eggnog LOL!!

Thanks! I've had several cycles with some temps that were all over the place. I always temped at the same time of day so I think that's just how my body is, lol. Clomid seemed to make them crazier.
Jenkb123 WELCOME!!! And If i do say so myself we are a GREAT group!! :)
Im sorry to hear about your M/c, those are the most devistating to deal with.

Amanda, did you get hit hard w/ snow? WE were projected to get 10 and only ended up getting 6" in eau claire, but I know the madison area got hit hard.

Starlight sorry about the BFN and the Arival of the witch AF!!! Ugh, she's alittle bitch isnt she!!

I startd my 3rd round of clomid (100mg) today, CD5-9 so lets hope I O this month, like I did last month!!! Dr. Said my progesterone level was high, so im hoping for the same! (and a BFP)

Hello everyone. I have been reading through your posts and you seem like a great group!! I am currently doing my second round of clomid. My husband and I were ttc for about a year and a half before I started clomid. My cycles were very long (50-60 days) and I was bleeding for 3-4 weeks straight. After doing some tests and investigations we found I had low progesterone. After using provera my cycles became more regular. At this point we found that I had not o'd on my own. At that point we started clomid. That first cycle I started with provera, took 50mg of clomid from day 3-7, had follicle tracking (which showed again I wasn't o'ing on my own) after 6 days of them telling my my follicles were ready and I was going to o before the next appointment and nothing was happening, they gave me the HCG trigger shot. The shot worked, I o'd and I got a bfp a few weeks later. Unfortunately I had a m/c. They wanted to do an early scan to see if it was more than one due to the clomid. I went in for a scan at what should have been 7 weeks. They said things were measuring 5w3d. Since we were quite sure of my dates due to tracking I knew right away something was wrong. I started bleeding the next day and completed the m/c within the week.

While the m/c was did give me hope as we found something that allowed me to get my first bfp ever!! I am currently cd12. I finished the clomid on cd7. I am not sure when or if I will o. I have been doing opk's since cd9. They were unable to do tracking this time due to Christmas holidays at the clinic (boo for bad timing). So I am on my own this time and am hoping for the best!!

I wish all the rest of you good luck!! I hope we all find that magical combination of dosage and timing and clomid works for all of us!!

Mrs.Elsie I am so sorry for your loss.

Amanda - I am from Saskatchewan, Canada and we have had a ton of snow this winter. It is supposed to snow more this weekend!! It will definitely be a white Christmas here!!

Welcome! I'm sorry to hear about the miscarriage. I had one 4 years ago when we weren't trying and it was heartbreaking. I was only on my second round of clomid when I got my BFP. Good luck to you with this cycle and I hope you get your sticky bean soon!
Mrs Elsie - You have a great attitude. I am glad that you are feeling well! My DH and I think the same way that we really want to have a family together, and if we are not able to conceive ourselves, that we are happy to adopt as well. For us (probably moreso me, lol), impatience gets the best of me sometimes!

AFM - tested today at 13 dpo and got a BFN. I was disappointed but not surprised. It usually hits me pretty hard, and this time I am just happy that I O'd earlier on clomid, so now am hopeful for the next cycle! One annoying thing is that my doctor wants me to confirm the BFN with a blood test before I stop progesterone supplements, and becuase of the holidays I won't be able to do the blood test till next Thursday (Dec 27th). This delays my next cycle since I won't get AF until I stop the progesterone, but at least I will be able to enjoy the holidays and a few drinks in the meantime, right? :)

Thanks Starlight, I know what you mean about being impatient - I think I could handle it if someone said that I'd never have my own children, or would have them in, say, 5 years, it's just the fact that I just dont know. It's like pouring coins of hope into a fruit machine knowing that the jackpot is possible, but not knowing if you'll ever get it!

Sorry to hear about the BFN. But yes definitely enjoy a few christmas drinks, we have to appreciate the upsides where we can! Where's the Baileys....
Hey All,

Starlight- sorry for the BFN:/ Ugh.

Welcome, Jenkb!

AFM- I talked to the nurse at my OB office yesterday and she said my CD21 Progesterone test was within "normal range" but she wouldn't tell me the exact #. She said my doctor would follow up with me--- but of course I waited until 1pm today to follow up with my doc and the office is closed early! ha. Well if it's in normal range hopefully that means I O'd. I would like to know the # of course though.

Dont' feel any symptoms really but I'm only 6 or 7dpo so who knows. Dont' feel very positive about it though. Ugh. I am looking forward to seeing family and getting my mind off it! We will be away from tomorrow until Wednesday so I won't be bringing any tests with me. I'll be testing 12/26 which will be 11dpo.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday. TGIF, right?!
MrsElsie, of course. xo

Welcome jenkb123

Hugs everyone lately.

I am doing femara next cycle. Other than that, um, just moody and sad and lurky. Reading up.
KerrBear, I think that's how my temps are going to be....just all over the place. Oh well, I guess I'll see what next cycle does with the Clomid. It will probably be even crazier! haha! My body generally doesn't handle medication too well....I can't even take cold medicine. So I'm a little nervous to see what side effects I get. But, hopefully it will be worth it.

Sara, we ended up with at least 14 in and the winds were so bad yesterday that we have 4-5ft drifts. Hubby spent almost 8 hrs clearing it away yesterday. We live in the country with a longer driveway, so it's a lot of work! I heard Madison got it the worst with almost 18in. We are in the Fond du Lac area, which is south of Oshkosh/Appleton.
Mrs Elsie - You have a great attitude. I am glad that you are feeling well! My DH and I think the same way that we really want to have a family together, and if we are not able to conceive ourselves, that we are happy to adopt as well. For us (probably moreso me, lol), impatience gets the best of me sometimes!

Amanda - we got loads of snow here too. It is going to be almost 30cm (12in) by this afternoon!!

Breading Dawn - sorry that AF has arrived :hugs: I am also very hopeful for your 2nd round of clomid and glad that you can start it soon! :)

Kerrbear - how are you feeling?

AFM - tested today at 13 dpo and got a BFN. I was disappointed but not surprised. It usually hits me pretty hard, and this time I am just happy that I O'd earlier on clomid, so now am hopeful for the next cycle! One annoying thing is that my doctor wants me to confirm the BFN with a blood test before I stop progesterone supplements, and becuase of the holidays I won't be able to do the blood test till next Thursday (Dec 27th). This delays my next cycle since I won't get AF until I stop the progesterone, but at least I will be able to enjoy the holidays and a few drinks in the meantime, right? :)

Feeling pretty good for the most part. When the nausea isn't there it's better. I'm having some headaches here and there and a lot of gas the past 2 days. I feel like I'm getting a cold though so I'm trying to avoid it turning into a sinus infection.
KerrBear, I think that's how my temps are going to be....just all over the place. Oh well, I guess I'll see what next cycle does with the Clomid. It will probably be even crazier! haha! My body generally doesn't handle medication too well....I can't even take cold medicine. So I'm a little nervous to see what side effects I get. But, hopefully it will be worth it.

Sara, we ended up with at least 14 in and the winds were so bad yesterday that we have 4-5ft drifts. Hubby spent almost 8 hrs clearing it away yesterday. We live in the country with a longer driveway, so it's a lot of work! I heard Madison got it the worst with almost 18in. We are in the Fond du Lac area, which is south of Oshkosh/Appleton.

Yeah. Because of my temps I really wasn't expecting a BFP.
Starlight - I'm so sorry for the bfn :hugs: And how frustrating to have to wait til the 27th til you can stop the progesterone. Hope you enjoy some well-deserved Christmas drinks x

MrsElsie that is a great way to describe this whole thing like pouring money into a fruit machine. That's totally how it is! I hate not knowing and so many times have wished someone could just say you WILL have kids or your definitely won't, so you can just deal with it. Even now I don't feel fully secure and don't for one minute take this current pregnancy as 100% safe, would love so much to know the future and get cross that I can't! Bit of a control freak :wacko:

Jen really sorry for all your ttc hardships and your loss. Everyone on here can absolutely sympathise and are a great support :hugs: FX for you x
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!! It really does make things easier to have people who understand what I am going through in this crazy ttc process!!

Hope everyone is doing well. Christmas preparations are a good distraction. This is always such a busy time of the year. Of course I am not ready and will be scrambling around a bit over the next few days. I do it every year would think I would learn!!

I am now cd14. Still nothing on the opk's. Hoping I will o soon. Baby dust to all!! I think 2013 will be our year :)

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