Confused? can you help explain Positive OPK 6DPO? Dull cramping,achy lower back

I'm very glad that I made you giggle. That was most certainly the goal. I'm sorry about your BFNs :( but I'm going to go all disney on your rear and sing "Dooon't stop. BELIEVIN.". Or maybe that's Glee.....

Anyways. I hope you don't mind if I pull a SUPER stereotypical obnoxious annoying-as-heck-but-well-meaning stranger thing and tell you a story.

My aunt and uncle had unexplained fertility for 13 years and had pretty much accepted that it wasn't happening and then out of the blue BAM boy and a year later BAM boy and a year later BAM boy and now those boys are obnoxious teenagers that hide crusty socks under the bed and take too many showers and they lived happily ever after.
Holy cow. That's an insane story. Thank you for sharing! Wow.... effing miracle after miracle! Too many miracles for me! Lol!!!

So where are you at in your cycle? Symptoms etc? Let's all obsess together :)
Well.... We weren't planning on trying for #2 until september (the idea of trying to finish graduation finals with a newborn makes my husband curl up into a ball and hyperventilate) buuuut we were bad kids the other night and failed at pull out aaand I was ovulating that day so I find myself in the TWW. I highly doubt i'm pregnant seeing as getting pregnant with DS was a royal PITA but I can't but go "omg I had a vivid dream. I always had vivid dreams last time". Yesterday I threw up breakfast and my husband was like "haha not pregnant are you?". I looked at him, he looked at me, we both looked at DS and then he got up and walked calmly out of the room.
OMG :) Yikes!!! You actually threw up breakfast, huh? That does sound promising. I wish I was barfing all over the place! As crazy as it would be to complete grad with a newborn, you can totally make it happen. How old is your DS? And in what way was it a PITA?
DS issss.... almost 15 months. God. I never understood why people would say "15 months". I'd be like seriously. 1. your child is 1. But then I realized that if you say 1 people say "HOW 1? Because if it's late 1 he should be doing XYZ" and suddenly it was like yup.... that's why that happens. We'll be using months until hes 36 months.

Sorry. OT. I have endometriosis that would make Shelob (Lord of The Rings... anyone?) jealous. We did NTNP for 6 months or so and then I went crazy and broke down in my gynos office about how her staff was rude and and lazy and I wanted a baby and she clued me into temping and OPKs and it controlled my life for another another year and a half after that with a chemical pregnancy somewhere in there and then at last a lovely little pink line followed by 11 months of puking (I puked from before the + until a month after the kid came out. Apparently that's a thing).

Overall 2 years really isn't bad but (as you well know) its a the roller coaster from heck. Apparently having a baby is like holy water for endo so HOPEFULLY my parts will be well greased now and next baby will be easier... we shall see.
That certainly sounds like a rough journey! I'm so happy that you finally got a bFP, I've heard it is super difficult for ladies with endo. But I'm also realizing it's tough for ladies without endo too. lol.

I'm finally going to start temping. I've soooo given up so I haven't been doing anything recently to help along the process, but since we are going to start trying again, I need to get into all that stuff.

And fertili tea... has amazing reviews on Amazon. Incredible. So I'll prob get me some of that too.

How funny, if this cycle is a BFP for you. You tried so long and hard for #1 then 2 come as a piece of unexpected cake? Lol. Sweet!
That would be really funny..... testing this weekend sometime if AF doesn't show so we'll see.

While you're back to trying, have you thought about vitex or soy or any of that stuff? I'm always seeing ladies on here who swear by it and I have a friend with PCOS that uses them just to maintain hormones at a comfortable level.

I'm still with dill though that you aren't out this cycle until the witch shows!!!
I tried Vitex for a cycle months ago, then forgot about it. Haven't thought about soy, don't know what it does? I really need to pick SOMETHING to try and stick with it!

Also, accompanied by my cramping tonight, I had another little bout of light pink spotting...

So I'm finally giving in to uploading pics.

I had that dark spotting that I previously posted on 11dpo.
Light pink creamy spotting on 14dpo(first pic)
and now this very light scant spotting on 16dpo(second pic)

What do you think- if this IS an annovulatory cycle, could this be break through bleeding? I don't really know what that even means, but I read it somewhere once.

But I really feel like AF is coming on. :/


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My that IS a very pretty pink.

Hmmm I'm probably wrong but I really thought break through bleeding only applied to birth control users.

It just seems unlikely to me that you would have any bleeding with an anovulatory cycle... but if you ovulated and you aren't pregnant you should in theory have a normal period....

Maybe you ovulated during that second LH surge and this is implantation? I've always heard implantation bleeding is super light pink.
I know! It's so pretty! I've never had something so pretty come out of my V!!! Usually just yucky, sticky, snotty... and come on, Eggwhites? SO not pretty. I SHOULD have painted a picture with it! Like a sunrise or something ;)

Maybe you're right about the break through, I'm not finding very clear info on it, but what I do find does seem to mention BC.

And I actually am counting as ovulating on that last LH surge, I am 16dpo according to that.! If I went by my first thought O date, I'd be like 24dpo right now. LOL.

One thing I've definitely noticed more prominently this cycle is a poking feeling around my belly button. But I'm sure I've felt it before and it's not unique to this cycle, but I'm noticing it more.

As for implantation- as nice as it would be, I think it would be weird to have it 3 times every couple days. Ya know? And dif colors?
CM sunset :haha:

mmm well it seems like on all of those "I didn't know I was pregnant" shows they always say they got light spotting and assumed it was some kind of weird period sooo...

Gha. I don't know. Do you have any more HPTs or OPKs to pee on? Maybe your body is like PERIOD and baby is like NO I'M IN HERE and your body is like oh my bad sorry. And then it's like Dory and it goes PERIOD and baby goes OMG FOR REALS I'M TRYING TO IMPLANT HERE.

It'd be nice if there was a way to track hormones more accurately than POAS
I do have more sticks I can pee on. But I don't feel like there's a point. I feel so defeated by AF again. I get soo damn depressed in the evenings. I love the Nemo (comparison,analysis,anomaly) I can NOT think of the word but it's on the tip of my tongue!
I'm sorry Beep :( I don't know much about hormones and pills for hormones and such but do you know if theres something a doctor could give you to reset your cycle so you can start fresh on CD1 and be able to temp and such?
Yeah, they can give you something to jumpstart a cycle but its only if you pass like CD 60 or something. Crazy.
Hmm so if you would have been 24DPO then you're on CD 38 or thereabouts?
Today is CD35. AGH!!! I didn't even realize my cycle was that long already. GRRRR.
Sooo not too terribly long until 60. Maaaybe if you told the doctor that you were on CD 40 they would be kind and merciful and say "Cycle day 50. Got it. Take this in ten days".

Or maybe I'm a horrible person.
I guess yeah, I could totally have "miscalculated" my days when telling them. OOPS. :) I will give it a week more and then call it quits. Or restart the vitex or something. I *have* had cycles longer than this, but it isn't terribly common. Actually, you just reminded me I have a dr appt on March 6th, so I can wait until then.... and maybe get some clomid to kick this annovulation in the buttttt!
OMG march 6th. That's so exciting that's not far at all! (even though I'm sure it feels like an eternity).

Clomid is DB. Have you ever been on it before?

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