Confused? can you help explain Positive OPK 6DPO? Dull cramping,achy lower back

No puking, per se, just struggling VERY hard not to. It hasn't been all that bad, just a few incidences of "omg I'm gonna hurl."

Right now, it's mostly just exhaustion that's hit me hard. I'm up for 3 hours and I'm ready to go back to bed. I've been reassured that it'll go away in the second tri... but in the meantime, I've got two more months of this.

Hubby wants me to go to an all-day outdoor event this weekend, and I'm just like, "No." :rofl:

Southern's right, the two charts do look a lot alike!
Yeaaah I love the outdoors but that would be a big ol heck no from me too. I hope your morning sickness sticks to just wanting to hurl and not actually doing it!
I feel bad for saying no because it's something that he really wants to go do, but I just don't think I'm up to it. Even if I was, there are some people who will be there that I don't want anything do with, and don't want to see. So it's complicated beyond the pregnancy issue.

I encouraged hubby to team up with some friends and go have some "bro time." He said he'll ask his buddies, but I feel like he's pretty upset with me about it. :(
Aw dill :( You have a right to not be around people you don't like. Plus, it's healthy to do things seperately occasionally, especially if it will make one of you miserable to go. Let him get some bros, you take a hot bath and read or watch tv or whatever it is you do and he'll get over it.
Yeah, they're former in-laws from the previous marriage, some people who were incredibly awful to me (an extend in-law family member who helped my ex engage in a series of affairs, and that's not even the whole of it)... I just don't want to deal with that kind of stuff, especially not while I'm freshly pregnant and feeling particularly emotional and vulnerable because of crazy hormones. And I'm just so dang exhausted!

I wouldn't even be doing anything fun, I work from home on the weekends. :( I think he just wants to go do something exciting together for some "us" time, but that's just not what I'm feeling up to at this point. But I don't want him upset with me about it, either.

He complains that he doesn't get enough bro time in, but always wants me to do these things with him. He does it to himself!
Oh hon I don't blame you. I won't even deal with current in laws half the time. He should understand you don't want to be around your ex's family. There's old friendships and then there's old marriage relationships and those are WAY different beasts. That's a huge line.

Seriously that's in no way ok for you. Maybe you could suggest doing something actually fun together shortly before or after? But yeah, this is definitely guy-time zone. Preggers dill ain't got time for that.
Maybe you could suggest doing something actually fun together shortly before or after?

Brilliant thinking! :thumbup: Maybe he'd have some interest in going to a movie, or maybe a romantic dinner for two.

You are so right, though -- pregnant Dill ain't got no time for any of that BS with the ex-in-laws and their ******** friends. :nope:
No joke. I hope he sees reason and takes an unsuspecting man on the trip instead and lets you two just have awesome teenage make out time at the movies :p
Ugh, Dill... I wouldn't want to go just as it is... especiallyyyy If I was going though all the nas, exhaustion, etc. I've realized I think I'm an introvert. BUT yeah, hubby has no right to get irritated over it... IF ONLY he could experience what YOU are experiencing... boy he'd have another thing coming!

And Southern, that chart does look very similar... can you explain what was going on with you that cycle.

And Midterms were ok! I thought My first was incredibly difficult! I got what I thought was an 86%, UNACCEPTABLE!! So I went and talked to my prof, and he showed me the way that HE calculates it, and I actually got a 94%... so, I'm fine with that ;)
Psh, like you'd ever get anything like an 86%, Beep! I knew you'd do great. :D
Whoo go beep! And as far as cycles, I have NO idea. In fact, this morning my temp plummeted again so now FF says I didn't ovulate (and truthfully I didn't think I had. NO ewcm or anything) so now its WAY past when I should have ovulated and now I'm wondering if I'm ovulating since DS was born? Ghaaaa whyyy body I thought you were working normally. :dohh:
That's so weird?!! I wonder if you are or aren't ovulating! Now I want to know. Very interesting... Do you have any pms symptoms? Usually I get some pretty typical symptoms after O. I still haven't eother. My temp is 96.7 today. It's such a beautiful upward curve on my chart!!! Hopefully something happens?! Day 18. Sheesh
*runs in, punts eggs out of both your ladies' ovaries, flees*

ROFL Dill. And yes Beep! It's insane! Typically I have monster cramps, EWCM and I gain 2 or 3 lbs right around O and then right before AF I drop about 5 lbs and the true pms begins but this month I've had nothing. Absolutely nothing. WHY ON THE MONTH I START CHARTING DOES MY BODY GO FUNKY?!? And huh... maybe your body is gearing up for the big punt... getting a running start.
Maybe since your brain is in on it this cycle- it's effing with it. Like how stress delays periods or whatever? Maybe cycle knowledge delays O...? Lol. I don't know.

Maybe? Maybe dill punted my eggs. I had some right ovary pinches today at work... Buuttttttt, it feels the same as is did earlier this cycle... cysts? So I don't know. Who knows. What I DO know is... I dealt with SOOOOOO much incontinent diarrhea at work today. :( Boo... My back is killing me. ... boo :( eyes on the prize.
Oh hon :( im sorry. Youre right, eyes on the prize. You 100% got this. And YAY FOR MAYBE O! keeping my toes crossed
I'm here....sad though...we have to put our pooch down tomorrow. =(( he has severe epilepsy, to the point his grand mal seizures are happening daily, upwards of ten minutes at a time...and today, he had one in his little nighttime cage (he sleeps in it with the gate open in the daytime) but he got his snout hooked up in the bars and literally ripped 5 of his teeth out. The vets afraid of our daughter being close by if he has one with that much bite force and said it could take her fingers right off. He's miserable anymore, you can tell he's in constant pain. Just sucks.
I'm so sorry, Prayin! That must be so incredibly hard. Been fighting some pet battles here, too. My older dog has been battling cancer for 4 years now and needs yet another surgery, and I just found a tumor on my younger dog last night. :( Not sure what I'm going to do.
Aww, poor babies =((( it's so hard, telling Haley was the hardest, I think it's the first time something has truly pained her little heart

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