Its even worse when it's just a constant stream of negative tests. It's why I keep telling myself I'll wait to 14dpo, and then I cave, and waste a ton of tests, and just get increasingly depressed.
I personally find the forums helpful. I don't really have anyone I can obsess with IRL! My sister has experience with MCs, but also already has 3 kids of her own, and a busy schedule, and just doesn't have time to listen to me. Hubby gets depressed when I try to talk to him about it. It's nice to have other women who understand and can offer support.
...and on the other hand, it can also be depressing sometimes when I slog through a ton of posts about BFPs, especially on early DPO HPTs. I am genuinely happy for each positive, but it hurts a little, sometimes. It's the same way when I go on my favorite HPT gallery site. Happy for the women who are excited about testing positive... and secretly a little envious when it's an unmistakable positive at, say, 7dpo.
But if it was just me obsessing alone in my little brain, I think I would just give up on the whole mess entirely and label myself deficient.