Confused? can you help explain Positive OPK 6DPO? Dull cramping,achy lower back

as far as i understand, if you ovulated more than a couple days later than normal, AF will likely also be late.:thumbup:

if your LP varies a lot, then:
Oing late and a short LP on cycle could look the same as
Oing on time and a mid length LP, or
Oing early and having a long LP

if that makes sense? but if your LP is fairly consistent, then late O will just mean AF shows later. i don't think it affects your ability to get pregnant - that is simply based on "did the sperm make it in time or not?":spermy::haha:
LP is typically consistent, regardless of how long or short your follicular phase is.
Awesome :) Than we shall see. Dill my dear how are you feeling? How is everyone?
Any updates?
Feeling positively awful today, but I got my 3+ weeks on my digi today, so that makes it worthwhile. :)
Oh dill! That's wonderful!! I'm so excited. I'm sorry you're feeling awful though :(. Smelling citrus (I literally carried around orange peels) was my best friend for morning sickness.
I wonder if orange essential oil would have the same effect? That might be totally doable!

For me, it's been ginger -- ginger tea, ginger candies, crystallized ginger. But that only helps with the nausea, and not the massive food aversion. Oy!
The oil would probably be even better, I was just too lazy to pick any up. I'm so glad ginger is helping you! I think the food aversion normally clears up before the morning sickness. I hope so anyways.

Anything new with beep or jump?
The oil would probably be even better, I was just too lazy to pick any up. I'm so glad ginger is helping you! I think the food aversion normally clears up before the morning sickness. I hope so anyways.

Anything new with beep or jump?

awww thanks southern:hugs:

cd9 here. i just put in 2 really hard days at the gym and now feel like i'm getting sick. maybe just getting run down...sigh. working out is the only thing that has kept me from having full blown breakdowns (okay, wait, i have them once a week or so:dohh: but imagine it'd be more if i didn't work out). things are rough. just a lot of stuff piling is sort of the last thing on my mind and haven't really even made a plan for this month. maybe we'll just go with the flow...? i'm still temping, but maybe will just see when the mood strikes us (and by us, i mostly mean my husband.:dohh::rofl:)
I am jealous of your tenacity at the gym. I like exercise but hate gyms but im so jealous of people that stick with them. Im sorry you're feeling sick though :( when do you usually O? Plenty of time to get in the mood!! ;) or at least get dh in the mood :p
My hubby is a gym rat lol I've tried to go with him, I just don't like it. I rather work in the yard or go for a run, both of which have been non existent since winter began lol and dill, I kept war heads candy with me for when the nausea hit, I think it was the bitter sour that helped, but around 9 weeks until I have birth I literally puked everyday, there was an almost two wk gap around 23 weeks that I didn't feel sick when puking, just the urge to do it and that's when I got the nursery ready haha
I am jealous of your tenacity at the gym. I like exercise but hate gyms but im so jealous of people that stick with them. Im sorry you're feeling sick though :( when do you usually O? Plenty of time to get in the mood!! ;) or at least get dh in the mood :p

it's not so much tenacity, is just that i knew i was "supposed to" go. i was a wreck for all of december and most of january until i forced myself to the gym. after the first couple weeks, i actually started to LIKE it!:shock: and now i don't want anything to get in the way of me going. (who AM i?!:haha:) anyway, i go to a Turbo Kick class on tuesday and wednesday and then this thing called PiYo on thursdays. my husband and i do cardio and weight lifting on saturday and sunday. and there's another Turbo/PiYo class on monday nights, or i go for a 4 mile walk with my neighbor some weeks too. the only thing that sucks is that i am eating well, exercising, taking care of my body, etc. etc. but still have mental/emotional breakdowns at least once a week. some days i get so mad because i'm doing everything i'm "supposed to" be doing and yet i'm still so depressed and in a funk and...yeah...sigh. (sorry, am totally being a debbie downer...:dohh:)

as for O, i used to be pretty regularly cd15, but the last 3 cycles have been 13, 14 and 13. it's cd10 now, and i had a bunch of ewcm last night and a bit this morning, so hoping we can get in some sex tonight...? neither of us are really in the mood lately. my husband is struggling with work and his grandma just died 2 weeks, lots of crap and sex is usually not on the table.:nope: we'll see. off to the gym!!:thumbup:

My hubby is a gym rat lol I've tried to go with him, I just don't like it. I rather work in the yard or go for a run, both of which have been non existent since winter began lol
my husband likes to do cardio and lift, so i do that with him on the weekends. but i don't really like weight lifting.:haha: the classes are much more fun.:thumbup:
My husband makes me buy workout games for our Wii, and then he doesn't use them. He has a bit of a weight issue and his cardiologist is always nagging him to lose weight, but I can't convince him to do anything. He bought a weight set and has never once used it for as long as I've known him.

Meanwhile, I was doing the workouts (I would never work out in front of other people, omg) to tone up for the wedding. :rofl: I have a physical disability that affects my mobility, though, and with my joints already being extra loose from the pregnancy, I've switched something very easy and low-impact just so I can be toned. It's not going to burn many calories, but at least it'll keep my muscles in some degree of shape.

I hate hate hate hate working out. I love to go walking and hiking, but I can't do that but a month or two a year!
Prayin, I feel ya sista. I was sick until the day I gave birth (and during, totally barfed on a nurse but it was the mean one so I didn't feel too bad). Jump I'm SO jealous. That sounds like an awesome routine. The smallest I ever was was when I was in taekwondo and running but I HATE running. I like weights and we have a gym here at work that I use occasionally but I just hate working out with my male coworkers (and by male I mean all of them. I'm the only female on this crew :/) I stay in decent shape just because my job is extremely physical (I climb the equivalent of about 10 stadiums a day and walk 12 miles) but as far as good cardio or toning I'm just too tired at the end of the work day to make it happen. I really need to though.

Meanwhile DH is a machine. He will literally sit on the couch for a year and then get up and run a marathon and he's TINY. He started getting less tiny after DS was born and we thought his metabolism was finally slowing down. NOPE. He was getting ripped from carrying around a baby. Something moms everywhere do all the time, and he gained 20 lbs of muscle. He now looks like something off the cover of mens health. From carrying. A. Baby. I hate him sometimes.
Man, it's been radio silence over here. Where's my sista Beep at?
I just had to pop in to say hi! It's finals week ladies! I am studying my ass off. Last week was dedicated to finishing all papers and projects, now I'm consumed with my studying. I haven't had time to sit and chat. And I didn't want to come write a quick post that would be unchecked for days. Sorry I've been gone. I will probably still be gone for another 5 or so days. But I'm alive (barely) ! Hope all is well with everyone. My chart looks like... a chart. :) Ovulated, but no hope of pg for this month since we missed the days. Unless the whole high school "Even if he doesn't ejaculate, pre-cum can still get you pregnant" thing works out. LOL
Haha, you never know! I'm glad you're more or less alive and doing reasonably okay, Beep. Good luck on your finals! I know you'll rock them.
Good luck beep!! It was good to hear from you.

AFM, my period was on time, which means my L.P. sucked so im really hoping this isn't the norm and I just didnt notice. If it continues im definitely seeing the doc way before we start ttc in sept.
Oh Dang Southern! I would definitely wonder whats up with that?! I just started AF today (first day of finals) so I had a 13 day LP and usually have a 15-16 so... my LPs wonky too :( Hopefully we can get these worked out!
Oh bleck! !! our bodies are sharing bad karma!! 13 days isnt bad but its SO weird that it changed at all!! How are finals going?
Stress will do that! I know it doesn't take much to throw my cycles off, and finals are stress city!!!

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