Congrats Mommies! Just got my BPF yesterday. Looking for journey friends. EDD OCT 27

Hi all. I hope those of you in the US are having a great 4th of July weekend! Been a bit quiet in here lately, I guess we are all just cruising along at the moment :) I've just realised I've passed the 24 week viability milestone! Yay!
Yay for viability! I'll be there tomorrow ☺ then my next big goal is 28 weeks. We didn't do much for the holiday because we live in Florida it rains every year. Sure enough, everything got rained out. But we did see some fireworks coming home from dinner and watched some on tv. Hope everyone is doing well!
Another milestone is that our tickers are all getting close to only double figures left in the countdown. Seems like time is flying now!

Audra, do you mind me asking why 28 weeks is a milestone for you? Sorry if you've mentioned previously.
Another milestone is that our tickers are all getting close to only double figures left in the countdown. Seems like time is flying now!

Audra, do you mind me asking why 28 weeks is a milestone for you? Sorry if you've mentioned previously.

Yeah, I had preterm labor with my last two babies and by 28 wks last time i was 5cm dilated. The doctors didn't know if the baby would stay in much longer. We made it to 36 weeks though, with lots of interventions. So this time my doctor has played it really safe. I get makena shots and after today's appointment I'll be going every two weeks to get checked out and make sure I'm not dilating. I haven't had any contractions, at all though. Last time, by this point i had been in the hospital atleast 5-6 times with contractions. So, I think the shots are working ☺
Hey guys. All is well with me. I have my 28 week checkup tomorrow. I'll be doing the glucose test and getting the tdap shot. I might have to get a Pap smear as well. I guess they want to get all of the terrible parts out of the way in one appointment.

I can feel him getting bigger everyday. I don't know how much weight I've gained at this point because I stopped weighing myself. It was making me depressed.

We finally settled on a name for him, but we are keeping it between us because of all the opinions that keep ruining our name choices. Haha.

Only 87 more days.

Congrats on viability! And congrats Audra for making it this far with no issues. Have you guys already finished the baby's rooms?
Hey guys. All is well with me. I have my 28 week checkup tomorrow. I'll be doing the glucose test and getting the tdap shot. I might have to get a Pap smear as well. I guess they want to get all of the terrible parts out of the way in one appointment.

I can feel him getting bigger everyday. I don't know how much weight I've gained at this point because I stopped weighing myself. It was making me depressed.

We finally settled on a name for him, but we are keeping it between us because of all the opinions that keep ruining our name choices. Haha.

Only 87 more days.

Congrats on viability! And congrats Audra for making it this far with no issues. Have you guys already finished the baby's rooms?

Thanks! Our nursery is almost done actually :) We just have some minor touch up things to do. well, Daddy has to do... lol.

I know how you feel on the baby getting bigger! mine is really long like his siblings and already kicking me in the ribs :( but it's all worth it in the end. My son Wes was a 36 weeker but 23.25 inches & 6lbs 6oz at birth! Almost two feet tall :) this one is measuring about the same, BIG. lol.
My glucose test is in 4 weeks, should be pretty routine. I've never had a problem in the past. My midwife checked my cervix yesterday just to make sure things are ok and it's still long and closed. which is a huge relief :) The makena shots are working! yay!
So, I had my appointment. Baby is doing fine, but I'm borderline for GD. The cut off is 140 and I scored 139... yikes.

I also had a yeast infection, so that's fun.

The tdap shot had made me really tired, but that's the only side effect I'm having from that besides a sore arm.

Today was definitely one of those days when I wished he was outside instead of inside, but I'm still enjoying pregnancy and my time alone with DH.

I'm glad you guys are doing well :)
So, I had my appointment. Baby is doing fine, but I'm borderline for GD. The cut off is 140 and I scored 139... yikes.

I also had a yeast infection, so that's fun.

The tdap shot had made me really tired, but that's the only side effect I'm having from that besides a sore arm.

Today was definitely one of those days when I wished he was outside instead of inside, but I'm still enjoying pregnancy and my time alone with DH.

I'm glad you guys are doing well :)

Oh No! I'm worried about GD this time around because in December my A1C was 6.3 and 6.5 is diabetic. I do my test in 3.5 weeks.
Is the tdap shot a routine shot where you live? I don't get any shots/vaccinations because I had a severe reaction as a toddler(Tdap) and still have seizures from it to this day. My children are unvaccinated, for the most part, because of this.

One of my molars broke this morning eating breakfast :( I'm gonna have to go get it checked by the dentist next week, unless it starts hurting and I have to go sooner.

I'm sooooooo tired the last two weeks. whoever said the second trimester was a breeze is nuts! lol
It's routinely offered, but it's not mandatory. I chose to get it. There have been several deaths due to whooping cough in my area in the past couple years and 90% have been babies or children.

The tdap was required for me as a long time as a medical professional (every 10 years I think), but I decided to get it now to pass on antibodies to Sam. I haven't ever had a problem with vaccinations.

My SD got the dtap a couple weeks ago with her school shots and my DH and MIL will be getting a booster before the baby comes.

I can't believe I'm down to 12 weeks. I've been really blessed to have found some incredible bargains and my friends and family have given me things as well. Everything is almost done and I hardly have anything to put on my registry. I keep waffling between eagerness to see his little face and feeling comforted knowing he's safe inside.
Hi ladies. Hope you are all doing well :thumbup:

Audra, thanks for explaining why 28 weeks is a milestone for you. It must have been so scary with your past pregnancies causing so many worries and needing all that intervention. Sounds like things are going the right way this time though. Fingers crossed! I have a friend who is currently pregnant with her 3rd and has had similar problems with both her first 2. She's type 1 diabetic though, and I think that has been the route of her problems. She currently about 31/32 weeks and in and out of hospital with the beginnings of preterm labour. I think she made it to 34/35 weeks with her other two (and they were both fine and a good weight, even for being early), so I hope she can last at least that long again.

As for me, I've finally started making some baby-related preparations! We only live in a 3 bedroom house, so we're still deciding whether the baby will move into the nursery and my son move into the other room (so that we can keep the existing nursery decor), or if we do a new nursery for the baby. The rooms are pretty small so I don't really think having them share a room is an option. Of course the baby will be in with us for the first few months, so we have a bit longer to decide. We have bought a bassinet - we borrowed one with DS but this time I really want a co-sleeper, so that's what we got. It's this one. I've also purchased a car seat and the extra parts for our pram (2nd seat plus car seat adaptors). I've sorted though DS's clothes and organised them into sizes as well, so yeah, getting there!

I have my glucose tolerance test next week - didn't have any problems last time so hopefully it's the same this time around. I hope you go OK with this Audra.

nmpjcp2015 - do you have to do anything because of the borderline GD result?

Whew - this turned into a bit of a novel! haha. Talk to me ladies, I'm obviously bored!! lol :dohh:
Hi ladies. Hope you are all doing well :thumbup:

Audra, thanks for explaining why 28 weeks is a milestone for you. It must have been so scary with your past pregnancies causing so many worries and needing all that intervention. Sounds like things are going the right way this time though. Fingers crossed! I have a friend who is currently pregnant with her 3rd and has had similar problems with both her first 2. She's type 1 diabetic though, and I think that has been the route of her problems. She currently about 31/32 weeks and in and out of hospital with the beginnings of preterm labour. I think she made it to 34/35 weeks with her other two (and they were both fine and a good weight, even for being early), so I hope she can last at least that long again.

As for me, I've finally started making some baby-related preparations! We only live in a 3 bedroom house, so we're still deciding whether the baby will move into the nursery and my son move into the other room (so that we can keep the existing nursery decor), or if we do a new nursery for the baby. The rooms are pretty small so I don't really think having them share a room is an option. Of course the baby will be in with us for the first few months, so we have a bit longer to decide. We have bought a bassinet - we borrowed one with DS but this time I really want a co-sleeper, so that's what we got. It's this one. I've also purchased a car seat and the extra parts for our pram (2nd seat plus car seat adaptors). I've sorted though DS's clothes and organised them into sizes as well, so yeah, getting there!

I have my glucose tolerance test next week - didn't have any problems last time so hopefully it's the same this time around. I hope you go OK with this Audra.

nmpjcp2015 - do you have to do anything because of the borderline GD result?

Whew - this turned into a bit of a novel! haha. Talk to me ladies, I'm obviously bored!! lol :dohh:

Yeah, it definitely was scary :( I'm just glad things seem to be working out this time. Luckily my son that was a 36 weeker was a good weight also. 6lbs 6oz, 23.25 in.
I went to my apt to get my Makena shot today and they said I may have to see a high risk doctor from here on out :( I'm really bummed out, I'll find out tomorrow though... I started tearing up at the office about it, damn hormones! But, I just got used to everyone and even have a favorite nurse. She looks for me every week to give me my shot so we can chit chat for a minute. I was also getting very comfortable with the midwife and doctor there. I really don't want to switch, but if they think it's best then I'll just have to suck it up :(
No, they just told me to reduce my carbs and get more excercise. They didn't even mention taking the 3 hour test. I guess it wasn't that big a deal.

Audra, I really hope you don't have to switch, but it sounds like they only want what's best for you.

You guys are getting closer and closer to third trimester! Wooohoo. I can't wait to see all the precious little babies.
No, they just told me to reduce my carbs and get more excercise. They didn't even mention taking the 3 hour test. I guess it wasn't that big a deal.

Audra, I really hope you don't have to switch, but it sounds like they only want what's best for you.

You guys are getting closer and closer to third trimester! Wooohoo. I can't wait to see all the precious little babies.

I don't have to see a high risk doctor! YAY! It was a mistake, thank God! I am at risk for preterm labor and have a seizure disorder but I haven't had a seizure in almost 1 year so after they discussed everything with Perinatology and MFM I'm ok to stay with my OBGYN <3 I'm super happy about that :happydance:

Next big thing is the glucose test. I passed it with my other three so I hope I'll pass this time. But I was borderline diabetic in December so IDK what's gonna happen. I've been eating really well anyways, because that's what my doctor said to do in Dec. Less carbs and more exercise.....
That's great news Audra! You must be so relieved :thumbup:

VERY Relieved :)

So, tonight Dh and I are going on a hospital tour! I've been playing hooky from work though. I work with Dh in the office and he's out in the field all day. I was just too damn tired this morning. I'm getting over a nasty chest cold and for the last week I couldn't really sleep because I was up all night coughing :( so last night I actually wasn't coughing that bad and thought I might actually sleep? HA! diarreah and a really upset stomach woke me at 1 AM and after taking some imodium and some antacids I couldn't fall back asleep until almost 3. Then Dh was up @6:30... yikes. I'm exhausted still and probably gonna nap again soon.

I hope everyone is well!
hey guys. i just got back from a mini vacation with my hubby and SD. it was pretty fun. in a couple weeks, i have to make the drive to go see my mom. for her 50th birthday too.

i'm getting more excited about the baby coming. have you guys decided about what type of birth you'd like to have? i'm pretty sure i'm getting an epidural. i don't have a high pain tolerance at all, and that's what's best for me and my experience.
hey guys. i just got back from a mini vacation with my hubby and SD. it was pretty fun. in a couple weeks, i have to make the drive to go see my mom. for her 50th birthday too.

i'm getting more excited about the baby coming. have you guys decided about what type of birth you'd like to have? i'm pretty sure i'm getting an epidural. i don't have a high pain tolerance at all, and that's what's best for me and my experience.

I'm def going natural. No Epidural for me. I had a horrible experience with my first and then had both of my boys naturally. For me, it was really empowering. I don't knock anyone who has one though! It's there for the people who DO want it, why not take advantage? I just can't do it. Unless of course I had to have a C-section or if they give me pitocin. Even if they have to give me pitocin, I'm gonna try not to get an Epi but pitocin is fucking evil!! It makes labor pains SO MUCH WORSE.
hey guys. i just got back from a mini vacation with my hubby and SD. it was pretty fun. in a couple weeks, i have to make the drive to go see my mom. for her 50th birthday too.

i'm getting more excited about the baby coming. have you guys decided about what type of birth you'd like to have? i'm pretty sure i'm getting an epidural. i don't have a high pain tolerance at all, and that's what's best for me and my experience.

I'm glad you had a good time on your mini-break. DH and I go away for a couple of nights without DS in a few weeks - I'm just hoping to have a really relaxing time.

I was induced and ended up having an epidural with DS. I really hope I don't have to be induced again as I hated the pitocin (even though I only had the lowest dose), but as to whether or not I get an epidural... well I will decide when the time comes. I'll be aiming not to have one as it would be nice to be more mobile than last time, but if I decide I need one I won't feel bad about that decision.

Hope you're feeling better today Audra!
So, I'm feeling a lot more impatient this time around! I'm already ready for baby to be here (well, not really as we don't have everything organised and haven't decided on a name yet, but mentally I feel ready!). I don't really remember feeling like this with DS, at least until I was overdue. Anyone else feeling like this with baby #2+ ?
I know what you mean! Although like you we don't have a name picked yet (are you struggling with this too?) and I'm finding it sooo frustrating. I'm seeing all these people on here already referring to their little ones using their names. Gah! I feel terrible.

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