Congrats Mommies! Just got my BPF yesterday. Looking for journey friends. EDD OCT 27

This is my first, but I'm more than ready. Maybe it's because I found out so soon? Next time I hope I find out a little later that I'm pregnant. 10 more weeks seems like a decade away.
Sorry I've been so MIA lately. I've had family down, a flea issue with my dog at home (which made me absolutely crazy!), and crazy busy with work.

I've been by checking in on u guys but haven't had a chance to really sit and write. I'm glad eveyone is doing good. We've all made it to the 3rd Trimester which is amazing! Getting to hold the babies still seems so far away tho.
We decided to name the baby Ryan. So I'm glad that thats out of the way. Were still waiting to move into a bigger place but we live in miltary housing so we have to be on a waiting list and they'll tell us when one is available. So thats my biggest stress at the moment. It's hard seeing everything getting piled in the living room and not being able to put his nursery together.... Crib in a box here, dresser in a box there, stroller and car seat over here.....

With my other pregnancy I did get the epidural. I did'nt really have a bad reaction or anything to it. So I'm thinking I will get it again. But we'll see what happens in the moment. I have to book my hospital tour this week. DH has been asking me to do it but it seems like things have just been popping up everywhere I turn.

R u guys feeling the babies all the time. Mine feels like it wont stop lol.
Hi Sam! Good to hear from you again, I was wondering what you were up to! Love the name Ryan - we might actually end up using it as a middle name, but we're not sure yet.

I have an anterior placenta so I mostly feel movements when I'm still, the placenta tends to act as a cushion and so I don't notice the movements so much if I'm up and moving as well. However, I can still feel and see movements on the outside now :)

I really hope you get accepted for a bigger house soon. We live in a 3-bedroom place, so one for DH and I, one for DS and one currently a spare room. The spare room is getting loaded up with all of the baby's stuff, which we've been slowly getting together.
So we have unexpectedly started potty training our DS (coming up to 20 months)! I only bought a potty on Friday as he has been telling me that he needs to poop (and then following through!) for a week or two. So I got one on Friday morning and after lunch he tells me he needs to go, I get it out, sat him on it, and he goes! I had been planning on showing it to him and get him used to it slowly, but I didn't get a chance, lol. Since then we've had 4 poops on the potty, 4 days in a row! Not sure he gets the idea about peeing yet, but I figure we'll get pooping figured out and then move on to that. Can't believe it, my little boy is growing up. How awesome would it be to have toilet training done before DS2 arrives... might be thinking a little ambitiously there!! :happydance: Sorry, just had to share :)
Awww congrats! That's a big step goneawry!

Sam- I love the name Ryan. It's so nice. I hope you get to move into bigger housing soon and the hospital tour goes great. We have our tour this Thursday night. In a week I have my 32 weeks appointment (I'll actually be 31+5). After that they said I have to start coming every 2 weeks. It's getting so real.

I have 2 other family members who are due babies, and one had her baby yesterday. She named her Hazel Nichole... I think that's so pretty. I'm next and then there's one due in Dec.

I also have two former classmates from Dental Hygiene school who are due in October! And another two friends that have had their babies in the last week or two! So. Many. Babies!
Goneawry- Thats so awesome! It's sad in a way when they hit that milestone cuz u really see them as little people now. But it will be so much easier only having to have one in diapers. And a lot less EXPENSIVE! Hopefully peeing will happen soon.

nmpjcp- One of my sisters is actually pregnant too. 2 weeks less than me. She lives in another state tho (Oregon I'm in California) so we can't really share being pregnant together except random texts here and there. She's expecting a little girl.
I hope ur appt next week goes good. That's the next milestone I'm looking forward too. Dr appt's every 2 weeks lol.

I talked to the housing dept. yesterday they said that they will probably have a 4 bedroom avail in Sept. for us. I feel bad for OH because I won't be able to help as much down the road. He's a good sport about it tho. Has anyone been having leg cramps???? I've been getting at least 3 every night and I wake up in so much pain. Definetly the worst thing about this pregnancy so far.

OH was watch labor videos on youtube the other night and now keeps apologizing for all the pain I'm going to be in.... I think it's so funny.
I'm glad you'll have a new place before the baby comes! Even though you won't be able to lift, you can still help. Have you ever seen that commerical about how to set up a washing machine with just one finger? The lady just point to where she wants things to go... that could be you, lol.

I'm so excited about this hospital tour tomorrow! Not so excited about my appointment. I feel like they just measure me, weigh me, make me give a urine sample, and run out of the room as fast as possible. Haha.

Everytime DH sees me watching One Born Every Minute, he starts on his kick about why I need an epidural at the soonest point possible. Lol. He's like my mom, she says, no one gets an award for having a tooth pulled with no lidocaine. The more I see, the more I'm inclined to agree.
Love the name Samuel Ellis. Did it come easy?

Maybe me not being able to lift anything might be a good thing in a way lol. No one really wants to do all that stuff. This could be payback for me having to go through the labor. I haven't watched one born every minute. I'm going to YouTube it in a little bit. I agree with ur DH and mom. I will be getting the epidural. With my daughter I got it as soon as I could. With this one I think I might wait a little bit. Just so I'm not confined to the bed. I want to be able to move around a lot.

I was looking at ur EDD. Oct 1st. Wow. That will be here before u kno it. It might even be in Sept. I remember when we were all at the beginning. In a way it doesn't seem like it was that long ago. In another it seems like it's been an eternity.
Nope. His name didn't come easy. We spent a lot of time and energy thinking and discussing (sometimes heatedly), but once we decided, it stuck and we are both very happy about it.

I usually refer to him as Sam, DH usually says Samuel or Ellis.

OMG -- October 1st is 9 weeks away!!! I'm trying my best not to complain, but I feel pretty done being pregnant on a consistent basis.

Actually, even though I know a lot of ladies are struggling to conceived and wishing they were at this stage, I miss being in the TTC stage. I miss being myself (and having sex all the time). Haha.
Nope. His name didn't come easy. We spent a lot of time and energy thinking and discussing (sometimes heatedly), but once we decided, it stuck and we are both very happy about it.

I usually refer to him as Sam, DH usually says Samuel or Ellis.

OMG -- October 1st is 9 weeks away!!! I'm trying my best not to complain, but I feel pretty done being pregnant on a consistent basis.

Actually, even though I know a lot of ladies are struggling to conceived and wishing they were at this stage, I miss being in the TTC stage. I miss being myself (and having sex all the time). Haha.

Super cute name! We're still up in the air about a name here... ugh. I just call him Noname Nelson, lol.

Sam- Yay for getting a new place before the baby comes! Hopefully you'll have time to decorate! lol

I'm only 8 weeks 5 days from when I delivered my last baby. I'm getting anxious and nervous all at the same time! I hope that I go to atleast 37-38 weeks though, not 36. My son was perfectly healthy and went home with me(no NICU, thank God) But all babies are different and 36 weeks for one baby could be OK but another baby it could be life threatening.

I did have to go into L&D on the 21st for some contractions, they went away after a few hours & some fluids and laying still in bed, But they were scary. I was having flashbacks of before and really worried about having this baby way too soon. They did a FFN which was negative and sent me on my way. I'm not dilated but my cervix was low and a little soft but they didn't seem concerned because this is "normal" since it's my fourth pregnancy.

goneawry- Yay for potty training! Hopefully it'll be a breeze and you'll only have one in diapers! I know how that goes. My boys are only 21 months apart. but Nate potty trained pretty quickly after Wes was born so it wasn't too bad for too long. Good luck!

My biggest problem with picking a name is Name association. I hear a name and I immediately associate it with someone I know or knew or I've heard of. It's usually bad stuff and then I can't bring myself to like the name enough to name my child that. LOL. I LOVE the name Wyatt. Dh isn't too keen on it though and keeps saying "Wyatt Erp" but I did some research and he was a really good person actually!
Wyatt Timothy (after dh). What do you ladies think?
Wyatt Timothy is really cute actually. I like it.

There aren't too many Wyatt's around.
I like it Audra. I haven't heard of too many Wyatt's either, but I think it might be one of those names that's about to make a bit of a comeback! I have the same problem as you do with name association. It's really hard to find one that DH and I both like AND neither of us associate with something negative AND which works with our surname AND which hasn't already been used by someone we know... argh, it's just a challenge. Also, you are very nearly at your 28 week milestone, just a few more days! Yay!

Sam, that's great news that a suitable house should be available for you in September. Don't feel too bad about not being able to help out much with a move, remember you are working hard all of the time and it's best for you and the baby that you don't push yourself too much. I was 7.5 months pregnant with DS when we last moved house, so I was in the same position - but I found I was still able to do things like unpacking smaller items and being at the new place to take deliveries, etc.

nmpjcp2015 - sometimes I feel like I miss the TTC stage as well (especially the excitement when seeing a positive test for the first time!), but then I remember the disappointment in the months that didn't work out.
Ahhh yes the disappointed of peeing on sticks and seeing a negative. I'm glad that certain part is over. TTC was fun in the begining. It felt so spontanious and as if we were kids again in a way. But then when it wasn't working it became to feel more like a job. We ended up trying the SMEP Plan and then that was an actual schedule and sucked. BUT it worked the first try so I'm glad it all paid off.

I know all about the heated discussions over the name. I think that name association is always a factor in one way or another... OH loved the name Wyatt. That came up more than a few times. I wanted it for a girl tho and not a boy. Wyatt Timothy flows pretty well. Maybe DH will come around considering the middle name is after him.
I'm really sorry about ur scare and having to go to L&D. If I had ur history it would be so hard not to be terrified about the whole thing. Hopefully the makena shots are doing its job! I will be praying for you Audra.
Ahhh yes the disappointed of peeing on sticks and seeing a negative. I'm glad that certain part is over. TTC was fun in the begining. It felt so spontanious and as if we were kids again in a way. But then when it wasn't working it became to feel more like a job. We ended up trying the SMEP Plan and then that was an actual schedule and sucked. BUT it worked the first try so I'm glad it all paid off.

I know all about the heated discussions over the name. I think that name association is always a factor in one way or another... OH loved the name Wyatt. That came up more than a few times. I wanted it for a girl tho and not a boy. Wyatt Timothy flows pretty well. Maybe DH will come around considering the middle name is after him.
I'm really sorry about ur scare and having to go to L&D. If I had ur history it would be so hard not to be terrified about the whole thing. Hopefully the makena shots are doing its job! I will be praying for you Audra.

Thanks Sam. It was definitely scary. I'm hoping it's the last hospital trip until delivery!
My GD test is Tuesday. I also get a growth scan that day! Yay! I can't wait to see my little man again ☺❤
I like names that are unusual or not often heard. Like mine, Audra. I've only ever met 1 person in my life that had my name. It's usually Audrey, Andrea, etc...
Wyatt is very uncommon. I like that about it, alot ☺❤ Dh is being really weird about naming the baby though, I guess I understand because it's his first and he wants to do everything "perfectly" lol...
This pregnancy has flown by for me so far. I'm sure it's gonna start CREEPING by From now on, lol....
I'm glad everyone is doing well! Ttyl
I definitely need some thoughts and prayers girls! Dh has been in the hospital since Wednesday. We've finally discovered it's his gallbladder �� he's in having a Hida scan now to determine if they're going to take the stone out or take the whole gallbladder. He's never had surgery before so he's terrified. All he keeps talking about is making it through this for the baby. He's so scared something bad is gonna happen �� i know it's a pretty simple surgery and not really difficult but I'm getting worried too...
Oh no. I definitely will be praying for you and your husband. My mom got her's out last year. Tell him it's really not so bad. It's out patient surgery. I hope he recovers soon either way.
Fingers crossed for your DH, Audra. I'm sure everything will be fine :hugs: It's only natural to feel scared before surgery but as you said, it should be a pretty simple thing. Looking on the bright side, at least this happened before baby arrived - it would be even more stressful to be dealing with that AND a newborn. Let us know how everything goes!
So, they decided not to do surgery. After the antibiotics, they did an endoscopy and found that the gallstone had moved and was no longer blocking anything and his pain when way down. He will most likely have to have his gallbladder removed one day but not right now. No ulcers or anything but his stomach isn't digesting properly. So, the doctor gave him some medication for it and he's gonna be on a strict diet to prevent the gallstone from getting any bigger. Plus, I'm putting him on an herbal detox for two weeks to maybe break up the stone so he can (hopefully) pass it naturally. I'm SO happy to finally be home. I stayed with him the whole time and sleeping was miserable :( No shower for 3 days either, YUCK. I could have rode a bus home or called a cab but I just couldn't leave him there feeling so bad... Thanks for all your thoughts and Prayers!!! I'm off to snuggle up in my OWN bed!! yay!
Yay. That's awesome news! I hope the herbal detox and special diet work for him!

AFM: Ladies this pelvic pain is getting horrible. It's hard to walk even. I"m not sure what to do about it.
Audra, that's great news. I hope he is starting to feel better - sounds like you have a good plan to keep things under control. Fingers crossed he manages to pass the stone on his own. It must be so nice to be back in your own bed. No more trips to hospital please until your baby boy is fully cooked and ready to enter the world!

nmpjcp2015 - sorry to hear you're in so much pain! I don't really have any advice for you as I haven't experienced that myself, but I hear that pelvic pain is just another one of those unfortunate things pregnant women often have to put up with! :( Have you told your doctor/midwife about it or asked for any medical advice?

Not much happening with me. I have a check up tomorrow, but it's just routine and I don't expect it to be very exciting! I'm starting to really slow down now and I feel much more worn out all of a sudden. The end is in sight but the time has started to sloooooooow down!

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