Congrats Mommies! Just got my BPF yesterday. Looking for journey friends. EDD OCT 27

I have a small pelvis and my 1st little guy had a head circumference in the 97th percentile (and still does). If I tried to deliver vaginally, I most certainly would have ended up with an EMCS. This little one is actually bigger than his older brother so an elective it is! I also am lucky enough to have panic disorder and I see an elective c-sec as being more controlled.
Totally agree with you in your case!

I'm trying to tell myself it will all be okay....
Lots to catch up on from you ladies! :)

Sam, sorry to hear you got some unexpected news at your appointment, but at least your dr seemed to do a more thorough check up this time! Also I guess it's good that you have a bit of time to get your head around the possibility of baby coming early. It will be interesting to see what the doc says once you get to 35 weeks.

I wonder what order we will end up having our baby's in... I have a feeling mine will be last to come, lol. As far as I know, he is measuring pretty much on track, but then they said that about his brother and he ended up being 9lb 8oz and above the 98th percentile for length!
It will definitely be neat to see who goes first! Hopefully it's me! Today marks 6 weeks left. I supposedly have 5 weeks of work left, but I don't want to sit around wasting my maternity leave, so I'll be here as long as I can be. I've actually been feeling a little better these days, so there's hope that I'll make it.

First baby shower tomorrow afternoon! :)
Oooh, baby shower, yay! Let us know how it goes :) Would love to even see some pics if you feel comfortable sharing. Mine is on September 5 (didn't have one with DS so having one this time around), can't wait!
Yay for your baby shower. I understand the feeling of not wanting to just sit around doing nothing.

I've been feeling better about the whole maybe being indused at 37 weeks. I'm just anxious for my appointment next month. 1 more week til the move... I'm excited.

Whats new with everyone else?
Ladies, I think the nesting may have already started!! I've spent all day so far cleaning, tidying and sorting!

How as your baby shower nmpjcp2015?
The baby shower was great. I don't have many pictures. My coworkers mostly took them on their phones. Here is a good one that I got of the cookies and cupcakes though. It was so adorable. They did the food in the same theme as my baby's bedroom :)

I think I'm nesting to, it's making me irritable because no one else in my house cleans, so they keep messing things up and pissing me off. Lol. I'd rather it just be me and the little baby who doesn't make messes. Ugh... I hate cleaning up after capable children and grown people. Ok rant over.

Sam at this point I'd love to be induced and know my date for sure. Maybe it's the control freak in me.


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Those cookies and cupcakes are super cute!! Glad you had a good time :)
nmpjcp I'm glad u had a good time. Now I want cupcakes haha! I totally understand what ur saying about the cleaning situation. As u ladies know already I'm in the process of getting ready to move so obviously my house now isn't looking the greatest. Anyways so my sister and 14yo niece came down to visit from Oregon and let's just say they're not the neatest! Along with them knowing how busy I am at the current moment I can sit there and entertain them them every second. So I know they must be thinking I'm just a total B right now. Anyways Wednesday can't come soon enough. I just need sanity!!! Okay my rant is over.

I decided not to have a baby shower. I just feel like I'm so busy with work and home life that I just have a handful of close friends. And I love that. So I dont want to try to have a baby shower and ask for stuff if I'm really not close with people as most other people are. So me and OH went to the baby store and got the last of the big things little Ryan will need. We started a layaway plan and paid almost half off. I'm going to pay it off over the next month just so it's easier and I can adjust to the new expenses and rent going up. I'm a worrier when it comes to money. I worry if we might not have enough and if we do have extra money I worry that we don't spend it on the right things.

Audra- Haven't heard from u in a while.... Ur probably getting ready for ur big day on Friday. Must be so exciting!
My week has been so stressful! Dh and I have been planning on opening up our own company for a while. He works in land development. But, we were planning to wait till after the baby and new year so we could save some money and so we didnt have to be all stressed out while were preparing for the baby. BUT, his boss, that he's worked for 13 years with/for, finally pushed him over the edge and on Sunday he quit. The "boss" was actually supposed to be his partner and Dh was supposed to be getting his own vehicle, health insurance and share of profits. Well it's been two years that his "boss" has been promising this. My Dh has been busting his ass while boss man sits on his ass living the lifestyle of the rich and famous, with the money MY HUSBAND made for him. Like literally living it up. Bought a new $60,000 truck, new boat, Paid off his mortgage of $208,000, just in the last 6 months!!! while Dh and I were NOT struggling but we were promised things and never got them. So, monday we went out with the little bit of money we had saved up and leased a truck, got him a phone(his phone was a "company" phone) and we're looking for a new place to live. The house we live in now is owned by the old boss and we know he's gonna kick us out as soon as he can, there's no written lease and he can just demand more money & tell us to leave if we don't pay it. The old Boss is really pissed off because he's losing alot of money, jobs & connections without my husband there.
So, we still went and got our marriage license and we'll go friday to the courthouse to get our marriage officiated but no fancy dinner or celebration yet, that'll just have to wait.
Last week I was 1cm and 50% effaced so my doctor said to take it easy, no heavy lifting atleast until i get past 35 weeks or so. Baby is doing great, he's a big boy though!! I'm getting nervous about eveything now. I'm so worried we'll be moving or in the middle of something crazy (with all thats going on right now) and I'll go into labor and be completely unprepared.

Sorry for such a long post!! I've just got so much going on and on my mind!! I hope everyone is well!! ttys
Oh Audra, that sounds super stressful! I hate when people make promises and don't follow through, especially when they affect something as important as your livelihood. I guess it really is true what they say, 'if you want something done you have to do it yourself', or in your case, just take the plunge! I'm crossing my fingers that it all works out for you - easier said than done I know, but try to take it easy. Hopefully by the time baby arrives things will be much more settled. GOOD LUCK for Friday! I hope you can relax for at least a little while and enjoy the day, even if the big celebrations will have to wait until a little later. Early congratulations :)

AFM, nothing really new happening this week. My next midwife appointment is next Wednesday. I'm really starting to feel big now, DH says I have the whole basketball-up-the-shirt thing going on. DS is wearing me out everyday, I feel guilty because I have to just let him play by himself a lot of the time while I rest. I hope he's not getting too bored!
Wow Audra.. that's wild. I hope things are working out OK and the ceremony goes off without a hitch. Congrats!

goneawry - I'm starting to get that look too, except mines more like a watermelon because it's oblong and not round. People keep telling me I don't look 35 weeks pregnant. I guess I don't. If I hadn't gained so much weight in the rest of my body I'd actually be quite small.
How was everyone's weekend and Audra, how was Friday?? :thumbup: It was DH's birthday on Sunday so we had a nice family day, going out for breakfast and a play at the park, lunch with DH's dad, then to his mum's for coffee and cake in the afternoon. It was crazy to think that by his next birthday we will have two little boys with us :baby:
So Friday went perfectly. We're officially married ☺❤ the new business is going really well so far. We've got a really good partner/investor so that helps a lot. We have to move, MUCH sooner than we expected but I found a place today that's close to my mother, so that good because Dh will be (and is) so busy with getting the company really going that when the baby gets here I'll need my mom's help. We'll find out tomorrow if we got it or not. I'm worried about my doctors appointments though. I have to go every week for my makena shot and ultrasound which will be a little difficult because it's 45 minutes away. Also, the hospital my doctor delivers at is 45 minutes away. My last labor was only 40 minutes from when my water broke(no warning, contractions, etc) until he was in my arms. Also, my Dh will still be working in the town we live in now. So it would be a long drive to come get me, go to the hospital, etc.... ugh.... my doctor is partners with another doctor in the new town but I don't know if they'll let me transfer this late. If I can, then I can register at the closer hospital which would help with SOME of the issues, except Dh being kinda far away with work. Omg. Sorry for rambling again. I'm a bit of a wreck right now. I'll be packing starting tomorrow either way. I'm on moderate bed rest so I can't lift anything either.... this is gonna be a killer week or two :(
I hope all is well! I'll pop back in when I can, we've been working 14-16 hour days now so I'm exhausted! Lol
Flip - I'm so glad your ceremony worked out so well! That's great. I hope you get your housing situation ironed out as well!

Gone - It sounds like your DH's birthday was a success. :)

AFM - I'm hanging in there - I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow, and I have 29 days until Sam's EDD. I don't have a feeling either way about when he might come. Next week I'll officially be full term. I'd like for him to come on his actual due date if possible.

I hope you ladies are doing stellar :)
Hey ladies! I had my baby shower on Saturday and I thought you might like to see some pics. I had a great afternoon with my family and friends, and as as an added surprise, my mum and sister-in-law turned up from New Zealand!!


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Awww. that looks so nice. I love all the different shades of blue! It sounds like it was an amazing baby shower. How great that your mom and SIL were about to be there.

AFM - I'm full term in 2 days and I'm ready for this baby to be OUT. He's not bothering me as much as my body is pretty much done. It hurts to walk, sleep, sit, everything is just really starting to suck big time.

I hope he comes earlier than his due date and that I don't go over and have to get induced. Fingers crossed.
So I had my first ever trip to the maternity ER yesterday - I hadn't felt bubs move for a few hours, even lying very still and then trying things to get him moving. I thought the best thing to do would be to get checked out, if only just to put my mind at rest. Everything was fine! They checked baby's heart rate as soon as I arrived and it was good, then they sent me for a CTG. Of course during which baby decided to kick up a storm! lol. Then they did a quick scan to check fluid levels etc. I felt like they were really thorough, which was great. A little scary to say the least, but I think I knew deep down that everything was fine and baby was just being a bit lazy. Not something I want to repeat if at all possible!
Wow. That sounds scary!!

I had my first cervical check today. I'm .5 cm dilated and 50% effaced. My stomach is cramping bad though! I feel like I'm on my period since she went digging around in there.
My the good news is that he's head down and engaged.

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