Congrats Mommies! Just got my BPF yesterday. Looking for journey friends. EDD OCT 27

Hello! Long time no talk ladies. Sorry but everything has been super insanely BUSY!!! The move is done thank god. So last night we finally decided to start on the nursery. That was an exciting feeling. I'm just so so tired.

How is everyone else doing? nmpjcp2015 any baby yet? It's so exciting that it can literally happen any day now. Wow. I bet u can't wait.

Audra I'm so happy ur special day was amazing and u two are officially married. Congrats again. How's the move thing going?

Goneawry baby shower looked great. So happy it mom was able to be there. This time we opted not to have a baby shower. But we most have everything so I think it will be okay.

What else is new? Hope to see updates soon, but I get how everyone is kinda caught up in life right now.
Hey! No baby for me yet. I have an appointment this afternoon though, so we will see how that goes. I don't really want to go. Cervical checks make me have cramps.

I'm in a bad mood today. I don't know why, but I am.

I'm excited for everyone as they get closer to the finish line. It's unbelievable that it's almost over.
Hey! No baby for me yet. I have an appointment this afternoon though, so we will see how that goes. I don't really want to go. Cervical checks make me have cramps.

I'm in a bad mood today. I don't know why, but I am.

I'm excited for everyone as they get closer to the finish line. It's unbelievable that it's almost over.

Omg! 9 days left! I would be doing everything I could to help get labor going ☺ I've got 34 days but really more like 2-3 weeks. I'm being nervous.
We just moved into our new house. It's amazing. So much better ☺ we're finally out of the old boss's house and officially on our own. The neighborhood is great too ❤ baby is head down finally (I think for good) and I'm feeling alot of pressure. I'm just now starting to get pretty uncomfortable over the last week or so. I'm surprised how much easier this pregnancy has been for me. Last time around (8.5 years ago) I was completely miserable by 30 weeks and dreaded getting up everyday. I still have some pep In my step though at 35 weeks ☺ Dh's sister is coming to visit from NY today. I've never met her so today should be a good day ❤

I'm excited to see who goes first! nmpjcp2015- i hope its you! For your sake! Lol.

Sam- how is the new house?
Nmpjcp 9 days?!?! Holy crap. I wouldn't kno what to do with myself lol. Sorry ur moody. I feel like I get irritated everyday after work when I get home and at the end of the day I feel like a total ass and apologizing to OH. Thankfully he is very understanding but it doesn't make me feel better.
Hopefully ur appt goes will and there's some progression. Have u been feeling normal?

Audra so glad u like the new place. It's good all that other stress is off of u. Good luck meeting ur new SIL hopefully it will be a good visit for her. I envy u however with the energy u have. I feel drained constantly now and just uncomfortable. I feel like he's permanently embedding a foot or something in my ribs and it's so sore. Along with pelvic pain.
The new place tho I absolutely love it. Feel so nice to have so much more space. I'm just hating having stairs right now. They're killing me lmao.

I have an ultrasound scheduled in a few hours to measure him again and see if he's still on the bigger side. I get those results on the 6th at my next appt. I'm hoping now that my doc still decides to induce a little early.
Audra - yay for a new house! I'm so glad it's worked out for you! There's nothing like having your own space on your own terms. double yay for a head-down baby! I hope you have fun with DH's sister from NY. Sounds like you have a busy day ahead.

Sam - Let us know how the ultrasound goes. Why are they taking so long to let you know about his size? The 6th?

AFM - I've been feeling different everyday. Some days I'm having a horrendous back ache. Other days I feel totally normal. Other days I feel like I'm having a clear out and get tons of BH, then it all stops. I'm not counting on him coming on his due date which is next Thursday. I'm still working, and plan for my last day to be next Friday which will be 40+1 if he's not out already. I guess we'll see.

Audra - I hope I bet you guys too! Otherwise I'm gonna be one miserable mama.
Hi everyone. Great to read your updates!

Nmpjcp - I can't believe how close you are to the finish line! So exciting!! I definitely hope that during the next 9 days (or maybe less!) you have more of the good days you mentioned than the bad. Good luck with your last few days of work.

Audra - I'm so happy that you're in your own place now. It must be such a relief for you to have that sorted before the baby arrives. Enjoy setting up a space for him :thumbup: I think I read on another thread that you stop the Makena soon?

Sam - Good luck for your ultrasound. If baby is still big, the plan will be to induce, right? Fingers crossed that maybe you get your results a little sooner than expected!

AFM, today is 1 month exactly until my due date! I have an appointment this afternoon, just a normal check up though so I'm not expecting anything too exciting to happen. I have started packing my hospital bag and baby's bag, and that's making things seems very real!

Has anyone heard anything from Mrs Holland recently?
Nmpjcp 9 days?!?! Holy crap. I wouldn't kno what to do with myself lol. Sorry ur moody. I feel like I get irritated everyday after work when I get home and at the end of the day I feel like a total ass and apologizing to OH. Thankfully he is very understanding but it doesn't make me feel better.
Hopefully ur appt goes will and there's some progression. Have u been feeling normal?

Audra so glad u like the new place. It's good all that other stress is off of u. Good luck meeting ur new SIL hopefully it will be a good visit for her. I envy u however with the energy u have. I feel drained constantly now and just uncomfortable. I feel like he's permanently embedding a foot or something in my ribs and it's so sore. Along with pelvic pain.
The new place tho I absolutely love it. Feel so nice to have so much more space. I'm just hating having stairs right now. They're killing me lmao.

I have an ultrasound scheduled in a few hours to measure him again and see if he's still on the bigger side. I get those results on the 6th at my next appt. I'm hoping now that my doc still decides to induce a little early.

I spoke too soon about feeling so good LOL today and yesterday I've had
really bad lower back & hip pain, sciatic nerve I think :(

How did your US go Sam? why do you have to wait so long for results?

My SIL is very nice. Everything went well. She'll be going back to NY on friday, so it was just a short visit. Dh is worried because his other sister is going with her(moving) and he wont have any family here to help out. We'll be fine but he wants his sissy here :( lol he's totally a mans man but when it comes to his sisters, he's a big baby :(
I've been having alot of pressure, and now this sciatic nerve pain the last day or so. It's really annoying and painful. I have an appointment tomorrow with my OB so I'll ask her what I can do for it. their office called today and for some reason they cant get me in for another appointment until the 8th(after tomorrows appt of course)! that'll put me at 37.5 weeks! IDK if i'll even make it to that appointment! especially because my last Makena shot will be tomorrow and it takes up to 9 days for the makena to get out of your system. with me it seems to start wearing off about day 6-7. so that means I could be in full blown labor by the 1st or 2nd of that makes me nervous...

Anyways, Hopefully tomorrow I can get an appointment sometime next week. You would think they could fit me in because I'm kinda high risk because of preterm labor...

I hope everyone is having a great day! Gotta run...
Not exactly sure why I have to wait so long. Like a said a month or so back I don't really have the best doctor so I think that has something to do with it.... My last appt was on the 16th and I was 33+6 and she was like well ur still just 33 weeks so I'm going to schedule ur next appt for 3 weeks. She's just dumb. But I went to the ultrasound yesterday but the tech doesn't really say much "they're not doctors". It get frustrating sometimes. So at my next appt my doctor will discuss the results and that will be on the 6th. And that will put me at 36+5 so we will see. Then is when I will also have the GBS test done.

Sorry ur feeling like crap now Audra. R u still working? If not just try to take it easy and relax. I kno that's easier said than done but just try. I'm glad the visit went well with ur SIL... And I think it's cute that ur hubby cares so much about his sisters.

P.S I am super moody this morning and already got into a little disagreement with OH. Idk if it's him, me, or hormones. Hopefully my day gets better soon.
Well I got an email from my doctor this morning (surprised the hell out of me that she actually contacted me before my appt) with the results of the ultrasound. I guess he is about 6.25 lbs right now and she said that's about the 50 percentile so idk. But that's all she said so I'm not sure where that leaves me as far as her planning to induce me or not. At this point I think I rather be induced just because I'm uncomfortable and anxious to meet him already. I'm trying to get back to work soon to just for money reasons.

But we will see what happens... Just wanted to update u guys....
I'm glad she got back to you sooner! Thanks for the update. I would just express to her that you'd rather keep your induction plans.

Baby sounds like a good size!
Not exactly sure why I have to wait so long. Like a said a month or so back I don't really have the best doctor so I think that has something to do with it.... My last appt was on the 16th and I was 33+6 and she was like well ur still just 33 weeks so I'm going to schedule ur next appt for 3 weeks. She's just dumb. But I went to the ultrasound yesterday but the tech doesn't really say much "they're not doctors". It get frustrating sometimes. So at my next appt my doctor will discuss the results and that will be on the 6th. And that will put me at 36+5 so we will see. Then is when I will also have the GBS test done.

Sorry ur feeling like crap now Audra. R u still working? If not just try to take it easy and relax. I kno that's easier said than done but just try. I'm glad the visit went well with ur SIL... And I think it's cute that ur hubby cares so much about his sisters.

P.S I am super moody this morning and already got into a little disagreement with OH. Idk if it's him, me, or hormones. Hopefully my day gets better soon.

Yes I'm working, but from home so it's not that bad. I run the "office" for our construction company so it's really not much. Invoices, estimates, keeping track of trucking and finding new site work jobs.
I'm feeling slightly better today. I think when my anxiety gets high from anticipation, I tend to feel worse. So, I'm trying to trick my mind into believing I have over a month left until baby is here. for some reason it helps me. Dh is getting anxious about it too, so that makes it feel even more real. Not that he wasn't excited, he's just MORE excited about it now that it's getting closer.
At my appointment I was 1.5cm and 50% so not too much change since last week but thats ok because I'd like to get to 37 weeks anyway. I'm having BH all day long and my Doc said she wants to know if i have any real contractions, because of my history with fast labors. They set an induction date for the 19th, just in case I make it that long but she was doubtful and so am I, lol.

nmpjcp2015` 6 days!!!!!! Yikes. I know you're more than ready <3 I'm excited for you! <3
At this rate you'll deliver before me! Other than losing a tiny piece of mucus plug I have no signs of labor. I'm certain this will be a very big baby! 5 more days but I'm counting on passing my EDD. I'm getting checked in Tuesday at 39+5.

I had my appointment today. Only 1 cm dilated. Had membranes stripped. Nurse said not to expect anything because conditions not very favorable.
Induction schedule for next Wednesday, October 7 if no baby before then. This week will be my last week of work.
Hey nmpjcp2015! I just commented on your thread about membrane stripping - any further updates? At least now you have an induction date so the end is definitively in sight, if nothing happens before then! I hope you enjoy your last week of work.

I went out to dinner with some of my mummy friends last night, and a couple that hadn't seen me in a few weeks said it looks like baby has dropped some... I didn't drop at all with DS until I was basically overdue, so it's exciting for me to hear that this early on. I hope it is a good sign :thumbup:

Over the past couple of weeks I have really been getting things ready - baby's hospital bag is all packed and mine is almost there, apart from a few things like toiletries which I can't put in until the very end. I feel so ready now, but of course that means time is ticking by really slowly.
That's good news if it looks like you've dropped! The end is such an anxious time. I updated that other thread but I did go walking and had tons on Braxton Hicks. They stopped when I stopped walking though.

I'm upset. But like you said at least I know the absolute last day ill have him.

I'm super tired of work but only 3 more days left then I'm off until mid November
Well it sounds like with going for a walk you've done the best you can to make the membrane stripping work. If it doesn't work now it was never going to. I think I remember being told that if it's going to work, it will do so within 24 hours. My fingers are still crossed for you!
We're all getting SO close! <3 soon we'll be up all night with newborns <3 I usually get anxious right about now but I'm trying to enjoy my sleep and remind myself that it's much harder with baby on the outside than on the inside, lol.
The new house is really coming together nicely. I love it. so much more space and the neighborhood is much much better. DH is getting really nervous everyday that goes by. He calls me 10 times more than before. It's cute but I can never get a nap in these days because he's always calling, lol.... I lost some of my plug yesterday and The BH are stronger mixed with some real contractions. nothing I can really time, like 4 an hour then sometimes 2 then none for an hour or so. My doctor was able to get me in today, I have a growth scan, BPP, and they'll probably want to check me because I lost some plug. I went yesterday and got my nails done and a pedi. It'll be a while before I can do it again so why not pamper myself now? <3
The doctor wants to induce me at 39 weeks (the 19th) but I'm NOT happy about it and I'm going to have a talk with her today. I was induced with my first and ended up getting an epi and that doctor was threatening C-section the whole time. It was a traumatic experience that I do not want to go through again.
nmpjcp2015- I hope you go into labor beofre the 7th!! ****Labor dust****
Flip, I hope your chat with the dr goes well. It's insane how close we are now!
Thanks for the labor dust! Good luck with your doctor!

Stripping my membranes obviously failed so I'm trying to bounce on my ball and walk walk walk. It'll be my due date in a few hours!
Thanks for the labor dust! Good luck with your doctor!

Stripping my membranes obviously failed so I'm trying to bounce on my ball and walk walk walk. It'll be my due date in a few hours!

nmpjcp2015- EEEEEK! Due date!!!:happydance: Atleast you know you have only one week at max and you'll be holding your baby <3 how are you feeling today?

I ended up getting the last makena shot even though I really didn't want to. But the MW made some good points on keeping him in as long as we can. I had a mini stroke in June of 2014 and that's why they want to induce by 39 weeks. I didn't know that was the reason. I thought they were just being pushy. I'm still only 1.5cm but now 70% effaced, so thats good news. I'm really hoping for the weekend after 37 weeks like the 9th or 10th. Dh and I plan on going for some long walks and maybe some wild sex, LOL. We're normally everyday types when it comes to that but I've been quite uncomfortable and Dh has been so busy with work. It's only been *maybe* 2x a week for the last month. so hopefully we can kick-start something next week and get baby here before I have to be induced.

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