Countdown to Canada

Finally have managed to list most of the nappies (minus used ones), baby clothes and baby carriers for sale.
Have sold 2 onesies so far (to a friend who is expecting baby 7 and hasnt told anyone yet. Yay!)
FXd for lots of interest.
friends coming tomorrow who want to buy DHs weight bench and may "shop" for other stuff we have.
DH doing a tip run currently
Well done on listing the stuff.
Fx'd everything sells quickly and the friends that come tomorrow take some stuff as well.
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That's great you've got everything listed and things are selling :)
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Well done on getting all the nappies and great that bits are selling :).
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Have the weight bench, the cubby house and DH bike spoken for.

Put a wtb up on a couple local fb groups for suitcases with a maze price of $25 each and within 20 mins had two people offer me some for free and one person with one for $10. Too easy! That puts me at 10 big ones and a medium one so I'll wait and see if they all end up being filled .
That's great you're managing to sell things :)
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How awesome you got suitcases for free even after saying you were willing to pay!

When I first read about the weight benhh etc being spoken for, I missed the word bike, so I read "have the weight bench, the cubby, and DH spoken for". I was like, um what??? :haha:
So it turns out I actually got FOUR free suitcases today, not three. I traded most of the dress up clothes I'm getting rid of for 3 of them, plus she found a pair of mittens that will probably fit Adira which she gave me.

SIL messaged me today to say that they have bought brand new snow pants, coats and boots for each of the kids as their Christmas present :saywhat:
She also is pretty sure we can cut our quarantine down to three days by getting tested when we arrive. I havent been able to find proof of that being true, but it would be great if that was possible.
Yay that’d be so great if your quarantine time could be cut down!
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Finished all the masks (6 still need elastic but the machine is having a hissy fit)
64, plus 4 back ups of a different type.

Also we brought the suitcases we picked up inside and decided to stack them up to see how much space they'll take up. One more to pick up today, and two or three more carry ons and then this is it for what we'll be bringing with us. Now to get cracking on designating what goes in each of them.

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That looks so wonderful together, you are doing an amazing job! I can't believe how much you have already accomplished. I will pray that the testing is rolled out in BC for your arrival and you won't have to do the quarantine, what a blessing that would be.
Going through the homeschool/craft shelf today and sent a big box of stuff out to recycling and put together a box of things to see if anyone in the homeschool group wants otherwise they will meet the same fate.

And then I'm left with a pile of notebooks half filled with drawings and stories, and a ream (literally - it takes up a box of paper) of drawings and crafts the kids have made. Of course I put a ton in the recycling without them noticing that were just random scribbles, or badly torn etc, but these ones are going to be so hard to get rid of. I think I will photograph them all and then discard them, and if I ever get with it enough then I'll compile an annual photobook of each of the kids' drawings and artwork going forward. I've talked about wanting to do that since before I had kids but have never been organised enough to actually follow through. Going to make it a monthly to-do list thing. Photograph everything, discard it so we start fresh without a mass of paper we're drowning under, upload the photos to a photobook site, and annually print them each a book. That doesn't sound so overwhelmingly hard when I put it like that, and will save me from *so* much stress.

Anyway that was todays decluttering/packing project. It doesn't seem like that much, as it only took up about 12 square feet of space in a cupboard, but it was actually a pretty big job. Lol.
Wow that's a lot of suitcases!
Totally understandable given the number of people and the type of trip you're making, but still a lot to transport! You need a whole mini bus just for the baggage :rofl: And super strong arms for the airport trolleys (I assume you'll split them between 2 trolleys).

The annual photobooks of artworks sounds like a great idea.
I started doing something kind of similar with logan's artworks a short while ago where I made a private photo album on facebook and just upload the artworks to that with a date attached occasionally.
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