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Crazy March Tester's Seeking A Christmas Baby!

I see the line but I am thinking even if it is a BFP that it will be a chemical, so late on and you can hardly see in the RL. Not good for 11dpo. I know that seems rather negative but I am not getting hopes up again!

11 dpo can still be early if you think about the window of implantation! Last month I obsessed over FF charts trying to find ones that looked like mine and there were TONS of charts that didn't get BFP until 14 dpo and no chemicals! Its not over until its over! Stay positive :) (Easier said than done as I am the QUEEN of self pitty!). I'm cheering for you!!

Thank you!! I know it sounds negative but i don't think this one is going to stick. i just don't really understand what is happening? This is the 3rd time in a row and I had no problems with my first 2 pregnancies. I got faint BFPs at 9dpo and went darker the next day, these tests are like last month and the month before. A squinter of a line.

I realised last night that I could see a squinter (on photo only) of a line at 8dpo on Friday (pics on my pregnancy test page) and therefore I must have implanted earlier than 9dpo. These tests are too light at 12dpo today. I know there have been people to get late positives etc but I do wonder sometimes if they got their ovulation dates right. I also think i implanted at 6 days as I had some symptoms from 7dpo and it makes more sense. Bleugh!

The line is barely there too. no better than yesterday. The only difference this time is the bloating and cramps but I am wondering if that is the vitamins I am taking this month? Anyone take B6 and get bloating?

Thanks all.

:( I'm sorry you're feeling a bit less positive, it's really hard after you've had bad experiences isn't it? And it's hard when you have a gut feeling something is wrong and people just say 'keep positive' - even though I know they do it in the best possible way, it's sometimes hard to hear when you know something isn't right because it feels no one believes you lol. So all I'm going to say is - I hope time will prove different and that you do have a tiny bean snuggling in!!!

Thinking of all the testers today... Good luck!!!
Haha I was thinking about it! :haha: salvaged a few from top bfn today and not feelin anything thinking I'm out buy off to buy decent tests tomorrow :dohh: what is wrong with me I can't help myself :haha:

In my defence is always buy 4 frers one for each day on the last 4 days.

Haha....... Cbeary I won't be buying ic's ever again I hate them with a passion think will order frers to come for 10-11dpo each month can totally read them ones! There's no such thing as next day delivery up here, next day delivery is the equivalent to 5 days here! :haha:

Haha I did this once too!!! But I must have known that Id regret it as I first - very carefully - put them all in a plastic bag and tied it, THEN put them in the bin. So the rescue mission wasn't too bad! Lol
Another bfn from me this morning, but only 8dpo. Earliest I've ever shown a positive has been 9dpo and that was with implantation cramps at 5-6dpo.

I had really strong twinges yesterday morning and quite dull cramps all last night. With my slight increase in temp today, can't help but feel a teeny weeny (who am I kidding? A hell lot!!) hopeful today. I hope it's not a cruel trick!!!!! If it was implantation cramps, then I guess I'll start showing positive Thursday at the earliest and most likely Friday or Saturday.... Come on, days, go quickly!!!
I don't think mine is sticking either Lillian - I had really bad cramps last night and no progression in the line this morning :cry:

I'm sorry to hear you feel you are out :hugs: I think the worst thing about all this is the hope you get. Not to say you are out yet- we are still early days and you are likely to have implanted later- i just think i implanted 6 days ago, so I don't feel like that is right for me.

I got lots of cramps with my successful pregnancies, just the uterus getting ready :thumbup:
Thanks all.[/QUOTE]

:( I'm sorry you're feeling a bit less positive, it's really hard after you've had bad experiences isn't it? And it's hard when you have a gut feeling something is wrong and people just say 'keep positive' - even though I know they do it in the best possible way, it's sometimes hard to hear when you know something isn't right because it feels no one believes you lol. So all I'm going to say is - I hope time will prove different and that you do have a tiny bean snuggling in!!!

Thinking of all the testers today... Good luck!!![/QUOTE]

Thank you :flower: I am not going to test anymore and just see what nature does :thumbup:
Lillian, hang in there. I really hope you're wrong about this -- in all my successful pregnancies I've had moments when I've been 100% sure that the baby was gone and I was just waiting for the inevitable. Only time will tell, which is a woefully inadequate thing to say and no comfort at all. :hugs:

c beary, Lillian's right -- cramping's a very good sign. What are the Line Gods telling you this morning?

WAG, any hopeful symptoms? Have you officially started to test yet or are you still sub rosa?

Me I'm 8dpo today and driving myself nuts. Hoping to hold out to Friday.
I don't think mine is sticking either Lillian - I had really bad cramps last night and no progression in the line this morning :cry:

I'm sorry your bean is making you worry, cbeary :(

For what it's worth, cramps are usually a good sign (unless they come with bleeding) so don't lose hope just yet. Are you testing every day? Because it's so much harder to see progression like that. Before it was really easy, but I think they're putting less dye in tests now so the differences between tests is huge! Which then leads to wonky progressions.

Another thing is... Have you let your tests dry fully before comparing? My friend kept getting lighter lines every day and freaking out but once the tests were fully dry she could see the progression and she's know 7 weeks and has seen baby's hb! Lines get really deep purple once dry so when you compare with a 'fresh' test at 10 mins it's not accurate. Wait for a couple of hours after testing to compare :)

Good luck! Praying for your sticky bean!!!
BFN for me so expecting AF in the next few days... Strangely I *think* I'm actually ok with it. On to cycle #2!

:dust: to everyone testing today or over the next few days!


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BFN for me so expecting AF in the next few days... Strangely I *think* I'm actually ok with it. On to cycle #2!

:dust: to everyone testing today or over the next few days!

Sorry for your bfn. Hopefully the witch will stay away and you'll get a nice surprise :) Love your positive attitude!!! Xxxx
Morning ladies, wishing you all lots of luck! Hoping to see lots of bfps, im so bored of af already, am really heavy at the moment Grrr, ive decided im not ordering any tests until im 7dpo(hopefully anyway lol)
Sending lots of positive thoughts and loads of baby dust xxx

Bfn for me today.

Next month I'm holding off and ordering online proper tests to arrive either 10-11 dpo 12dpo if I can manage if but doubtful :haha:

I'm also just waiting for af now

wanting, BOOOOOO!!:sad1:

but you're 9dpo? still pppppppllleennnntty of time for a bfp!:thumbup:

Bfn for me today.

Next month I'm holding off and ordering online proper tests to arrive either 10-11 dpo 12dpo if I can manage if but doubtful :haha:

I'm also just waiting for af now


Boo!! But i agree with jumpingo, you're still in the game!! :)
wanting, BOOOOOO!!:sad1:

but you're 9dpo? still pppppppllleennnntty of time for a bfp!:thumbup:

Thanks Hun but my bfp have always been 9-10 dpo. Plus I feel out this month leg and tummy cramp now and quite a bit of ewcm today which usually signals af in a few days time. I'm fed up of trying already lol.

Another cycle away from my loss another cycle closer to my would be due date:nope: but I need to stop thinking like that.

I'm working tonight too argh this is gonna be brutal.

In my 2ww I woke up at not my normal temp time. If I used the temp it changed my ovulation date so I'm 9dpo today if I used the converter which I'm not that sure if it's reliable I am 10dpo today xx
Wag hun ur still in ..i kno how hard ttc after a loss is....im c4 after mmc and getting anxoius now epec after 2 chemicals but theres hope for us both and our rainbows hunny !!

How ur feelin is totally normal..my due date is still in my head..may 23rd ill be very down :(( passes my mind alot but only can look forward hunny...

Were in it together and praying its ur month hun xxx

Good luck to all you ladies testing today...myheart glad ur ok and hoping to have strong will power lol next cycle !

Leanne good luck with cycle 2 hunny really hope its ur month to xx

Cbeary only positive sticky thoughts ur way hunny im sure youll see a fab line !!

Lillian hang in there too hun....really glad ur lp is extended tho as if this isnt ur cycle im sure next one will.

Hopin girl plenty time too hunny. ..xx hoping to see lines soon

Hope i havnt missed anyone on lunch at work ..

Mine was bfn this morn but 6dpo lol !!
Ill start my testing thread tommorow xx

Babbbbyyyy dussttt for us alll xxx
Emma, I really hope this is your cycle :) This is my 2nd after my 2nd mc and my 6th after my 1st :( Baby would've been due next month so I can feel that date looming. It's going to be hard no matter what, but I really hope I can at least get through it with my rainbow bean snuggled up in my belly!

No cramps at all today apart from a very short time this morning so now worried they were all in my head :( need to find a way to stay positive!! Hopefully my temps will be nice and high tomorrow again :)
Emma, I really hope this is your cycle :) This is my 2nd after my 2nd mc and my 6th after my 1st :( Baby would've been due next month so I can feel that date looming. It's going to be hard no matter what, but I really hope I can at least get through it with my rainbow bean snuggled up in my belly!

No cramps at all today apart from a very short time this morning so now worried they were all in my head :( need to find a way to stay positive!! Hopefully my temps will be nice and high tomorrow again :)

Thanks hun u too ! Wat dpo r u again ?? Im 6dpo got cramps tonight n like a stitch in side on n off 2day ..felt sicky but kno its too early...xx
I'm 8dpo today. I usually get my bfp at 9dpo (with my son I was 11 but my test line was as dark as control line so I assume I would've shown a faint at 9dpo) but then again I usually get my cramps 5-6dpo, not 7-8 like now! So not holding my breath for a squinter tomorrow but hoping I'll see one on Thursday or Friday... I'm going to be so gutted if I'm not!!!
wanting, BOOOOOO!!:sad1:

but you're 9dpo? still pppppppllleennnntty of time for a bfp!:thumbup:

Thanks Hun but my bfp have always been 9-10 dpo. Plus I feel out this month leg and tummy cramp now and quite a bit of ewcm today which usually signals af in a few days time. I'm fed up of trying already lol.

Another cycle away from my loss another cycle closer to my would be due date:nope: but I need to stop thinking like that.

I'm working tonight too argh this is gonna be brutal.

In my 2ww I woke up at not my normal temp time. If I used the temp it changed my ovulation date so I'm 9dpo today if I used the converter which I'm not that sure if it's reliable I am 10dpo today xx

I agree wanting- you're only 9dpo - still very early
I'm 8dpo today. I usually get my bfp at 9dpo (with my son I was 11 but my test line was as dark as control line so I assume I would've shown a faint at 9dpo) but then again I usually get my cramps 5-6dpo, not 7-8 like now! So not holding my breath for a squinter tomorrow but hoping I'll see one on Thursday or Friday... I'm going to be so gutted if I'm not!!!

Good luck for tomorrow hoping. Sending lots of :dust: your way!

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