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Crazy March Tester's Seeking A Christmas Baby!

Uhg...I can't keep up! Lol. Congrats to the bfps & possible. Sorry to those who are out!!
I see the line but I am thinking even if it is a BFP that it will be a chemical, so late on and you can hardly see in the RL. Not good for 11dpo. I know that seems rather negative but I am not getting hopes up again!

11 dpo can still be early if you think about the window of implantation! Last month I obsessed over FF charts trying to find ones that looked like mine and there were TONS of charts that didn't get BFP until 14 dpo and no chemicals! Its not over until its over! Stay positive :) (Easier said than done as I am the QUEEN of self pitty!). I'm cheering for you!!

Thank you!! I know it sounds negative but i don't think this one is going to stick. i just don't really understand what is happening? This is the 3rd time in a row and I had no problems with my first 2 pregnancies. I got faint BFPs at 9dpo and went darker the next day, these tests are like last month and the month before. A squinter of a line.

I realised last night that I could see a squinter (on photo only) of a line at 8dpo on Friday (pics on my pregnancy test page) and therefore I must have implanted earlier than 9dpo. These tests are too light at 12dpo today. I know there have been people to get late positives etc but I do wonder sometimes if they got their ovulation dates right. I also think i implanted at 6 days as I had some symptoms from 7dpo and it makes more sense. Bleugh!

The line is barely there too. no better than yesterday. The only difference this time is the bloating and cramps but I am wondering if that is the vitamins I am taking this month? Anyone take B6 and get bloating?

Thanks all.

I COMPLETELY understand!! Hubby and I tried to get pregnant 4 times the past 7 years and got pregnant 4 times! Lost baby #4 and now we are on month #3 TTC and I am lost! TTC has never been so hard/depressing/nerve wrecking. So believe me I get it! I told hubby if we are not Prego this month then I want to take a couple of months off from trying because it is making me truly feel depressed. I am so sorry you are struggling but you are not alone and in good company! :hugs:
Uhg...I can't keep up! Lol. Congrats to the bfps & possible. Sorry to those who are out!!

Me either! lol It seems like I am on a different time clock for getting on here so by the time the kiddos are in bed and I jump on there are like 10 new pages! lol:dohh:
So crazy to try to read through all I missed and see so many with cramping because that is EXACTLY what I wanted to talk to you ladies about tonight!!! I think I may have had some kind of AF symptoms today. Gonna sound weird but I was having what felt like cramping on the left side of my vaginal area and in what felt like my butt!!! This happens to me on a much larger scale the day I start my period. The day that I start my cycle I have quite a bit of discomfort and cramping very low, so low it feels like the pain is radiating right out the hoo-ha (may be cervical pain?) and it feels like it radiates into my rear end (makes me feel like I gotta go!). Today it was like that but lighter and only on one side. The cramping happened a few times with just achy feelings in the right ovary area now. Also took another lh test just because I feel like I need to POAS and it looks like my lh is kicking it up again! I am really confused! Who knows!?!?! Can anyone else be more specific about the "type" of cramping they are experiencing? According to FF I am only 6 dpo so seems a little early for PMS but sure felt a lot like it :(
totally feel your pain about "being on a different clock for getting on here." the time change makes it so that everything happens when i'm asleep and then when i'm feeling chatty, everyone else is asleep!

i'm horrible at describing my cramps but the "so low it feels like the pain is radiating right out the hoo-ha" is exactly what my period cramps feel like.:witch::finger:

as for other cramps, do you mean early pregnancy cramps?

i seem to get a cramp that feels like a stitch in my side (as if i have been running, but it will happen when i'm sitting on the couch or just walking at the store or other non strenuous activities) right behind my hip bone.

and then i also have cramps that i can only describe as a slow/heavy pulling feeling. like some tiny little man is in my abdomen and slowly pulling at...my uterus?:shrug: those come and go and most people on these boards will say "that's your uterus expanding and making room for baby!" surely at 3 weeks and 3 days, there's not much that much actual expanding happening?! but that's what it feels like.:wacko: and it sometimes feels like indigestion and could be confused with needing to go to the bathroom, definitely.

not sure if that's what you were asking or if that helps...:shrug:
I wish I knew what the "pulling" felt like, right now its just a dull, achy feeling on the right but earlier it did feel like the beginning of menstrual cramps. Maybe I am going to start early and I need to take myself out of the running for March again? :shrug: Ugh! Don't know whether to start testing or give up! I don't know if I can take much more "trying"
Cnswilliams, I've had two different types of implantation cramps. With son it was like s pinchy feeling to one side and then a dull throb for a night of so. With my last pregnancy it was Af cramps. So I'd say that AF cramps at 6dpo is a very good sign!!!!!! Doubt you'll be getting AF that early so hopefully it's your bean saying hi :)

This time around I had some strange, really sharp twinges. And then some dull 'heavy feeling pressing down' cramps all evening and a bit yesterday morning. Again, different from the other two times so don't know whether to get excited or not... (Who am I kidding? I'm excited, just don't know whether I'm going to end up disappointed or not lol)

Good luck!!!
Bfn from me again this morning :( cervix is now feeling a bit more open so thinking I'm out :( :( :( Will keep testing (9 dpo) but losing hope fast.

Good luck everyone else!!!
My bfn :(

Top one taken at 4:30am with longer hold but diluted wee, second one taken at 6:30 am so only two hour hold but less diluted wee

Can KINDA see a shadow but think it's the indent where the test strip is :(


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So I had a negative frer on Sunday, a negative superdrug on Monday and yesterday
But got this today on a co op test?
I'm so confused
Af due Friday


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Thanks ladies sooo nervous take another !!

Is that your BFP I saw in a post? Maybe you ovulated earlier than you though- you had lots of dark opks! :happydance: I am keeping everything crossed for you :thumbup:
Well I am not feeling too positive today either (makes a change:laugh2:)

I have the same test this morning with same faintest line ever.

Waiting for AF.

I have booked an appt with the docs but I don't suppose there is much they can do - maybe I can start using progesterone cream for next cycle? anyone used this before?
But surely the superdrug test would of picked something up yesterday? I just don't believe it :( x
So I had a negative frer on Sunday, a negative superdrug on Monday and yesterday
But got this today on a co op test?
I'm so confused
Af due Friday

Definitely a line there!!! :) Perhaps try another SuperDrug one later today? If I were you I'd be cautiously happy :)
Well I am not feeling too positive today either (makes a change:laugh2:)

I have the same test this morning with same faintest line ever.

Waiting for AF.

I have booked an appt with the docs but I don't suppose there is much they can do - maybe I can start using progesterone cream? anyone used this before?

:( I'm so sorry! Still hoping for you!!

Never used progesterone cream but my reflexologist and acupuncturist both recommended baby aspirin and doctor said to go for it.., have you tried it?
i dunno, if you think hcg doubles every 2-3 days, and most tests are 10 or 25 (is this right?), and a non pregnant person starts at 0 or 1 (anything less than 5 is considered not pregnant) then it would take anywhere from 4 to probably 12 or 14 days from the time your body recognizes there's a baby (a blastocyst, technically:winkwink:) for there to even be enough hormone in your pee to go positive...? obviously this is only if hormones doubled regularly and quickly. but a jump from 16 (which would be negative on a 25 test) would suddenly be positive if it doubled to 32 the next day. perhaps?? this is how i think about it in my head, so it could be a bit off or not quite how it works, but it makes sense why a test is negative one day and then positive the next. i say bfp!:thumbup:

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