Cycle Buddy wanted

Well how about :

1. headeachs.. long lasting ones at that
2. slight temp, or so it feels..
3. tense tummy, never really left since O
4. mood swings, MUHAHAHA
5. slight cravings.. pizza for lunch anyone?! ;)
6. nausea (or was it the pizza )

Go ahead hun, o did i mention i "think" i O'd only 4 days ago :shhh:

OMG! Did you have AF last month??? Based on this you're already at least a month gone. You've got a rough 9 months ahead of you!!! :sick:

oh yeah we have been through a lot together, its just a little fight,and we hardly fight at all, so i hear its good every now and then, but right now he is bringing me home a milk shake and we are going to watch our thursday night show together and cuddle. i think he is already getting over it. we have only been together for 5 years and only married for 1.5 years but we have known eachother for like 10 years and have had a lot of history. maybe there will be some make up bding!!!!!!!!!! haha
Well how about :

1. headeachs.. long lasting ones at that
2. slight temp, or so it feels..
3. tense tummy, never really left since O
4. mood swings, MUHAHAHA
5. slight cravings.. pizza for lunch anyone?! ;)
6. nausea (or was it the pizza )

Go ahead hun, o did i mention i "think" i O'd only 4 days ago :shhh:

OMG! Did you have AF last month??? Based on this you're already at least a month gone. You've got a rough 9 months ahead of you!!! :sick:


Hehehe yeah according to the doc he didnt see anything after i visited for not receiving my period but one day after i got it.. it was pretty weird though.. but then again i did 2 tests one when i was about a week late and the other about days after at the i would have to assume i was not preggers .. Sometimes i have the irrational fear i might have been though..:blush:
Hi girls - welcome Lunaty! :hi:

IstBaby - hope you got to have make up :sex: last night!

Please will you all take a look at my chart - temp gone up today so would you say I prob O'd yesterday? :happydance:
I think its totally possible you ov yesterday. I am having some charting issues myself! FF says I ov 3 days ago!! I dont believe it since last month my coverline was so much higher! We did have some great make up bding last night though. i dont know what to do except wait until tomorrow to see if I get another pos opk and my temp goes up.... I think my temp will go higher than 98 when i ov. I got another pos opk today though so who knows, I am so annoyed with this cycle.
Hi everyone! I hope you don't think I'm ignoring your requests to tell you about your charts, I haven't really a clue what I'm looking at when I look at them anyway... :rofl:

So, I'm feeling a little 'clogged' today. I'm congested and when I woke up my jaw hurt. I must be having sinus issues, I've also been sneezing a lot. I hope I didn't catch something from my lil niece......Oh, and I'm not symptom spotting because my last 3 cycles I've gotten sick in the 2ww. But, my nippules are sore and I'm still having weird crampy/twing-y/needle-y pains though. How is everyone else?

EB -- I would say you probably o'ed Wed night/Thurs morning overnight...

Any symptoms yet???? :rofl:

1stBaby... I'm not surprised you've managed to confused yourself. You've even managed to confuse FF! LOL! Your chart is a little crazy... It's strange they would give you a coverline BELOW all your follicular phase temps! :roll: And then allllllllllll those pos opks! Your body is an LH producing maniac at the moment! I'm surprised you're not high from all of it! :loopy: I'm not sure I agree with FF yet either... I'm holding out judgement until I see a few more temps. I'm also holding out hope that you'll be like Gabrielle and keep getting pos opks until you get a pos hpt! :) Yeesh -- your lady bits must be RAW by now from all that :baby: making!!!!

MT - congestion is a total symptom!! And the needly pains MUST be that little bean is still trying to scratch its way into a comfy bed. :)

I'm doing much much better than I was last night. Had a bit of a freak with the who RH thing, but the ladies here at BnB have put my fears to rest and now all is bright and sunny again. No symptoms.... just those burning and poking sensations in my uterus... and constant hunger... but all that is normal for me, right???

:hugs: to all you beautiful gals!
Hunger....hmm, that's all the time for me, but lately I couldn't really care if I eat...except my M&M habit.....haha. TL, I think that's a symptom for you!...or your banana/yogurt/granola habit.....haha
Do all you ladies know how important protein is for those of us already in the 2ww? Eat well! Be happy!
I'm still having off and on weirdness...and I'm really really hot. My regular temp is usually somewhere like 97.5 and when I checked today it is 98.5....interesting?
:hug: back at 'cha TL!
OH my GOODNESS! MT - you already have a classic pg symptom -- you only CRAVE one kind of food! M&Ms! Total symptom.

Yeah, I know how important eating well during the 2ww is. It's actually a problem for me. I lost like 35 or 40 #s a couple of years back... since TTC about 10-15 have crept back on cuz I tend to be less restrictive on my diet during the 2WW. Grrr. All my pants are getting too tight. :( Now, I go back and forth... if I try too hard to slim back down, will my chances of TTC go down??? If I DON'T I know I will keep slowly gaining and I CAN'T let myself do that until I'm def pg!!! :muaha: So I usually eat light during the day (fruit, yorgurt, granola, drink at least 1 slim fast shake so I am sure I am getting nutrients) and then eat a decent dinner, almost always with my daily dose of meat protein. I'm creeping up in weight a little more slowly now... this is one of the many frustrations of TTC for me!!! :grr:
I am so confused! and FF is a liar i think, haha, but I hope its right! that would mean i am in the tww already. I dont think i have ov yet, maybe with all the stress i am not going to this cycle, who knows. I guess i will just have to bd tonight just to make sure!! we will c in the morning, i have two opk strips left so i will use them till they are gone.
oh my goodness TL, I know exactly what you mean! I lost 60 lbs before my wedding last year! I went to the gym religiously and ate very healthy! I looked so good and I was so proud of myself and DH was too. I gained some back during my honeymoon, who could blaime me, then I lost a few more and it went back and forth for a while. Then I stopped doing so good over the summer when we went on vacations and gained about 15 back. So then I got pg for the first time, and stopped working out. Once I had the D&C i was so depressed I let myself go. I have now gained like 25 back and I feel awful! My concern is, if I get pg I hear its not such a good thing to work out like I do in the first tri, so i dont want to go back to the gym! My OH wants to join again, but I am scared! I told him if I am not pg this month and I have to get on progestrone, then we will join a gym and I will just start working out again and leave it up to god...
That sounds like a good idea to me, 1stBaby! Moderate exercise is actually good for pg anyway. Just don't overdo it. I would love to join the gym, but I haven't convinced myself to spend the $ yet. There is only one here and it is very expensive. Circumstances have led to a massive increase in our normal bills in the last 3 mo ($600 a month more), so things are a little more stretched. (No, it's not an ARM home loan, just less ppl in the house sharing bills, which is actually a GOOD thing).

So dunno what I'm gonna do yet, but I have to do something. I'm not overweight by any means, my BMI is still at a good number, but it's now on the higher side of healthy instead of the lower side... and I just feel crappier.:( Have struggled with weight all my life, so this is nothing new to me. :roll:
Yeah i understand that, I was overweight before I lost the weight, but now I am just normal if you ask me. I am still considered overweight by the bmi chart but my dr set a goal for me when i was doing weight loss and even my goal for my body was still a high bmi. I have a muscular frame from sports and such and working out, plus i have a very curvy body!! I have the upper package and the lower package hahahaha I just want to get rid of the mid package!!! anyways so i found this chart on ff , i found a few but this one kinda reminds me of mine. i guess its not such a normal thing.
Oh boy....we're talking about weight....have I mentioned my M&M habit!?! (which by the way TL, I'm not craving any more than I did 2 weeks ago...ha) LOL~! I can relate as well. Put some on, take some's a vicious cycle. I've read recently that being 5 lbs or so over our ideal weight is actually wonderful baby home making. So many women forget what 'healthy' is. I've got the athletic build, and when I put it on, it goes to my arms and my belly. I have noticed in the last 2 days though that the pants that weren't so tight 4 days ago are suddenly tight...could mean many things...namely I need to cut back.
I have a wonderful diet (way of eating) that I'm very happy with and it DOES NOT include M&Ms!!! Sheesh, I just need to get back to that.
For the record, I know people who ate healthily and changed their lives whilst preg, so it's not too late for any of us to get back on track. Often the all knowing 'they' tells us to start excersizing once we get preg! But like TL said, moderate....don't go runnin' 3 miles next week or the week after your :bfp:
** dumb question alert! ** How do I put my dpo on my ticker?
Yeah, I know all about that athletic build and putting it on arms and belly... it seems to go to my face, too. But NEVER my boobs! :growlmad: Doesn't matter if I am thick or thin... I never have the "upper package." :( But years of softball, esp being a catcher gave me thick thighs. :roll:

When I consider myself healthy I actually weigh much more than what most women consider good. I'm 5'9" and like to weigh 145-155. Right now I am about 160-165, my heaviest was 195. Not FAT, but too thick. If I weigh less than 145 I look like a skeleton and it's gross. Blech. Actually, right now, I would be happy if I could just get tone back... I'm too soft. Ok OK... really need to start exercising!!!!
OH! MT - FF does it automatically. You don't have an account there yet, do you? If not, I dunno how to do it.
Ok, well I'm SOL then... hehe...cuz I've scoped out those FF things and I just don't get it...I know I just need to look harder and study them more, I just don't.

And again, I can relate. I am 5'7" and I am at MY ideal weight around 145 and I'm currently getting ready to move onto being a heavyweight boxer at 159! I always laugh at the girls that are worried to get back to 104 because I haven't weighed that since I was in grade school!!! I can never seem to pack it on up top either...Unkle Rico...I'll take some of that 'bust must' please!

Yes, I must resume the ex-ter-sizin' too! Tone=good...cottage cheese bootay=bad!
Hey ladies, good conversation! I've put weight on over the last couple of years, but am probbly still considered 'slim'. I like myself with clothes on, not so keen on clothes off!!! Definitely got the cottage cheese look going on!!!!

I know this might seem like a stupid question - but a couple of you have mentioned protein in the 2WW - is this what 'they' say??? I prob don't have enough protein in my diet so will make changes if necessary.

Gabrielle - how are you? Not heard from you for a bit :hugs:
I would totally start eating healthier if I knew I were pg, i think its getting there that worries me. I think i get depressed especially when af shows up and all diet logic goes out the window. but if i knew there was a baby inside me i would do so many things different. So i have a lot of c cm now! I had some yesterday too, but now its more! Who knows.

by the way, i cant get my ticker to show up on the thread its just the link to it how do i fix this

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