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Cycle Buddy wanted

1stbaby- can't help with the FF ticker :( sorry, I'm a FF virgin...hehe

EB-Yes, as Amanthony has said 'the all-knowing THEY' say you need to make sure and have a good protein intake. Throughout the whole pregnancy you need protein, especially when the baby is developing the fastest. Protein-rich foods also have B vitamins and iron important for your blood.
IstBaby - have you tried deleting the ticker from yr signature then re adding it? All I did on mine was select the ticker & then when it gives you the code to use, make sure you use the 'BB code' & I just copied & pasted that to my signature & it works fine. Need to figure out how to put the dpo on it though once I get my O date - otherwise I'll never remember what I'm on!!!

So - symptoms....I've being peeing A LOT tonight.....nothing to do with the numerous cups of tea I've had :rofl:
1stBaby, I created my ticker at FF and then when it gave the code, I copied and pasted it to my siggy here. Don't use the html code, use the one for message boards. :)

EB - nope! That's what I call a symptom!

How about this one (true story). Was fine all morning (except the still present uterine awareness)... then went to lunch (late, 130 pm). Walked to the library (2 blocks), sat down, popped on the ipod (podcast), took out the crochet blankey I'm working on, and within 'bout 15 minutes promptly feel asleep! :sleep: Sitting right there in the chair in the middle of the library! Tried to wake up a couple of times, but couldn't. Almost couldn't wake up to get back to work on time. Still wicked tired!!! I want caffiene!! I'd throw a :hissy: about not being able to have any, but I'm too tired to muster the energy.
TL!!! EB!! Those are some pretty solid symptoms!!
Me? I got kinda sickly today, but not the congestion sort of way, but in a throw up sort of way...and I was :sleep: TL...but not like you:cry:......just indigestion...and it's not like I had spaghetti ohs for dinner!
That's defo a symptom MT!! I woke up this morning feeling a bit sick - it's personally reasonable to expect morning sickness at 2dpo isn't it?!! :rofl:

So I'm going to my friends tonight for takeaway - was in 2 minds what to do about drinking - either drink very little or not at all. I've decided not to drink at all, we've put so much effort into it this month what with the temping, opts, preseed & of course the :sex: that I thought I'd be stupid to maybe ruin it all by having a drink. My friends will question why I'm not drinking, but they do know that we're ttc so I'll just explain that I'm not doing just in case. I'm a bit reluctant to go into detail about the preseed, temping etc as I'm not sure what they'd think of that, and I don't want them texting in a couple of wks to see if it worked because a) if it hasn't I'll be upset or b) if it has I will have to lie to them as I am only telling my parents until I'm in 2nd tri.

What's everyone else up to? Apart from picking up a beautiful engagement ring!!! :hugs:
I think thats a reasonable conclusion you came up with about not drinking. i did that too last month, my friends know why and they respect that as well. i understand the whole not wanting to say anything though, i made that mistake last month about when i would be testing and my mom and friends all were asking me around the same couple of days so did it work, so are you, so when will you know, and i was so upset when i had to say af arrived and it would be a while more. I finally told them look we are trying, i will tell you when i am, otherwise dont ask please. it was stressful, now its just me and DH that will know when it happens. I am waiting to tell even my family until christmas if i get pg this cycle at least that will be 10 wks in. I think it would be a wonderful gift as well.
EB - I totally expect morning sickness at 2dpo!!! LOL!

How's everyone else doing on symptoms???

I have no idea how mine are... I've been on such a seratonin high all day, it's a wonder I can feel my own face, let alone the subtle inner workings of my lower anatomy! :rofl:
Hmm yeah im all good, feeling better then the last couple of days.. bit of a warm feeling in my underbelly (like when having period) but nothing else really.. no sore bb's, no real hartburn anymore.. still a bit gassy.. but less aswell..
I am however tired and thinking about taking a nap now hahaha..

Hmm yeah dont know what to think.. shouldnt symptoms get stronger instead of less :cry: owell still a week to go until testing and otherwise were of to next cycle..

Personally, I think symptoms come and go. Have a mind of their own... errr... the mind of a baby... very fickle. :winkwink:
I've got my O day on ff!!!! YEAH!!!! :happydance::happydance:
Hi! I just have a general ache or something goin' on in my uterine area...and I am still congested. The 'twinges' have lessened too. I just sort of feel like my af is going to start 4 days earlier than usual. And my nips still are very sore. Those are my symptoms... :)
well af adjusted my ov day. i wish it would not have, then i would not be worried. i guess i ov on cd 18 instead of 16. I hope my cycle is not short this month or else my lp will be too short to get pg. another thing is i had a slightly pos opk today as well. i mean it was so close to pos i had to ask DH to look at it. He could not decide either! It was the same color as the first pos i got but not as pos as the last three. I dont know what to think. I am depressed about this whole cycle.
Hopefully the fact that you keep getting positive opt's is a good sign - Gabrielle did until she got her :bfp: - don't start worrying yet, we're ALL getting :bfp:'s!!

I wish I wasn't in the 2WW though - I was dying to get my O day on ff & start the 2WW, but now I'm in it I don't want to be!!! :hissy:

TTC is so emotionally draining :cry: I'm so glad for forums like this so us 'ttc ladies' can all chat together
my o pain hasn't really gone away either, still always sorta lingering in the background. it is kinda weird. Still getting creamy cm, but not quite as much. I think I'm usually dry by this point. Still tired, too... but that could be overexcitment. I seem to smell a faint bit of cat pee at the moment, but I think that is b/c I am surrounded by cats, not due to hightened sense of smell. :rofl:

Boris (kitten) is laying at the edge of my laptop, playing with my fingers, making it very difficult to type... Vladimir (kitten) is laying on the armrest next to me.. Brandy(dog) and Nenya (cat) are snuggle up by my legs on the ottoman. Nope... all that has nothing to do with the vague smell of animals! :rofl:

MT - you're symptoms sound FAB!!!!! I wish I had a chart to look at!! GRRR. :)
1stbaby, I'm not convinced you o'ed on cd18, I think it is possible you o'ed on cd16. FF isn't perfect with predicting o days!! I think it moved your date cuz you o'ed late last month and it likes trends. But it doesn't understand that was late for you last month. I would stick with the possibility of cd16 and a 12 day LP.
TL-tiredness, smelling pee (no matter what) and lots of needley o pains are interesting...the creamy cm will turn sticky right? Mine did...and now it is creamy agian...not too sure what trend that is from, any ideas? ;)
And on to the ever-so-intriguing cervix...mine seems softer than ever and is closed really tight (but it has proven to be very UNRELIABLE!) and is very high. The af type feelings I have are strange (it's not like cramps, it's the dull deep ache...can't quite explain it better), I'm NEVER early...and I just feel strange. Totally a hopeful symptom.
Oh, and the FF thing, I might do it next month if I don't keep this egg...please stay eggy...I don't think I can handle the stress of figuring out FF charting... eek!
Ok lovelies, I'm off... :hug:
OOOOOO!!!!! Creamy to sticky and back to creamy... DEF preggers trend, MT!!!!! :happydance:

And a closed Cervix, but still high... hmmm... very interesting. I want to call that a preggers trend to, but mine isn't like that. :sad2: Mine is low, but still kinda soft and mostly closed, but I don't think all the way. But I'm not sure about that, cuz I'm not sure I've ever felt it more closed than it is now.

Is that my problem??? Maybe my cervix leaks the little beans out. :cry:

Yours being closed... I cannot lie... that is an awesome sign, MT! Keeps that little bean in there tightly!
I dunno, I think CP is a very bad way to detect pregnancy-ish-ness. :)
Leaking it out is my concern too, but we both know that's not how it goes TL! I am concerned now that after so many years I just can't get it to implant, but how could it not get fertilized?! So ...maybe in the future I'll figure that out.

I was hoping to not get any symptoms because I get symptoms every month and I've never gotten a BFP. I will say I feel like I'm drowning in boogars....eew....sorry that was crude...lol
I'm just going to try and play it cool because I will have plenty of time during the 9+ months to symptom spot... :rofl:
Ok, so I decided to check CP after yr posts - high hard & closed. Don't often check it so don't know if that's normal for me.

And when I checked it I had the feeling of 'finger in a lotion bottle' like you did TL, OMG there was loads!!! And after when I wiped there was loads on the paper, and, erm, sort of illuminous!!! seriously, I think it would have glowed in the dark!!! :rofl:

So gilrs, illuminous CM? I'm pregnant right?! :rofl:
Glow in the dark CM!!! Absolutely a pg sign!!! I want some, too! :rofl:

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