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Cycle Buddy wanted

OH OH OH!!! I almost forgot! How's this for a symptom?

I had not 1, not 2, but 3! Count 'em 3 dreams about getting :bfp:s!! And I remember them!! I've never had a bfp dream that I remember... well, that i can remember anyway. LOL!
Defo a symptom - people always say that they have a dream about it before getting their :bfp: :happydance::happydance::happydance:
And I just rubbed my fingers on my forehead!! Holy gross oil, Batman!!! UGG! BLECH!

And did you see that temp spike on my chart today??? What is THAT all about?? I think it is just the BFP dreams got me so worked up!! :rofl:
Your chart is looking VERY good!!! Oh I hope this is it for you. Why oh why can't something invent tests where you can find out at 1dpo if yr pg!!
Another 'symptom' - just found an ulcer in my mouth ???!!!!!????!!!!
This CB thread consists of Symptom Queens this month!! We need a Symptom Queen dance....

:happydance: followed by :wohoo: followed by :dance: followed by :headspin: followed by :loopy:

Bring on the :bfp:s!!!
:happydance::wohoo::dance::headspin::yipee: I'm dancing I'm dancing!! Phew, now I'm :sleep:
Wow, EB-glow in the dark?! Seriously a preg symptom...
TL- Dreams of :bfp:s-that's a wonderful preg symptom! Also the fact that they are vivid enough for you to remember them!
(I never really was that great at choreography, but that's my version of the dance) :rofl:

So I've been an insomniac the last 2 nights (and have been getting up to whiz during the night which is odd for me). And I'm not charting my temps and they've been on the high side, and I was so stinking hot last night I was sweating. I have a very distinctive feeling of impending AF that isn't supposed to happen until 3ish days beforehand.

...so symptom queens we are!
YAY!!! MT is a still a symptom maniac, too!!!

I can't dance either, but maybe changing it every time will cover more bases!!

Wohoo ill join in


Lost appetite,
Falling asleep on the couch when getting home (resulting in sleepless nights )
Weird tummy feelings (that could have been the last of the indian)
I cried during CSI miami :cry:, sad i know...
OMG! I'm soooo sleepy, too! Have been for days now. But I think it might be more laziness than actual pg symptom! :rofl:
Wow, EB-glow in the dark?! Seriously a preg symptom...
TL- Dreams of :bfp:s-that's a wonderful preg symptom! Also the fact that they are vivid enough for you to remember them!
(I never really was that great at choreography, but that's my version of the dance) :rofl:

So I've been an insomniac the last 2 nights (and have been getting up to whiz during the night which is odd for me). And I'm not charting my temps and they've been on the high side, and I was so stinking hot last night I was sweating. I have a very distinctive feeling of impending AF that isn't supposed to happen until 3ish days beforehand.

...so symptom queens we are!

I am also waking up all sweaty in the night - I have to go the loo & wipe the sweat off my boobs!!! Nice!! BUT - I normally get this at some point in my cycle (never noted when) so I think it's normal.

My cm has lost it illuminity (is that a word?) now, damn I was gonna try it in the night to see if it DID actually glow!! :rofl:

Getting up for a wee if not normal is a good sign!!!! I always do that, probably cos I have a pint of orange before bed!
Ok, MT, how about this....


And I've been a good girl today... apple for breakfast, cham tea to drink, and a fresh tossed salad with greens, peppers, artichokes and other healthy goodies, balsamic vinnegrette dressing ... for lunch (OH took day off so made me lunch... how sweet. :happydance:).

WHY do i feel like a blue whale at the moment???? ARG. :grr:
Just curious whats your ladies cp and cm like? Glad your all doing well and having sypmtoms!
Oh no i think I am symptom spotting now too! i have c cm now! I am so excited there is still hope!
Low... sorta soft, but not really (calling it medium) and more closed than o, but maybe still a little open??? I dunno for sure cuz its the first cycle that I have done DAILY CP charting.

Cm is still creamy... maybe a little watery today. Not as dry as usual

Dunno how much that all means. :shrug:
Oh no i think I am symptom spotting now too! i have c cm now! I am so excited there is still hope!

There was always hope, silly!! :)

Ok... next symptom! :rofl:

Irritablity from Hell! OH took day off work and even told me to come home at lunch time where he had prepared the most delicious fresh salad! All sorts of goodies... he even cleaned up the kitchen after himself. Should have been a happy day....

Despite that... I called the internet company and jumped down some poor woman's throat cuz of problems with my bill. I'm normally sooooo laid back about that stuff. I almost NEVER go postal on ppl over the phone. Or in person.

Checked OH's bank account... saw some mistaken fees charged by the bank. Was toooootally t'ed when OH said he didn't want to go to the bank today to sort it out. I was FUMING! I was ready to storm the bank and demand several sets of balls belonging to managers. Holy Cow, can you say over-reaction? Had to convince myself not to be crappy with OH over it, too.

Driving home, down the alley, saw my cat outside in the alley (he's not allowed there, which means OH accidentally let him out. Happens all the time. Usually I just huff once, catch the cat and roll my eyes at OH). Tonight I stormed inside, threw my bags down on the table. Said to OH... ok, SNAPPED at OH: "Cricket is outside and I nearly hit and killed him!!!" Total lie. Don't know why I said such an awful thing. He ran from the truck ages before I was close to him. :dohh: Had to work to calm myself back down again.

I even yelled at the TV shows a couple of times! What is wrong with me today?!?!?!

If I DON'T end up with a :bfp: I'm going to think I am a total B!TCH.... Yeesh! :roll:

And now... it is 815 pm and I am soooo tired... I'm going to bed. Good night. :sleep:
Hihihi yeah thats how i felt yesterday too come to think of it!!
Youll get your :bfp: soon though hun dont worrie :)
My cm went creamy yesterday & had a LOT, cp was high - when I first checked it it was hard & closed, then later changed to soft but still high & closed.

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