Cycle Buddy wanted

What?!?! I never heard that, either. :huh: Wonder if it is true. We BD alot.

Tho OH has cut me off now. :growlmad: He's using the excuse of not wanting to hurt :baby:. I tell him it won't but he says he ain't taking no chances. :dohh:

Usually he's just as into it as I am... I wonder what really is going on. TBH, he's been a bit weird the last two days. Think it is not really sinking in and got him totally freaked out. I wonder how long before he adjusts...

He'll be fine I'm sure, and probably just worried as he's lost before. It's a lot to take in.

As for :sex: I've got to admit that I'm a bit wary of it in first tri. I know it can't hurt the baby but my doc said yesterday 'don't be running up & downstairs or jumping the last 2 steps for the first 3mths', so I just think well is, ahem, moving up & down ok? I'll just have to lie back & think of England :rofl:

But that doesn't sound like much fun!!!

Yeah, OH started immediately making rules about what kind of :sex: was now allowed! Or more to the point what was NO LONGER allowed! :roll:

I think you are right, he will adjust in a couple of weeks or so. I am hoping he will go to my appt with me on Jan 6th and feel better once we get a scan and hear the heartbeat. I think he really is afraid of loosing it. He has mentioned it several times already. Ususually in the form of "What if you loose it..."
MT - how's AF treating you today??

Gabs - Where is Gabs??? What is going on with teh symptom front today??? Tell us!
TL, I'M GREAT! Thank you for asking! I'm almost ready to get bizzay!!! :rofl: I am so happy right now......and my girls are preggy! I'm just doing great!!!
I can't stay on here long, we're going on a date...:rofl: but I hope, TL, that your DF calms down, but I very much can understand where he is coming from...after all, his experience with this stuff was abruptly halted and no matter what happens, you two are committed and there most likely will be a #2, #3 and/or so forth. :) Hopefully I'm not overstepping here...he will relax. It's awesome he's so concerned and cautious though, my hub would probably be like, "hey you wanna beer babe?" ...."oh, I forgot, sorry..."
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Gotta go.... :hugs:
Gab, we're missing you chickie!
Thanks, MT! I am hoping you are right. It always takes him a bit to settle into things. He's a thinker and has to mull everything over... repeatedly... before he dives in.

Have a good date tonight!!! :happydance:
hey girls just wanted to stop in today and say hi. I have been trying to occupy my time till DH gets home by cleaning the entire house and cooking and baking everything possible! I am bored needless to say. I am trying to talk DH into coming home early from work so we can catch a movie. i need to have some fun, been kinda down today. hope everyone is well! I am waiting on my preseed still MT, have you got yours?
hey girls just wanted to stop in today and say hi. I have been trying to occupy my time till DH gets home by cleaning the entire house and cooking and baking everything possible! I am bored needless to say. I am trying to talk DH into coming home early from work so we can catch a movie. i need to have some fun, been kinda down today. hope everyone is well! I am waiting on my preseed still MT, have you got yours?

Big :hug: for you :hugs:
Sorry girls..nice to see you all thought of me...

Im afraid af will be on her way...i have some light spotting going on when i wipe and when checking cervix...also cervix is opened..and lots of cramps...only time will go by till she shows her face.

Hope your all doing well:)
Well DH is working a little later than normal, so no movie tonight. BOO! O well, he has to get up early for work tomorrow anyways. I am going to snuggle with my two dogs and cat and read till he gets home. Nothing exciting going on now. Glad next week is Thanksgiving that will be more fun.
I can't believe Thanksgiving is here already!!!!! :shock:

I am SO NOT read for Xmas!!

MT - the lube I used this month is called PreConception Plus. I got it at CVS, but it doesn't look like a CVS brand, so I am sure you can get it plenty of places. It says on it that it is recommended for couples TTC.
Hey ladies hope your all doing good! :)

Ellie, and tiger lady...any new symptoms? :)
When will you two be telling family:)?

Tiger...i know you said you had some spotting when you long did it last?...knock on wood i dont really have anything going on today....and yesterday was only when i wiped...cp seems closed today?
oooo! Gab!!! Maybe yesterday was IB!! :knock on wood:

I only had a tiny bit of brown/red tinge CM when I checked my CP on 17dpo. Other than that, nothing.

Only new symptom is that fabled heighted sense of smell when into overdrive last night! I thought I suddenly knew what it must be like to be my Beagle! :rofl:

I told my sis and she is sooooo over the moon. Don't know when we will tell everyone else yet. Still under discussion with OH. :)

Going to pick up ring now!!!!!!!!!!!! :yipee:
My sense of smell is crazy right now! I can smell things from really far away, which is not good when you teach small kids who fart all day long!
THanks tiger!

Aww, thats exciting...i love telling the family !!! Sucks that you smell everything?! I never had that before so dont know what its like! hehe.

This is your first baby right?
Thanks TL! Gonna look for it soon-YAY FOR GETTING YOUR RING! I can't wait to see it! Post a pic please when you get home at some point...purdy please.
becstar-you cracked me up with the kids farting thing...:rofl: cute.
I don't have a heightened sense of smell yet, just bloated, hungry & sore nipples mainly.

Gabby I hope it was IB, FX!
Thanks ellieblank...still spotting....sure af is coming...

so lost...cycles vary every month in lenght.....28days, 30, 35, 36, 29...etc! grrr
Idk if im oing...?
Also isnt it werid to start spotting on only 9dpo???
I had 1 month (the one before I got my BFP) where I spotted from CD13 right through to the end of my af on the new cycle. Still don't know why but obviously whatever it was didn't stop me getting pg. So if you find that you do get af this cycle, don't worry about the spotting, every so often our bodies do weird things. Just maybe mention it to yr doc if it happens every month. I think you are O'ing, but some months it's delayed a little - like this month it looked like yr body geared up to O, then for some reason didn't at that time, but did a few days later. Maybe it's cos of stress, running round after yr LO?

I really hope it's IB, at 9dpo it looks good! Do you know how long yr LP is?

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