Cycle Buddy wanted

Sorry to hear the :witch: got you! :(

Are you saying that YOUR boys were premies and in NICU? Do I understand that right? Wow, I bet that was so insanely difficult to go through!
Oh, Gab...I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I know what it's like, but definately can not relate to what a MOM must feel. I've been in the NICU numerous times, not with just Jen but my neice was born at 26.6 weeks and was in the NICU for 67 days. My hub and I were there around the clock, he's actually the first one that ever changed her little tiny diaper!!! Many many tears, and scares later, she's this perfectly healthy, happy little adorable almost 3 year old! (I'll attach a pic here)

Gab, well I'm not happy that AF got you, and that your cycles seem off. Hopefully at your appt. you can figure something out.

As for me, I have my appointment today and I will have to gather my thoughts before I go. I will have to keep you all posted!

Big :hug:
Thanks girls...ah that bloody witch is a pain today! Just gooo bad she is always here for at least a week!

Yes, tiger My boys were preemies...not as early as 26 wks, but two months early. I have very terrible pregnancies and i take a risk each time i get pregnant...i know why do i do it? Well i am a firm believer that god is by my side each step and has a plan and if i get pregnant then he has a plan for that baby.:) If you want to know my ttc explains alil detail of what we went through. :)

MEl....So excited for your appt today! I hope you get all your questions answered and come back with great news!:)
Oh! I got my preseed yesterday! Yay! I can't wait to give it a shot....haha no pun intended :rofl:
Thanks girls...ah that bloody witch is a pain today! Just gooo bad she is always here for at least a week!

Yes, tiger My boys were preemies...not as early as 26 wks, but two months early. I have very terrible pregnancies and i take a risk each time i get pregnant...i know why do i do it? Well i am a firm believer that god is by my side each step and has a plan and if i get pregnant then he has a plan for that baby.:) If you want to know my ttc explains alil detail of my what we went through. :)

MEl....So excited for your appt today! I hope you get all your questions answered and come back with great news!:)

Thanks! I'm going to read your journal. I like your positive attitude!!! :hugs:
LIl one is very adorable! and she looks nice and healthy! ..God bless.
Hi girlies,

Gab - sorry that the :witch: got you, and sorry what you had to go through with yr LO's, glad they're both ok (and you of course!!) :hugs:

MT & 1st Baby - yeah for preseed!!!! GET BUSY!!! :rofl: Hope it works for you both, I'm sure it will

Lunaty - Did af show for you? Hope not!!
Hey are you feeling? Any NEW symptoms!!!

I'm ok, panicked a bit this morning as temp gone down, but it's still over coverline so trying not to worry. No new symptoms but the tiredness is starting to kick in a bit now x
I am sure everything is ok EB.
I hope your appointment goes well MT! Yay for preseed!
Sorry af got ya Gab, but at least you are not far from us in our cycles! And I hope you get pg this time too so the dr appointment is not going to matter.

I have a question though, probably tmi, but I gotta ask. So I didnt think DH and I would have a chance to BD yesterday but we did, haha, putting us at every other day since af left so far. I know I am not close to ov, but I had feeling yesterday that made me want to cover the bases and I have c cm already so just in case. I have the 6 pack of preseed so I used one yesterday, and I am leaving the rest for closer to ov. I just wanted to try it and I figure in case I ov in the next few days I will have used it once during that time. Ok onto my question, sorry, we used the preseed and I inserted it and we did the deed, haha, and then after, when DH got up, he said a lot more "stuff" came out than normal. Was this the preseed or the swimmers!? I didnt look, or anything, but I dont ever have to use lube, but I dont get ewcm so thats why I wanted the preseed, so I am hoping it was just the lube and not the swimmers sliding out!!!
I am sure everything is ok EB.
I hope your appointment goes well MT! Yay for preseed!
Sorry af got ya Gab, but at least you are not far from us in our cycles! And I hope you get pg this time too so the dr appointment is not going to matter.

I have a question though, probably tmi, but I gotta ask. So I didnt think DH and I would have a chance to BD yesterday but we did, haha, putting us at every other day since af left so far. I know I am not close to ov, but I had feeling yesterday that made me want to cover the bases and I have c cm already so just in case. I have the 6 pack of preseed so I used one yesterday, and I am leaving the rest for closer to ov. I just wanted to try it and I figure in case I ov in the next few days I will have used it once during that time. Ok onto my question, sorry, we used the preseed and I inserted it and we did the deed, haha, and then after, when DH got up, he said a lot more "stuff" came out than normal. Was this the preseed or the swimmers!? I didnt look, or anything, but I dont ever have to use lube, but I dont get ewcm so thats why I wanted the preseed, so I am hoping it was just the lube and not the swimmers sliding out!!!

The first time we :sex: with preseed the same happened to us, and I though oh great what a waste of money, it doesn't stay in. But then as I got closer to O it didn't seem to happen, probably cos my cervix was open. I wouldn't worry about it :hugs:
Thanks! OK good! So I am not using anymore until I get a pos on my opk!
MT - what a beautiful little girl! Good luck at the appt, can't wait to hear about it.

EB - stop temping!! :D

1stBaby - Glad to hear :sex: is very much on track for this cycle! Maybe you will o early and get a really long LP and a good :bfp:!!

Gab - I'm sorry pg is so hard for you. :( I'm DEF gonna read your journal first chance I get! Hopefully tonight! :)
LOL EB.....i agree with TL.....STOP goofball! Your FINE and so is LO!:) hehe

Tiger how are you doing? Hows the new ring....and wheres the PIC!!!??
LOL EB.....i agree with TL.....STOP goofball! Your FINE and so is LO!:) hehe

Tiger how are you doing? Hows the new ring....and wheres the PIC!!!??

:rofl: I love 'goofball' - gonna start using that!!
LOL..ok goofball!,....what are you doing today? are you at work?
Yep I'm at work but finishing in 6 minutes (and counting!). Then off to my Mum & Dad's for yummy homemade soup :munch: I AM going to temp tomorrow but then, no matter what the temp is, I WILL put it away!!
I call my niece goofball. I have ever since she was a toddler. She just turned 12. She calls me goofball back now. We even put To: Goofball on our presents. :D

Things are okay for the moment... ring pics are in my pg journal....
Hello! Well I'm back! I hope you all are doing well (I know TL is in total celebration mode with Amanthony's BPS!) Yay for Summer '09 babies! TL, what if you have a girl, and Ama has a boy??? And what about V?!? If she has either, they will be fighting over the other.........oh no......I forsee a possible issue! Ewww, nevermind, I just remembered that you are calling them 'cousins' no, no future hookups...:rofl:

Ok, so here's my deal...I went to the Dr. (who by the way, I very much do not like because I think she's just a plain ol' beotch that can't even attempt to hide that fact)...and.................drum rolll................

She thinks everything looks good! She had to do the whole homeopathic bashing as usual...('be careful with that sort of thing...' yadda yadda yadda BS) (But not in a nice sort of way, more in a beotchy 'I know best' sort of way) SOOOO ANYWAY........

I asked about my cysts, she said there is nothing to be concerned about, that she didn't feel anything and I'm not having any telling symptoms of having problems in that area at the moment.

I asked about my progesterone and a blood test. She gave me an order for a cd24-26 blood test. She seems to think that I will fall preg by Feb. :!: She said to relax about TTC, that's when it seems to happen for most couples. (uh huh) She said NOT to use lube.....I asked about preseed (again, the ALL-KNOWING BEOTCH poo poo'd that too, stating that nothing would be better than man-made juice (juice is my word), well I'm gonna use it damnit and she can't stop me).

So, all is well in the world of Tia \\:D/......oh and EB, TL and Amanthony are PREGGY! YAY!

One vent-
So you might know from my other post (Advise me please) that my Dr. suggested I go on Lupron for 3 months immediately following my surgery...well keep that in mind and listen to/read this:
I told her that we were TTC for the 3rd cycle (not just casual as the 5+ years prior) and that for the first 3 months after my surgery we used protection because I 'wanted to make sure I healed properly so that I could sustain a pregnancy' (keeping in mind her suggestion was for 3 months of Lupron [meaning I would not be able to get preg during that time]) HER REACTION TO THAT?

And I quote: *gets a 'oh, that's too bad' look on her face* and says "Oh but the first 3 months after surgery are the most likely time to get pregnant after surgery..."

OH HOLY HELL... What a contradiction right?!

Ok, sorry for the long post...I should really get a journal to do this on.....:blush:

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