Cycle Buddy wanted

Happt Anniversary MT, and hope the bd'ing worked!!! Sure it did!! 1st Baby - hope you O soon.

MT I can't help with the preseed/ewcm question, as I don't get ewcm! :hugs:
I dont get ewcm either, thats why i got the preseed. we have used it 3 times now, and I dont think I have ov yet. my temps have not gone up and my opks are still neg. this makes me pretty upset as last month i had two pos by now. the month before i didnt get a pos until cd 17 which is tomorrow, but that cycle i didnt ov until cd 20 and my lp was only 7 days! i hope that does not repeat to this cycle or i will be crushed. i am worried the b complex has done something, but i dont want to stop becuase it may make my lp longer. I guess i will make my blood work appointment for cd 21 just in case i dont ov this month. ugghh my luck is running out. just when i think things are supposed to get better each month, they take a back step. its cold here and i am working hard this week, maybe i am just in a bad mood. i hope i get a pos tomorrow and thats it, only one and i ov tomorrow!! that would be great.
That would be great 1stbaby...but it really isn't over yet. Even if you Ov in the next couple of days, your LP might very well be longer due to the B. Keep the faith sweets!

As for me, I am just hoping it was ewcm because I haven't gotten that for a couple of months, and I think it was a while before that one time too.

I didn't have solid middleschmertz. I usually have a moment of definitive "ouch, burn, sting" but not the last 2 cycles, it's just been a couple few days of intermittent ouches. But anyway...

We WILL GET our December :bfp:s ladies!

A side note too...I'm really appreciative that EB and TL keep up with our thread still, thanks ladies, it means a lot. :) :hug:
No problem MT, I'm counting down the days till we ALL have our :bfp:'s!!! (which, just in case you're wondering, is approx 18 days) :hug:
No problem MT, I'm counting down the days till we ALL have our :bfp:'s!!! (which, just in case you're wondering, is approx 18 days) :hug:

Aww...thanks just made me very excited and happy! Implant EGGies!!!! We need August Babies!!!!!!!!!

Did I mention that I must have an August baby?!? I'm an August baby and I want to prance around the beach in my bikini with my big huge belly! :rofl:
:rofl: You prance, Girl! :happydance:

1stBaby, B complex also helps build a better corpus letuem, which is what forms in the first half of the cylce. The good, strong corpus luteum is what will make your LP longer and produce the progesterone needed to sustain a pregnancy. Hopefully you are oing a little late cuz the B complex is helping you make a really spectacular corpus luteum, so you can get preggers this month! :D
Awww thanks so much for that! I really hope so too, you are giving me a little more hope with all of your wonderful knowledge! I need that really, I am sorry to be so down lately, I want an August baby too! I am a July baby, and i wanted it so bad last month, and it didnt happen, that i think I have given up hope to it every happening! My head says something is wrong, but my dr said nothing is wrong! Only blood work will help now.
Ok so an update on my cycle today. I think I ov yesterday, I had every sign there is, yet today I still have not gotten a pos opk. I am only using them in the mornings, because the last two cycles they have all worked with fmu. I usually get four pos in a row with fmu! I have usually gotten at least one pos by this time in my cycle and I have not yet! I am a bit worried. My temp went up today so I honestly think I ov! Only time will tell, hopefully my temp stays up tomorrow and the next day and I will know for sure. Is it possible the b complex diluted my urine? I hope I bd enough. Last night was not the best position to conceive... tmi... oops. I am going in for blood work on cd 22 so hopefully she will tell me i ov.
Hi! I couldn't remember, but I thought you weren't going to use OPKs? Well I don't put much faith in them, but have admitted that if this isn't my time (Please please be my time) I may venture into that OPK world.

I wish (like EVERYONE else) that there was some magical way to just know we've ov'd and then another magical way to know that the :spermy: had a successful trip and then magically know when our little ones that would just be fab!

Well I can't pinpoint my OV anymore either. I have about 2-3 days of middleschmertz-y pains (and talked to my gyn about that, she said it's normal to have off and on ovary pain throughout the 2 weeks prior to AF because and I quote, "it means everything is working properly"...well GOOD.) So I just average it out and go from the middle of the timeframe, for me this month is Dec. 1st. So my ticker is a couple of days off...maybe I'll fix that.

Well I was cramping a little last night and I'm trying not to read into it because I've been driving myself I chalked it up to 'potty issues' :blush: I must just get to the point where I can not tell the difference in the 2ww between that and my so-called 'symptoms'.

Ok, well I hope everyone is well...where's Gab??

Yeah I would love to just know when and if everything was working as it should. I am doing the opks and temping this cycle, its my last time doing them. I am doing them so I could tell the dr when I go in for blood work when I think I ov. After my results come back if I am not pg, I am not using anything next month, just bding. Thats if everything comes back normal.

You guys are in the 2WW!!!! How FAB is that?!?!?! :wohoo:

1stBaby - are those your puppies???? How completely adorable! What are their names?
P.S. 1stbaby, I never got a true positive opk, just a darker than the rest. Looking at your chart, I would say you o'ed on cd15 - do you think that is possible?
Thanks! I love my dogs, I have a cat too, he is pretty! MY dog is the bigger one, he is a pug-shar pei mix, which is called an ori-pei. His name is Teddy! I love him he is only one year and one month old. The smaller dog is my DHs dog his is a dochsand (spelling?) welsh corgi mix, he is over 2 years old and his name is Gomer! My cat is older like 6 yrs old named Shorty.

I think it is totally possible to have ov on cd 15! In fact I really hope I did, I had ov pain that day too. I have c cm now, it was light like hardly there yesterday and the day before, so who knows. It is light today though too. I called my dr, she is going to call back, I asked her if I can go in on cd 22 since thats a monday for blood work instead of cd 21 since they are closed. The thing is, the opks are like lighter than the previous months, both the control and the test sides, thats why i think the urine has something to do with it. I cant wait until tomorrow, I wish it were Friday so i know my temps!
Ok ladies...I'm having twinges again. All day I've had a mixture of AF like cramps and needle-y pains all day. I keep remembering when TL was talking about how when she bent over, her belly protested-though that was 7 or 9 dpo for her though, I can't quite remember. Well anyway, I felt like that today. Every time I bent over or moved really, I would get this pinch/cramp/stab that felt like if I pushed on it, it would go away (but didn't)...and now they've turned into very miniscule AF like cramps even with the backachey feeling too.

So?? I'm only 3dpo, maybe even only 1dpo--- I'm nuts. :loopy:
ooo! sounds great, MT!! I don't think I was that far when my belly protested! I think I was only like 3dpo -- I'll have to look when I get a sec!

It sounds good to me though!!! C'mon BPS!!!!!!! :yipee:
MT I had that too, and still do to a degree. Also when I reached up it felt like I was pulling a muscle in my abdomen. Sounds good!!! :happydance:
Thanks girls! Good morning! Well I had an interesting night and I'm exhausted. I had to pee every time my eyes opened or I got awakened, and I had minor AF-ish cramps off and on too.

Well I won't be getting on BnB very often anymore, I have a new crazy schedule and I just don't have the time. But I'll be on when I can, checking up! :)
So today I got a pos on my opk and my temp dropped slightly. I guess i will ov in the next couple days or today. I have two more tubes of preseed and I have been taking my vitamins so I am good to go. I dont know if this cycle will be any different than the rest on opks so I dont know if I will get four pos and ov in the end or what. Do you girls think I should just bd every day, or what? If I only have two things of preseed left should I just use them tonight and tomorrow night? Or wait until I get a neg opk and use one that day too? I dont know what to do. We bded last night and used preseed so I guess we could take a break tonight and bd again tomorrow night. Hmmm to bd or not to bd? I wonder why I am ov so late this cycle. I hope my b complex will make my lp longer or else it will only be like 8 days again. That will make me sad. I have blood work on cd 22 but thats only 4 days from now so i doubt it will show I ov.... Should I reschedule for later in this cycle? So many questions...
I could call your doc and ask... but I would reccommend rescheduling it for a week from now. Try to get as close as possible to 7dpo.

I think BD every night or every other is fine. They work equally well. Just do what feels best. Use the preeseed the next 2 times you BD. The preseed will help the swimmers live longer, so you want the older swimmers bathed in it. The swimmers that you get on the day of or after o, will be fine on their own. :)

MT - I am heartbroken you won't be on much!! What is going on to keep you away so much??? :cry:

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