Cycle Buddy wanted

Wow haha DH and I are moving to Florida!! JK JK I wish though. We honeymooned there and I love it. Daytona to be exact. Brother is on his way to fix it, hopefully it can be fixed today. It is so odd.

Anyways to answer your question about bbt, when you ov, your temperature is supposed to take a dip before ov or the day of ov. It does not always have to do this but a lot of times it does. Then your temp for at least three days in a row has to raise to higher than your coverline. Your cover line is the temp between your begining cycle days and your luteal phase days. When you ov your temperature rises for these days making your temperature higher than the first half for the remainder of your cycle. In order to know when you ov your temperature should rise .4 degrees and stay that high till af shows up. every women differs and some have exceptions but there is a lot about it on the internet that will explain bbt.
Thank you sweetheart! I'll look into it more when I have a bit more time.

I used to vacation to Daytona when I was younger, I think that's why I ended up in FL. It's beautiful! :)
MT - I plugged your temps into Excel and looked at the chart. It is hard to make heads or tails of it at the moment. TBH, it doesn't look like you have o'ed yet based on the BBT chart alone. The dip today could be o, but we can't say until we have more temps. Also, keep in mind that this is new for you so hard to make sense of the first cycle or two. I think it took a couple of cycles for me to get really good at temping. I don't know why! It isn't exactly hard, but for some reason, the charts started to make more sense the more I did it. :shrug:

Let's wait a few more days to see what happens with your numbers. In the meantime, I hope you are getting good BDing just in case! ;)
thank you so much TL! you are so sweet to put that on a chart and look at it! so, if by chance I did OV on my anniversary, and I didn't record my temps, would they possibly have been way lower than 97.1 and then gone up to that for the consecutive days? Gees, I don't know...I'm
No, I don't think so. Here is what a chart "should" look like - remember to think in TRENDS.

AF temps don't really count and can be all over the place.

Post AF temps should be somewhat within a range, but not go over the coverline very much (maybe a day or two)

O should have a little dip that is lower than Post AF temps

Day after o, temp should rise back and and continue to rise to above the coverline. 3 raised temps, with at least the last 2 above coverline confirm o on the last lowest temp.

Post o temps should stay above the coverline until AF arrives.


So the chart looks something like that... with AF on either side of it.

My coverline was always 97.2. My post AF temps were about 96.6-97.1
My Post O temps were ususally about 97.6-97.8
The cycle I got pg, I had another dip at 6po (but didn't go below coverline), and then a raise to above 97.8-98.2 which was WAY high for me. This is known as Triphasic and can sometimes mean pg.

Right now it is really hard to say what your coverline should be.. but I am guessing around 98 from what your chart looks like so far. That is why I don't think you have o'ed yet. Unless you were sick or taking the temps really late at the begining where those high temps are. That would change things. Even so, your temp is so low right now (like mine was!) that I don't think you have o'ed yet. That is the benefit (curse) of a slow metabolism. We have low temps and gain weight really easily!!!! :grr:

I hope this helps! Ask more questions if something doesn't make sense! :hugs:
GROWL!!!! That "graphic" didn't work. :gun:

Lemme try again


The ** is what the chart should look like. The ... are spacers.
That worked better. It is crude, but you get the idea. :mrgreen:
Ok ladies, i give up. I dont think I have ov yet. I am so upset because it does not take this long ever to ov for me. I stopped taking my vitamins today and I did not opk today. I will do an opk tomorrow just in case but no more vitamins. i am so mad that things are getting worse and not better for me. today is cd21! I should have ov! I will call my dr tomorrow and see what she wants me to do, I want to go in for blood work so hopefully she will want me to as well. But have you ever gotten so frustrated you just want to give up. i am at that point, and now I am starting to doubt myself in ever wanting a baby to begin with. like well if i can give up this easy then did i ever really want a baby. Idk. just right now i dont know if i can keep doing this. On a brighter note, started my diet today and going to the gym tomorrow morning. My iinsurance changes jan 1 so I wont be able to go to the dr unless i pay out of pocket for the whole visit so after this blood work is my last chance.
TL, thank you so much hun! Well I wondered about the low temps thing...

So, last night I was burning up again and oh so very tired. I took my temp because I was so hot again and it was 98.1. I do not have a fever and I wasn't feeling sick. So when should I take my temps? Early in the morning when I haven't been moving...yeah, that's probably the only time. Well I wasn't doing anything, just sitting on my butt, but I was digesting...but the night before when I was burning up I wasn't digesting.................I don't know if I'm going to put any real stock into my temps. It's just getting me down.
Now if I just soley go by cm, it appears that I OVd on Wed/Thurs. My cm went to very wet and now is a very wet/creamy. I'm still having very miniscule cramps and I was very bloated feeling yesterday. So if that's all the case, then my chances this month are slim to none...sadly. We didn't BD Tues, Wed and barely :blush: on Thursday, (let's just say I didn't use the opportunity for babymaking :sex: :blush:) but there is a ever-so slight chance a tiny bit of :spermy: got in there :blush: but :hissy: I DON'T KNOW! So, I'm pretty bummed actually. Any chance the preseed on Monday helped my hub's :spermy: live so long ('til Wed/Thurs)that it might have worked out for me?? Doubtful, I know. :cry:

Well on the bright side, I don't have any major symptoms...and that's precisely what I wanted. Though if I'm going to have anything that normally happens I'll start getting sore BBS, oh, Tuesday probably...Gawd, I hope not.
Are green boogars a pregnancy symptom? If so...yay! (yes I know green is not the normal color boogars should be unless you're sick, but I'm not sick! I feel great in fact).

1stbaby-sweetheart, I hope you can get things figured out too. This is a whole buncha crapola isn't it!!! I don't think giving up TTC is an indication that you DON'T want a baby badly, it's an indication that stress SUCKS! You want a baby, you just can't keep going crazy like least that's my opinion...also sounds like my situation. Geez....
You are right! It does sound like your situation! I dont ever get ewcm or at least I have not the past coupld of cycles but every time I check cm it is white-ish creamy. Some days more than others but I have not been putting it on ff because its so scant, like hardly any. When i was in the tww last cycle, there was a whole mess of c cm. So maybe I am ov today. I figured out i am goin to call dr tomorrow, I am goin to tell her I dont think I ov and that I want blood drawn and ask her if I should come in monday cd 22 or friday cd 26 depending on when she thinks is best. That will be my last chance to see what happened this cycle before I give up cold turkey. After this cycle its just me dh bding and bnb!
Well I know it's hard to do, and I'll listen to my own advice when I say, let's try to relax, not overthink it and once we get more answers, proceed to try to fix the issues and move on!

I think c cm is juuuust about good enough to call Ov cm...

The preseed this cycle for me was great, I will say. I definately liked it, and unlike some who have said it smells, I actually noticed hardly any smell, and that's unusual in babymaking time..... :blush: I am convinced that my cm and babymaking 'juice' as I call it :blush: is very hostile because I have known in the past that a bad odor after :sex: is a good indicator of an imbalance. The preseed didn't give me that! Oh boy I hope our BDing worked with the preseed.....

Please let us know when you go to the dr. and what happens hun, I am anxious to hear about it.
I'm so sorry you girls are so frustrated. :sad1: You have every right to be. My last cycle I was also very frustrated and wanted to give up. The only thing preventing me was that my doc was starting to do tests and that might have given me answers. Otherwise I would have thrown up my hands in defeat.


Keep :sex:!! In the end that is the only thing that will really work, right?! ;)
Thanks, yeah I liked the preseed as well. I too hope that it makes the swimmers a nice place to live for a few days at least until I think I ov. I dont think I can bd anymore, I need a break. We used all our preseed so no more, I will have to order more if I am going to use it again, but I am going completly natural next time so it may be a while. It just gets too expensive and although we can afford it, I just dont think it should cost this much and cause this much stress in ttc. I mean 20$ opks, 18$ preseed, 10$ vitamins, then temping then pg tests 10$ or so, I would rather just have af really late spend the money for a hpt and get a pos. Sounds so much for simpliar yet its just not that easy. But I am giong to try and relax. I will keep updating about the blood work. I just am scared Dh and I will get to that year mark and not be pg and then its going to cost too much to figure out the problem.
MT & 1st Baby, I'm sorry you're having such a hard time :hugs:

MT that's funny that you said that about preseed, I noticed it too. Normally after :sex: if I haven't had a shower, when I went to the toilet I could smell what I call 'sex smell', but with the preseed there was no odour afterwards.
MT that's funny that you said that about preseed, I noticed it too. Normally after :sex: if I haven't had a shower, when I went to the toilet I could smell what I call 'sex smell', but with the preseed there was no odour afterwards.

Isn't that funny?! I'm now excited because you got your :bfp:!!!! Ohh I hope I will too.

I keep floundering, I am at the mind set now that I OV'd when I thought I did, and if I didn't then I'm only a day or so off...and my chances are good. At least that's what I'm telling myself. I'm not going to count on my temps or anything else, I'm trying not to check my cm/cp as often as usual either, but I sometimes can't help it. :rofl: Habit maybe?

On a good note, I still have lots of cm! :blush: It is actually when I wipe, and I don't have to check internally! I am calling it a good sign and I'm going to stick to this positivity right now (might be different tomorrow...haha) I'm also having weird-er cramps than normal too, and my back hurts too!

Oh the joys of the 2ww! :rofl:
well today was not a big help for me. I woke up at 5:30 am, I usually temp at 7 and I had to pee so bad I could not stay in bed when i temped then it was 97.5 again, then i used an opk it was neg and went back to bed till 7, this time my temp was 97.8. I have used the bathroom before in the middle of the night and it usually doesnt affect my later temp so we will c what tomorrow brings. I am having ov pain again today and c cm. I dont know whats going on but i called my dr and i am waiting for her to call back. I think its safe to say i will be going in for blood work either way because i want to know if i ov. Dh and I have been bding anyway just cause he still wants to, but we are not doing the traditional bd anymore :blush: so that its easier on me haha :rofl:, hey anythings better than nothing. I wont see him tomorrow so that will give us both a break until Wed night. I think I ov but i dont know why my temps would be so wacky. :muaha: did i didnt i.... on a different note, dh and i got frisky yesterday :blush: and since then my right nipple hurts so bad, like hurts! I yelled at him this morning because its still hurting and we did an exam and all looks fine! Wonder what thats about.
Wow, 1stbaby. Your temps aren't cooperating are they. :growlmad:

LOL at your friskiness. I'll occassionally end up with a little finger bruise or something and I always accuse OH of abusing me. He just looks at it all with pride though! :dohh: As for my nips - he knows better than to do anything other than a feather light touch right now or I will WHACK him!! They hurt SO bad!!!
No i am very frustrated with temping and opks all together! I just want to nurse to say ok blood work looks fine you ov and your progestrone levels are fine end of story! Then no more temping or opks! I already gave up vitamins for now. Ha ha yeah Dh this morning said, i didnt hurt your nipple, what if its because of a present! i was like aw, I wish, but i dont think I ov, so doubt it, then he always says you never know. But when I was pg my boobs got sore not my nipples. So who knows.
Ok so i finally talked to my dr! She said to come in for blood work tomorrow, so i have an appointment at 1:30 fo that. She said that it is possible for the vitamins to have affected the opks because they are so sensitive, but that they would not have affected ov. She said she is unsure about my temps but not to get down on myself that it is still very possible I ov and my chances are still good to get pg. I feel better about it but I still am doubtful about if I ov or not. O well at least I will know by Thursday about the blood work results.
thanks for letting us know! Share your results as soon as you get them! :hugs:

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