Cycle Buddy wanted

EB -

MT - your hubby sounds so wonderful. :) He's right about this being different, too! The Sx in Feb will make a big difference and if you guys were careful for a few months after, then you really haven't been "trying" all that long. This could totally be your month!

On the other hand, I feel the same way as both you and 1stBaby... I'm so excited this month, but am trying soooo hard to keep myself calm. I keep telling myself the same thing -- this month isn't likely to be any different than the previous ones!

Hopefully that's not true for us! Hopefully this is the month for all of us and then we can be preggo buddies, too! :happydance:

Thank you! I think so too :) :cloud9:
I was out of town for 17 days between AFs (my sis in Ohio had her baby and I was there for 1 week prior then 10 days afterward), and we happened to be together for 5 days (he came up for a wedding we had to attend also), (1 before Ov and 4 after) I thought for sure that if I was going to get preg it would have been then, it was a great reunion BDing! :rofl: but I didn't prop myself up and didn't try to stay down as long as it really makes me wonder if that makes all the difference in the world or what.

So, here's a TMI question. I know we all do it, but do we know how effective proping ourselves up on a pillow really is? I used to get up and go to the 'loo' (as you wonderful ladies here call it :) ) is that a known deterrent for conception? Does anyone know of a couple that does that and still ended up preg? Or does anyone know of a situation where the woman simply just stopped getting up afterward and ended up preg? I know I'm asking for the world here, but I'm just curious. Maybe I should post this question in TTC, what do you think?

Sorry for all the ( ) s in here, I have a split personality....... :rofl:
So, here's a TMI question. I know we all do it, but do we know how effective proping ourselves up on a pillow really is? I used to get up and go to the 'loo' (as you wonderful ladies here call it :) ) is that a known deterrent for conception? Does anyone know of a couple that does that and still ended up preg? Or does anyone know of a situation where the woman simply just stopped getting up afterward and ended up preg? I know I'm asking for the world here, but I'm just curious. Maybe I should post this question in TTC, what do you think?

Sorry for all the ( ) s in here, I have a split personality....... :rofl:

I'm reading a book at the mo called 'Taking charge of your fertility' by Toni Weschler (which by the girls, if you haven't read it - I would HIGHLY recommend) and that advises that you don't go to the loo straight away, you should try & lie down for at least 10 mins after. Having said that though, it also says that if you DON'T do this it doesn't mean you won't get pg. As for the pillow thing, I don't think anyone really knows - there's no scientific evidence out there to suggest it does work. I just do it because my cousin told me that 2 of her friends started to do it after ttc for a while & got pg straight away, and they swear that it was the pillow that did it! (and obviously a little something else :spermy:)

I personally put the pillow underneath my bum for approx 10 mins after :sex: and if it's bed time just go to sleep & don't get up till I need a wee/it's morning. If it's not bed time I get up after about 10 mins.
Wow.. fell behind while in the TTC section. :rofl:

Ok... plans for the weekend... getting ready to take the girls (my next door neighbors and their friends) to the ceramics shop for some crafty painting. Then trick or treating tonight... co worker is getting married tomorrow, but not sure if I am going yet. Gotta get grocery shopping in somewhere. Need to convince OH to work more on the mongo cat tree we are building (it was for my bday last year and that was Feb 18!!! :rofl::rofl:). My fav TV night is Sunday, so will be glued to True Blood and Dexter then. :)

CP -- I have been trying to test mine for months off and on but could never get it straight. This c I decided to try for real, so started checking every day. Finally noticed the difference this month! It pulled way up yesterday, so I'm still checking to see if it goes higher this weekend.

Sex Drive.... oh yeah I notice that!!!! :rofl: Mine skyrocketted about 2 days ago and is still just getting worse! Can't wait for tonight to get here! :blush: No BD last night cuz we had a house full of kids. Drat it. GOTTA get busy tonight or I might implode. :rofl:

Pillow -- Dunno if it helps, but doesn't hurt. Supposedly your uterus points down naturally when you lie flat, so that alone should help. DEF don't go to the loo for 10 or 20 min. Ok... TMI.. I have a recurring UTI problem, so the docs have always said use the loo straight after. So I did... but then recently I have stopped so I can save those swimmers. I really notice a difference in how much ... umm... :blush: comes out in the loo ... when i go right after, lots... when I wait, almost none. :blush: Of course, that poses a problem for the UTI :grr: so the doc put me on daily meds for that that are safe for :baby:. Thank goodness!!!
TL-Me too, I notice a HUGE difference in how much stays in. I have been good and haven't gone to the loo straight away for a long time. I hope I don't get a UTI, I have had to go to the ER before because it was so bad before. It went from 'this is not normal', to 'I'm bleeding, this is REALLY bad' in about 3 hours!!

Well I am going to keep it up and hopefully something good happens out of this soon!! :)

:happydance::baby::happydance: Wishes for everyone this weekend!
MT - just in case you do end up with that problem (I know how TERRIBLE it can be), Go to the doc at the first sign. Ask about Macrodatin (sp?), it is a antibiotic specific for UTI and doesn't hurt baby. Also, because it works only on UTI, you can be on it long term with no trouble. I have been on daily doses for over a year and it is a miracle worker! My OB even doubled the dose when I told him I was TTC. LOVE IT!
Ok.. not totally over the moon about these OPKs. Maybe I'll feel better about them by next week, but so far not so much. They just don't seem to want to cooperate with me! :growlmad: The one I did tonight was lighter than last night! Grrr. Strange thing too... my cm is creamy today when yesterday it was more watery. I'M GOING BACKWARDS!!!!

I knew this cycle was going to be all screwy from the start. It's early cd wise for me to o anyway, but the signs were coming early this month -- even some middleschmertz yesterday from the left ovary. Dunno what the heck is up. We got in some quick BD tonight anyway, since we didn't last night. Just in case! Tho I didn't get much time to lie flat... grrr... the girls ended up coming over early to go trick-or-treating. Almost had an embarrassing moment. :blush: How do parents manage to get good BDing in??? :rofl:
MT - just in case you do end up with that problem (I know how TERRIBLE it can be), Go to the doc at the first sign. Ask about Macrodatin (sp?), it is a antibiotic specific for UTI and doesn't hurt baby. Also, because it works only on UTI, you can be on it long term with no trouble. I have been on daily doses for over a year and it is a miracle worker! My OB even doubled the dose when I told him I was TTC. LOVE IT!

Sorry to crash....

Are you sure you don't mean Macrobid? I also have frequent UTIs, so frequent that my doctor finally prescribed me that to take every time I have intercourse (I have a revolving prescription for that). I don't take it as regularly a I should because the UTIs just don't seem as frequent anymore, but it helped a lot.
TL- I can relate a bit, it seems like things are not working together for me this cycle, go figure! We'll get it though...this is our month!!! :happydance:
Sorry to crash....

Are you sure you don't mean Macrobid? I also have frequent UTIs, so frequent that my doctor finally prescribed me that to take every time I have intercourse (I have a revolving prescription for that). I don't take it as regularly a I should because the UTIs just don't seem as frequent anymore, but it helped a lot.

Crash away. I know the brand name was Macrodantin (sp right that time), but it has generics, to maybe Macrobid is another generic? I get the generic (which is still pricey w/o insurance) and it is called Nitrofuratoin. I was orginally told to take w/sex, too, but I still had a little trouble controlling UTIs. My OB upped it to daily. No trouble ever since! :)
TL- I can relate a bit, it seems like things are not working together for me this cycle, go figure! We'll get it though...this is our month!!! :happydance:

Thanks MT! I keep telling myself that with my weird luck the weird month may be what does it for me! I swear I'll twist things anyway I can manage if it will produce a "good sign" for me. :rofl:
Crash away. I know the brand name was Macrodantin (sp right that time), but it has generics, to maybe Macrobid is another generic? I get the generic (which is still pricey w/o insurance) and it is called Nitrofuratoin. I was orginally told to take w/sex, too, but I still had a little trouble controlling UTIs. My OB upped it to daily. No trouble ever since! :)

That's exactly the generic I take!!! Say that it's generic for Macrobid on my pill bottle label though! Maybe it has more than one name? I take 100mg pills.
Hiya girls. Watched Saw V last night & thought it was v good!! Just watched 21 on DVD & thought that was v good too. I jumped on OH after too (have had a bit of :wine:) - love :sex: like that - on impulse & VERY good!!! - sorry if tmi :blush:

When we were watching 21 I thought of something I wanted to ask you girls....quite often since ttc, I've been sat on the settee watching TV & can really imagine having a bump, I sit there & almost feel like I'm pg & have a bump cos I'm thinking about it so much. I've never been pg so I might be imagining it completely wrong but I honestly sit there imagining this big bump, and can feel how it must be to have one, and have a baby moving inside you....and I really really can't wait till that becomes a reality. Does anyone else get carried away like that? :hug:
YES YES and YES! I want a bump soooooo bad. My sis always talks about how she LOVED being preggers. I just think, wow... how would that feel to have a little one there, moving and growing. *sigh* I SSOOO hope it happens for us soon!
I can't wait. I think it is such an amazing thing that a baby grows inside you, a human being!!!!! I just think it is the most special thing in the world....and as much as I have moaned in the past about how women have it much harder than men (I have had many a conversation with males about all they have to go thru is wet dreams, shaving every day (I didn't actually think that was a major thing but have had it pointed out from many a male) whereas we women have periods, labour, menopause, etc to go thru) I am still glad I am a woman and can (hopefully) have this amazing thing happen to me that my son/daughter grows inside of me.

I also want to tell you all this - I know that you've all just been ttc for a few months and so there's nothing to worry about, but just to let you know that in this day & age anythings possible - my work friend had cancer when she was younger & thus was told she couldn't have children. A few years later she met & fell in love with a man who had also been told that he was infertile. Last year they started IVF....last week she gave birth to a gorgeous little boy. Whilst I don't want to be told that something is wrong, that gives me hope that even if yr told that, it's not the end of the line. :hugs:
awww! Thanks, EB! I know it hasn't been long, but I still am encouraged when I hear stories like that. Each month I get those stupid :bfn:s and ugly :witch: shows her hated face, I think "well, even if there is something wrong, loads of ppl get pg with help! I figure out SOME way to afford it! no matter how costly it is!"
Yeah I'm like that. Not sure what it's like in the US (do you have to have insurance?) but here in England you CAN get IVF on the NHS (National Health for free) but it depends where you live.....which I think is ridiculous - if the government have decided to give it on the NHS then they should give it to everyone! I remember my friend telling me that his partner, who had already had one ovary removed, was facing the possibility of having her other ovary removed as she had a cyst on it. They weren't ready for ttc at the time, and I said to him 'she'll be able to freeze her eggs though won't she' and he said they weren't sure, it could cost them thousands depending on their postcode. They call it hear the 'postcode lottery'. I seriously think I would consider moving (if it wasn't too far) so that I coud have that available to me without having to pay loads. If I did have to pay though I'd find the money some how, it's worth it.

Anyway I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking like this. We're all gonna get :bfp:'s in a few weeks!
Things are sooooooo screwy in the US! You don't have to have insurance, and most people can't afford to buy it if their employers don't provide it. That is why soooo many ppl here have no medical insurance. IF you are lucky enough to have or to afford it, it is very complicated. For example... how much it costs depends on the kind of coverage you want.

Example: when I worked for a city in TX, I paid part of the premium every month ($50 for me, which is CHEAP). My deductible was $1000, which means I paid that out of pocket every year (resets at the calendar year) b4 insurance pays a dime. THEN they pay 80% of things covered.

Next job... $500 deductible, cost me $150 per month.

Now... doesn't cost anything!! woo hoo!! cuz I work for the gov't. Deductible is $500, 80% after that is met. It costs the county $800 per month to provide that for me. YIKES!!!

THEN! There are things that aren't covered... like pre-existing conditions. Meaning if you start insurance with a new company and you have been treated in the last year for something then the new company won't pay for ANYTHING related to it until you DON'T get treated for a year.

AAAANNND! Many things just are flat not covered. Infertility treatments are RARELY covered. My insurance does NOT cover them. So if I have to get any, it will all be out of pocket. I know ppl who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments. It's sooooooooooo wacked! :growlmad:
Things are sooooooo screwy in the US! You don't have to have insurance, and most people can't afford to buy it if their employers don't provide it. That is why soooo many ppl here have no medical insurance. IF you are lucky enough to have or to afford it, it is very complicated. For example... how much it costs depends on the kind of coverage you want.

Example: when I worked for a city in TX, I paid part of the premium every month ($50 for me, which is CHEAP). My deductible was $1000, which means I paid that out of pocket every year (resets at the calendar year) b4 insurance pays a dime. THEN they pay 80% of things covered.

Next job... $500 deductible, cost me $150 per month.

Now... doesn't cost anything!! woo hoo!! cuz I work for the gov't. Deductible is $500, 80% after that is met. It costs the county $800 per month to provide that for me. YIKES!!!

THEN! There are things that aren't covered... like pre-existing conditions. Meaning if you start insurance with a new company and you have been treated in the last year for something then the new company won't pay for ANYTHING related to it until you DON'T get treated for a year.

AAAANNND! Many things just are flat not covered. Infertility treatments are RARELY covered. My insurance does NOT cover them. So if I have to get any, it will all be out of pocket. I know ppl who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments. It's sooooooooooo wacked! :growlmad:

Bloody hell that sounds complicated!!! And it's not on that infertility isn't covered!! :devil:
Hey ladies...i have a ? im on about cd 11 or 12, and i started temping vaginally the last three days...its been 97.5 all three days..? is that normal? my cp is still low, cm the last two days is kinda watery, and opks are neg at the moment. I've never temped before for so just curious if its normal to have the same temp..? Is it suppose to drop b4 O or rise? Thanks girls!
I temp orally, so may be a little different. However, everything I've read says if you get the same temp every day, somethings not working right. That being said, I have gotten the same temp up to 3 days in a row, but that is rare. Couple of things to consider:

Keep temping and see what happens
Are you using a BBT? Does it have 2 decimel places? If not, it may not be sensitive enough to pick up changes. Often when I am in a particular phase (ie pre-o), the tenth place doesn't change, but the hundreth place does.

You should see a rise AFTER o. Sometime you'll see a little dip on the day of o. By the end of a cycle you should have a coverline... that is, the general highest temp pre-o is the coverline. It's where you can tell there is a definite shift. Check out my fertility friend chart (link at the bottom of sig). I have one chart with 3 cycles on there and you can see what it should look like. Hope that helps!!!

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