Happy Holidays to you too, Gem- and to everyone else! Yes, it would be nice to have a round-up of all the insensitive comments everyone heard over the holidays! Although Gem, I agree your mom was probably caught off guard. It can be hard to know how to respond in those situations, where everyone is laughing and having a good time. Possibly she was trying to deflect/protect your privacy by trying to make jokes? I don't know, but I could see my mom doing that.
How are the IUIers doing? Thinking of all of you and hoping for good outcomes.
I had my first donor IUI today. It's a little early (CD 12), but I had a crystal clear + OPK yesterday, so I went with it. Not too bad. Very surreal experience, though, with my husband holding my hand while another man rooted around my nether regions to shoot yet another man's sperm into me. It's just about the very furthest thing from my idea of conception as possible. It's good timing, as we're leaving next week for Florida, so I can relax & not think about it for a week. After seeing my family, I'm sure I'll have 1 or 2 comments to add to the "insensitivity list". Speaking of, while I was waiting for my IUI today, the medical assistant was talking to me about her 2 kids, and she started complaining about how her 1 year old has a cold and she wasn't getting very much sleep. Is it just me, or should you not be complaining about your baby when you work at an infertility clinic?!?!
And can I add one more rant?

It is very cathartic for me to write these things out! Our Christmas was really nice, and we had a really fun, quiet day. But by the next day, I guess the bunches of pictures of happy kids I saw on Facebook got to me, and I had a little cry. Seems totally understandable to me, right? Sometimes I feel like I'm in a sci-fi movie, and my husband is a robot or an alien who has come to live with the humans. "What is this salty water coming out of your eyes?" And I have to explain, "It's called crying. It's something humans do when they're sad." It's like he couldn't understand why I might be feeling a little more sad around Christmas- it genuinely puzzled him. ?????