Dealing with azoospermia?

I hope that Halloween witch stays away for you, Rainbow! Ms Ripple, I wish I had a vacation to Paris to take my mind off things! :)

Only a few days left until you test, Rainbow! Eeep! Doing well here and not obsessing too much. :)
Hi ladies! Not much going on here except some phantom symptom spotting of course :). 7 dpiui for me and leaving for Paris! I'm torn about whether to take a test with me, but I think I'm going to leave it at home to keep me from testing. If I can I want to wait until at least the date my period is due. And if I am feeling inspired to test, I can buy one there - plus, then it will have international flair :)

Sharon/Rainbow - how about you guys?

ChickenSoup- Nov 4 is coming up soon!
How lovely MsRipple! Have a wonderful time in Paris!

Sounds like you're doing well Sharon! When are you planning on testing?

Ooooh it is getting close Chickensoup!

I did a pregnancy test this morning and it was negative. It said was 96% accurate for testing on this day (4 days before my expected period) so I'm pretty sure this means we're out of the race! I'm feeling ok about it though. I know that God has a plan for me and so I will keep going for fertility treatment until we are blessed with another little miracle. Hoping it won't be too much longer though as we only have 3 more lots of donor sperm left!

Onto Clomid next cycle to increase our chances!

I'm really sorry to hear that, Rainbow! Sounds like you've got a good outlook, but it's still tough. Hugs! And fingers crossed for next cycle.

MsRipple, that would be a good story to tell your future baby, if you bought a test in Paris!! I think fear of asking for a pregnancy test in French would keep me from doing it. :)

I prefer AF to strike rather than a negative test! So I'm going to wait until 2 weeks (Nov. 2) to test if she hasn't arrived by then...
Well I didn't test in Paris, but I did have fun :). Lots of shopping, sight seeing, eating, and drinking wine (not too much though).
One of my friends told me/us that she was pregnant in Paris. I knew she was trying so I was kind of expecting it. I am so happy for her, but couldn't help feeling a big envious/sad for myself. And then irritated because I just want to feel pure joy for her without bringing me into it. Mostly it was good, but I kinda got really sad when she started buying a few bebe related items. I told her later that day about most of the issues we had been dealing with just so she knew (mostly so she would understand any weirdness from me and maybe hold off on going totally baby love in my presence).

My period is due today (13dpo). I started spotting a little bit of brown blood 11dpo before we got on the plane which was unusual for me. I was upset as I thought I was getting my period a few days early. A small amount of spotting brown yesterday (12dpo) as well. I temped yesterday and today and my temp is high compared to past cycles (usually it does down 12dpo and then again 13dpo to below or close to cover). This am I still in my ovulation temp range (~0.7 degress F over cover). I was thinking of testing today, but the spotting increased this am and included a bit of pink. I didn't want to get a negative so I just didn't test.
It sounds like you had a lovely time in Paris, MsRipple! It is completely normal to be having those mixed feelings about your friend being pregnant, don't beat yourself up about it. Have you continued spotting? I hope it was implantation bleeding and not your period!

How are you doing Sharon? Keeping my fingers crossed!

Chickensoup - Is it around about now that you start stimming?

This cycle I am trying out a medicated cycle. I thought I was going to be using clomid but I am injecting every other day with 150 of menopur instead. Hoping that I don't have more than 3 mature follies when I go back next Wednesday as this would mean cancelling my IUI. We will see!

Hope all you ladies are doing well. Sending lots of love XXXXX
Been trying to conceive for 2 years.... no luck .
DH diagnosed with azoospermia.... we dont know why. He has been doing a barrage of tests... genetic... blood... SA.
Waiting for results. His hormones are a little out of whack but DR doesnt seem to think that the hormones is the only reason for azo.

Its so hard to have all these pregnant friends in your life. Friends with cute sweet little babies.... I hate myself for pulling away from people because its so upsetting to be around them.

Now we have to start playing the insurance game.... who covers more, who covers anything?. Im so lost and upset.

Im 27, he is 45. Neither one had kids.

Would really love to hear from people who had azo and we able to conceive naturally( fat chance!) very scared of the idea of IVH.:cry::cry::cry:
One of my friends told me/us that she was pregnant in Paris. I knew she was trying so I was kind of expecting it. I am so happy for her, but couldn't help feeling a big envious/sad for myself. And then irritated because I just want to feel pure joy for her without bringing me into it.

Totally can relate to this. My cousin texted me (she just got married over the summer) a week or so ago to let me know that she's expecting (only 7 weeks now so at the time she was only 6 weeks), then she posted on Facebook an announcement. I honestly didn't have much time to absorb the news but yeah, I totally feel ya on that - happy for them, but same time sad/angry that I can't have that experience. I texted my sis to make sure she knew cuz she doesn't check Facebook a lot - and she didn't. But it was nice texting with my sis cuz first thing she asked was how do I feel. I was tempted to just say I'm ok or fine instead of my actual feelings but I opened up with her about it and admitted what I really felt (as I knew she would be better for me to vent to than saying all that to my cousin who's excited).

I offered to host a baby shower for my cousin - she said that would be wonderful so I'm planning a baby shower for the spring. I guess that's part of my healing journey somehow - God works in funny ways. I did still cry a lot the first few days of finding out about that and being sad for me. It didn't help that the following weekend after finding out about that, my spouse and I had a dinner party thing at his dad's house - so I was seeing a pregnant step sis there. That was tough too. My spouse wondered if I should avoid any family gatherings for the next year or so. I told him no, cuz I need to learn to cope/deal with this and avoiding it isn't the answer (I have done that in the past cuz that was easier at the time and it was family that I don't see often anyways) but now with it being family we do see on a regular basis (or every once in a while), I need to learn to put on a brave face and enjoy the time with them (but at the same time, finding appropriate times to cry it out when I need to).

Such a pity that my students don't gift me wine bottles. I figured out randomly the other day since I have 100 students or so, I would have more than enough wine for the whole year if each one gave me a bottle of sweet wine. :haha: Go figure... Such a pity they don't do that.
@deaf gal- you are very sweet to offer to host a baby shower. I'm not sure I would be up for that! But maybe :)

Unfortunately that was my period and not implantation bleeding. So onto Cycle 2.

@ Sanka- good luck. Unfortunately, unless your husband has a blockage that can be fixed natural ttc won't be in the cards. But it could be that he has a blockage. Also, depending on the cause, there are various things that can be done.You should have more info once you get all of those tests back.

Editing to add @Sanka that you are certainly not alone! This is a tough diagnosis and it can sometimes feel like a lonely road, but there are many options. Most important is to care for yourself, your husband, your marriage, and to get answers so you can chart a course forward.
Hi Sanka :howdy:
I am sorry to hear that you have been hit by the Azoo train too! :hugs: As MsRipple says - unless it is obstructive Azoospermia (which they may be able to do something about), the reality is, that you won't get pregnant naturally :hugs: It is a very tough diagnosis.

MsRipple - :hugs:

Deafgal - you are a saint to be offering to host the baby shower! Even though we have our miracle baby - it still stings me when I hear of pregnancy announcements (in a women group on FB, day before yesterday someone announced and it was an "oopsie" ... just the day that I got my period - and I was thinking, how unfair this world is) :kiss:
sankafl- I am sorry you are experiencing difficulties. I don't know many details, as these are personal issues. But a husband of my friend has been diagnosed with azoospermia lately. They have got an initial appointment in top ivf clinic in Gdansk and have decided to start their ivf (I guess) treatment. Unfortunately she couldn't become pregnant without medical assistance. Good luck
Rainbow and Ripple, I'm sorry about your BFNs. Wishing you lots of luck for your next cycles.

Deafgal, you are an amazing person, offering to host the baby shower. Even with my miracle baby, I still struggle with other peoples pregnancies and have recently declined going to two baby showers because I just didn't feel I could. I honestly feel that, even if we are able to have a second baby, I will alway have a knee jerk reaction of sadness when somebody announces they are pregnant. Infertility has scarred me for life!

Sankafl, I am so sorry you've had this terrible diagnosis. I really hope it's obstructive azoospermia and can be sorted for you.

I am now on day 8 of down regulation; I don't know where this week has gone! So far, all going ok. I have my baseline scan a week Monday.

I have started acupuncture to see if that helps, either with increasing my response or embryo quality. Has anyone else done it?
Sankafl - I hope you get some positive answers from your tests. Sending you big hugs. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Chickensoup - Exciting times! What will happen at your baseline scan? Is this to check how your meds are affecting your follicles?

I went for DIUI #5 today (4th since trying for a sibling, 3rd since losing my angel baby). I found out on Wednesday that I had two lovely looking follicles after injecting with menopur every other day so that ups our chances. The thing I can't get my head around is that we had a 15% chance each cycle when I was non-medicated but even though we've managed to mature 2 follicles it's still only 17-20%. Hmmmmm...

How are you doing MsRipple and Sharon?

I am getting ready for IUI #2. CD13 and have a lead follicle at 15mm - I go back for monitoring tomorrow.

This weekend while at a party, and while holding a glass of wine, someone asked me if I was pregnant. Then when I tried to laugh it off and say "no just fat", asked me several more times and acted like they didn't believe me when I said I was not. By the third time I had to run off to the restroom for a good cry. He was apologetic, but man what an unintentional asshole.
Just got a call from my RE who says I am doing in IUI on Friday without a trigger as I am just beginning to surge. Follicle was at 18mm this am. I have to admit I am a bit hesitant about this as I don't really know how it will be possible to get the timing totally right, which is particularly important as the frozen guys don't live so long. I trust my doctor, but I am nervous that the timing of this is going to be messed up.

Have any of you done a frozen IUI without trigger?
Just got a call from my RE who says I am doing in IUI on Friday without a trigger as I am just beginning to surge. Follicle was at 18mm this am. I have to admit I am a bit hesitant about this as I don't really know how it will be possible to get the timing totally right, which is particularly important as the frozen guys don't live so long. I trust my doctor, but I am nervous that the timing of this is going to be messed up.

Have any of you done a frozen IUI without trigger?

Hi Ms Ripple. I did a frozen IUI without a trigger last year and it led to my sweet miracle baby. I did get a positive ovulation test the day before my IUI which I think really helped with our timing. I had my IUI 24 hours after the positive test. I hope that this IUI leads to your baby. :hugs:
Thank you Miki I hope I have the same luck and joy as you!!!!!

I do think my doctor is pretty careful and on the nose about these things, so I guess I will just be happy about getting to save the trigger in my fridge and hope to not have to use it next cycle!
Good luck MsRipple and Rainbow. Got everything crossed for you both.

MsRipple, I can't believe he didn't just get the hint and shut up. What is wrong with people, thinking they can be so personal? I recently went to a party where two separate people asked me if we were going to have another one / told me they thought I'd be pregnant again by now. Both of these people know my son was conceived through IVF. I was speechless.

Rainbow, the baseline scan will be to check my lining in thin and everything has shut down, ready to start stimulation.

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