December 2013 Rainbow Babies

Hi Katerdid, I remember we both had a mmc in Feb. I'm so glad to see you here!!
Wantabelly, glad to see you here too! fingers crossed these are our sticky beans!

Butterfly, it's a torment waiting isn't it?
sugarbeth congrats!!!!! I know I had my one scan showed a healthy baby at 7weeks but I am still counting down the days and nervous till I get to see my baby again in 17days!
So I need happy vibes, I started cramping and wiping pink this afternoon. And of course on the weekend so I can't be seen till Monday... Let's hope its just one of those things, eh?
Hi everyone!

I had a missed miscarriage in November 2012. I got my BFP April 6th, I am due on December 17.

I had a scan on may 2nd where I heard the heartbeat at 134 BMP. The baby was however measuring a few days smaller than we had assumed. My doctor assured me about a million times that it's okay. I've definitely been having symptoms- fatigue, sore, larger breasts, frequent urination, some nausea and food aversions. I had mild cramping in the beginning then it seemed to fade a little and then today... I've had some pinching pains on both sides of my uterus and some cramping in my back. Sometimes the pinching feeling is up in my abs or in my hip bones as well. No bleeding, but since my last pregnancy was a missed miscarriage, there was no bleeding... So no blood isn't reassuring for me. Does the pinching mean another MMC?

Is what I'm feeling normal? Is it the round ligament pain? I am so scared and my next appointment isn't until may 30th.
I also meant to say- congrats to everyone who has their rainbow baby on the way. I look forward to speaking with all of you. xoxoxo yay for holiday time rainbows!
Hi ray! I completely understand what you mean! I have those same pains and yeah they are ligament pain. mine go from hip to hip and done ever hurt just annoying for sure! seeing the baby with a nice hb is great and a chance of a mc now is less than 5%. I have to tell myself that everyday lol. just try and relax (easier said then done I know) and feel blessed and happy everyday you are pregnant! I hope that helps!

Thank you very much I appreciate it krissy!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!!
Happy Mother's Day to all the mummies. I'm in the UK so we have already had ours.

My SIL asked me if I was pregnant today! I'm so bloated I look about four months pregnant. I came clean but informed her that what she was looking at was not my blueberry sized baby but indeed fat and gas hahaha.
Butterfly I get that a lot at work!!! I don't know if it just bloat and what not or if it is bc its my 4th kid, 6th pregnancy, but my belly is for sure rounder! Congrats!
I haven't caught up on posts but I wanted to jump on and wish you all a Happy Mother's Day!! :flower:
Hope everyone had a good mothers day!

Wish me luck guys, currently waiting on an ultrasound. They are squeezing me in because of the bleeding this weekend. Also got bloods done, hopefully my levels are in the proper range!
Good luck! Keep us updated, I'll be praying for you!
Butterflygirl - So sorry about your losses but congratulations on this little bean!

Katerdid - welcome! I think remember you from the TTC forums my first time around before I got my BFP in November! Congratulations! Sorry to hear you've had a bit of spotting, hope it turns out to be nothing but I know how scary it is! Let us know how your ultrasound goes! :hugs:

rayraykay - congratulations!

AFM - Today is my first wedding anniversary! I can't believe this time last year I was sipping champagne surrounded by everyone I love, marrying my best friend :)
I have been so paranoid the past few days that something bad has happened. I have no idea why, I am going to be insane by the time I get my next scan on the 31st...
Good news! Everything is fantastic,was able to see the heartbeat right off (145) and I'm measuring exactly right!
I do have a cyst on my right ovary (I swear, I always have cysts on it, damn thing) so that's prolly the cause for all my super painful cramps.

I'm so relieved, now just need to make it to 13 weeks and i think I'll stop worrying so much!
Thats Great news kater!

The last 4 days or so my nausea has tapered off which I am glad for but it has left me worried that something is wrong. In Feb I went in for a chk up because I thought something was wrong, I was supposed to be 9 weeks and it showed a baby whose heart had stopped beating at 8wks 2 days so maybe that is adding to my fears & worries. I'm going to try my doppler..... Be back in a few
Wantabelly - I really know how you feel. I'm getting myself really worked up and I'm worrying about the effect the worrying is having on me! I'm not sure how to get through to my next scan.
I used my Doppler when it arrived last Wednesday, and after an hour I got the heart beat! I managed to get it 3 times over that day but haven't found it since. My rational brain is telling me that this is because I haven't tried for an hour like I did last time, but the other part of my brain that knows what it's like to lose a baby is just telling me nothing is happening inside me. I hate this torture :(
I think tomorrow night ill dedicate an hour to finding this little beans hb so I can stop this madness!
Hey all haven't been on in awhile.. :hugs:

Happy to hear for the most part everyone is doing well..

Elleff I am the same.. I found the hb 4 days ago and haven't found it since.. im going bonkers..

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