Hi! :wave:
I'm hoping I can join here too! I've been stalking the thread for a while, but have been putting off joining as I've not wanted to look to the future and the possibility we will have a baby by Christmas.
I've suffered two previous MCs. The first was around 7 and a half weeks, I started bleeding the day before I got married. I sadly MCed fully a few days later. The 2nd pregnancy I had a private scan at 8 weeks for reassurance and they found that I'd suffered a blighted ovum. Was pretty shocked to say the least!
We'd been trying again. Back in March my AF didn't show, tests were negative and nothing was happening. Doctor referred me for a scan (which was weeks away) to check everything was working ok. A few weeks after seeing my GP (and him saying he thought i'd just skipped a cycle and it would come back the next month) I randomly had an urge to do a pregnancy test and it showed pregnant 2-3 weeks. Wow, that was a shock.
That takes us till now. The exploratory scan was Monday just gone. The lady scanning was only there to check my ovaries and got herself into a right tizz when she discovered I was pregnant! She pulled the thing around that they use to scan you, and my DH said he could see a sac (and then panicked as he couldn't see anything else) but she adjusted the doppler thing (arg what is it called?) and there a tiny baby popped up on the screen. She instantly said 'theres a great heart beat'. She couldn't find the buttons to press on the machine, but did finally tell us that we were 8 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
We'd set ourselves up for fail and didn't expect anything at all to come of the pregnancy or scan. I think we're still in chock that it might actually happen. I've started to be sick now too, which didn't happen in previous pregnancies, so I'm feeling a lot more positive than before.