Well let me start from beginning ok back on April 22 I went to emergency room for dark brown bleeding and was told I had nothing there and that the baby never developed my lmp was on march 12 so when I went I thought I should of been around 5-6 weeks and they should of seen something so I left feeling horrible. I couldn't believe it so I went to different hospital 2 days later and they did an ultrasound with with a full blatter and I was told the same but worse they told me that the only thing there was a blob no bananas to prepare for miscarge and gave me pain medicine. After that I went three weeks waiting for the baby to pass but still felt pregnant and symptoms were getting worse (morning sickness) so my husband said that with the bleeding going away and still no miscary and I need to go to my Dr because I might need a d&c so I agreed and called my doc for an appt and went in the did blood work to test my hcg levels since they all thought I needed a d&c they just wanted to make sure I was actually having a miscarge since I was told at the emergency room twice and not them. So after the blood work I was sent to get a ultrasound and the lady doing it wouldn't tell me anything plus I knew it was all bad anyway so when she finished she said the Dr would tell me my result so I thought weird but ok so the next day get a call from the Dr saying I'm 8 weeks baby has strong heart beat and all looks good I FAINTED I'm confused because for 3weeks I thought I miscared so I'm really mind blown by this all but very happy and blessed but very very confused I have and ultrasound on the 31 to see how for I really am but I think about 10 weeks are so.