So sorry you're having a rough time, Krissy! I hope everything heals soon. I know how rough it was when I was bleeding for so long, it felt like I couldn't begin to heal properly while still bleeding and having stuff in there.
elleff - I can't wait until baby starts moving too, can't wait for that constant reassurance! I'm hoping I'm getting close to when I can feel the baby moving. Fourteen weeks this week for me! Great bump as well! Mine is close to that size, just a bit smaller, but strangers can now see that I'm pregnant!
Still getting sick, but so far I haven't actually thrown up in about three days. Which is a record for me! Hoping it's a good sign and that it'll be gone soon. I can't wait for my next appointment!
Oh, and I ordered a gender ultrasound yesterday! I have it set up for July 13th, and we're having my daughter's birthday party and a gender and name reveal the next day. Super excited, just 32 days until we know!