December ivf/fet for a Christmas miracle

I take lupron up until egg collection I think? We're transferring two. anyone else get heart burn from stimming?
Hi Ladies! Sorry it's been a while since I wrote! Things have just been so busy for me lately but it sounds like most ladies are starting stimming or getting close to transfer dates! How exciting!! :happydance:

Kaylakin: how did your PIO go?! I did my first one today, wasn't too bad but the first couple aren't bad for me usually, it's after a couple of days when there aren't anymore places to stick! You are getting so close to your transfer day, fxd for you! Are you going to do HPT's?

Cjohnson: how many frozen ones do you have? If you decide to transfer one do you only thaw one?

AFM: my transfer day is this Thursday the 5th! Getting so close! Honestly this time around has been so much more relaxed and less stressful. It's been on my mind a lot, but I'm not totally consumed by it like I was with my first IVF. It helps too that we are keeping it a secret this time so I don't have a million questions everyday! I had my lining check last week and it was at 11. She said they like anything over 8 so everything looks good! Now I just keep doing my estrogen, progesterone, and start Medrol and doxycycline on Monday until day of transfer. Then I start endometrin and keep doing estrogen and progesterone injections!! I think I will know if I'm pregnant or not by Dec. 11th!! (Yes I am going to take HPT's starting 4dpt! :) I can't help it!)
I have 7 frosties left , the clinic told me they thaw 1 at a time they do it in the morning so if it dosnt survive thaw they have time to pull another out but my clinic has a 99% thaw survival rate so I'm not concerned about that
Lol so we have a transfer 4th,5th and 6th! As will I test daily too lol. Check online as endometrium was recalled for certain lot # s.
Serenyx- It sounds like they are making good changes to your next fresh cycle should you need it. Waiting 7 days after stimming seems like a long time for your first scan. I think mine was after 3 days. I hope your FET takes though so you don't have to go thru another fresh cycle. Good luck with your lining check tomorrow! I hope things are looking good.

Gdane- I was glad no one talked about my pregnant sister at Thanksgiving too... although I knew no one would since we have to keep it a secret!! (no job, no marriage and so it wouldn't sit well with the grandmas!) I don't know much about Bravelle. I stimmed with follistim for my fresh IVF cycle. I'm sure your hubby will rise to the occasion when the time for the PIO comes. I think the estradiol and PIO start after EC? Not sure as I didn't get that far last time.

kaylakin- You are in the home stretch. Just a few more days until you are PUPO with 2 beautiful embies! Just listening to your meds stresses me out though. How will I ever keep it all straight!?!! Anyway, sounds like things are moving along perfectly so fx everything else falls into place and your tww flies by, too! The holiday season always seems to go so fast so I am sure that will help.

CJohnson- It is such a hard decision to decide 1 or 2!! Good luck. What does your doc suggest? Mine says there are very rare instances she recommends just 1. Thanks for the heads up on the recall for endometrium. I will have to check that out!

mmbelle- You are in the home stretch, too!! Like I said to kaylakin, remembering all the meds and when to take them is a tad overwhelming, isn't it? How many embryos will you transfer? Your lining sounds great so it will be an excellent home for you lil' one(s)!

AFM- AF arrived today!! Although this was the ONE day all week I did not want her to come. I have to go in for baseline on CD2 and I am SOOOO busy at work tomorrow I'm not quire sure how I will swing it. I work nearly an hour away from the clinic. Waiting a call back from the clinic to see about an appointment time. I am hoping they will be able to squeeze me in at the 7:30 slot so I do not have to be terribly late for work. As frustrated as I am that yet again my body did not cooperate, I am soooo excited to get this FET underway!! Looks like I am tentatively planning for a transfer on Dec 16. :happydance:
Lol hatethewait isnt that how it always goes? Just the one day you didn't want it to come and of course she does. And my re is really a huge advocate for eset
Yes! Darn her. Oh well, at least she left the killer cramps out of the equation. Instead she brought an annoying headache!

I thought I read something about transferring 1 more embryo for FET than you would for a fresh cycle but I can't remember where I saw that. Who knows though :shrug: I pretty much default to my fs rec's when I can't find good reason not too. Good luck with your decision!
Hate the wait: yeah I'm getting close! :) I am putting back two given they both survive the thaw! And seriously AF has a mind of her own :)

Cjohnson: that's awesome you have 7! I only have these two, so if this doesn't work it would be another fresh cycle for me if we decided to go that route. My clinic has a 95% survival rate for thawing embryos so yeah it seems like that usually isn't an issue! Thanks about the endometrin tip, I need to look that up!

AFM: feeling like I'm going to puke any second :( I think it's from the PIO but I'm not sure. I'm hoping I'm not getting sick! I start antibiotics tomorrow soo hopefully I will start feeling better! Bloodwork in the morning, hoping everything still looks good for transfer on Thursday!!!!!!!!!
Did my first pio shot for this cycle , I forgot how annoying they are! 5 days away!!!
******:xmas6: IVF/FETs Week of Dec 1 :xmas12: *****
Kaylakin- Transfer- 12/4- PUPO x 2 :baby::baby: OTD- 12/16
MMBelle87- Transfer- 12/5- PUPO x 2 :baby::baby: OTD- 12/16 (HPT-12/11)
CJohnson13- Transfer- 12/6- PUPO x 1 :baby: OTD- 12/20

******:xmas6: IVF/FETs Week of Dec 8 :xmas12: *****
Serenyx- Transfer- 12/9, OTD- Dec 20
GdaneMom4now- Egg Collection/Retrieval- 12/9, Transfer- 12/14
TCreasey- Egg Collection/Retrieval- 12/12
GirlArmyPilot- Egg Collection/Retrieval- 12/10

******:xmas6: IVF/FETs Week of Dec 15 :xmas12: *****
Snozbery26- Transfer- 12/15
Cali_kt- Transfer- 12/16

******:xmas6: IVF/FETs Week of Dec 23 :xmas12: *****
HatetheWait18- Transfer- 12/24

*Updated 12/8*
hd says it's up to me...... I understand and normally would be happy but I need some feedback from him. My re has a slight 3%increase with fet then over a fresh. Not sure y...... But I'm leaning to 1 as twins would be nice however I really want one healthy baby
Serenyx: That really sucks you had to wait so long! What put you at high risk for OHSS? They said that my age and PCOS puts me at high risk and right now I'm on 5 units of lupron, 1 vial of menopur and 2 vials of bravelle.
My high AMH and PCO put me at high risk :( Hopefully your clinic have got your dose right so you don't over-respond :)

Serenyx - that is good that you're going in for earlier scans. 7 days seems a bit long from starting stims to your first check! I'm glad they switched things up for you this time...
The 7 day initial scan seems to be the norm at my clinic as they said they won't retrieve eggs before 7 days due to the fact the won't be mature. However my reasoning was that if they had scanned me sooner they would have seen I was over-responding and could have adjust my dose accordingly :(

I had my last lining check yesterdy and lining was 10.7 ..still on track for Wednesday (12/4) transfer date. Then nurse said they like to see the lining anywhere over 6 - though that seemed a bit low. We're transferring back 2 embryos. They were good/excellent quality so I'm hoping they thaw well. I did my last shot of Lupron tonight - yay! Tomorrow I start the antibiotic, Medrol (steroid), PIO shots, continue with estrogen and baby aspirin and prenatals..and I think that's it - then transfer Wednesday. Yesterday was the first time I got really excited..I had a moment where I felt really positive- everything is going well so far, so why shouldn't things keep going well? The 2WW after IVF is such mental torture - I have to keep busy and just pray that it's good news at the end....
Wow it is really all go for you! A lining of 6 does seem really low to me but I guess they know what they are doing! I guess I will find out tonight what our clinic want.

Serenyx- It sounds like they are making good changes to your next fresh cycle should you need it. Waiting 7 days after stimming seems like a long time for your first scan. I think mine was after 3 days. I hope your FET takes though so you don't have to go thru another fresh cycle. Good luck with your lining check tomorrow! I hope things are looking good.
I have everything crossed this FET takes too x I am already getting nervous about the lining check but since it is this evening there is not much I can do but wait. From what I have seen a first scan at 3 days seems to be the norm elsewhere!

Mine says there are very rare instances she recommends just one.
My clinc actively push you towards only having one put back and strongly discourage you from having more :( I am undecided as to whether I want one or two out back but I think the decision will be out of my hands in the end.

AFM- AF arrived today!! Although this was the ONE day all week I did not want her to come. I have to go in for baseline on CD2 and I am SOOOO busy at work tomorrow I'm not quire sure how I will swing it. I work nearly an hour away from the clinic. Waiting a call back from the clinic to see about an appointment time. I am hoping they will be able to squeeze me in at the 7:30 slot so I do not have to be terribly late for work. As frustrated as I am that yet again my body did not cooperate, I am soooo excited to get this FET underway!! Looks like I am tentatively planning for a transfer on Dec 16. :happydance:
It's typical she comes on the one day that you didn't want her but at least now she's here you can get on wih your cycle :D I hope you managed to get the early slot for your appointment.

Serenyx- It is funny how we are/were waiting around for AF! Never thought that day would come! Good luck tomorrow on the progress scan. Let us know how it goes!
Thanks! My appointment isn't until this evening so I have the whole day to wait first. Originally I was down for an 08:30 appointment but since I don't want to annoy my work too much I manger to get them to change it to this evening.

That is a lovely little chart! All being well tonight we are provisionally due to transfer on the 9th :)
Hate- My next lining check is Dec 10!!

Serenyx- It is funny how we are/were waiting around for AF! Never thought that day would come! Good luck tomorrow on the progress scan. Let us know how it goes!

Gdane- My protocol for FET is BCP. Then Lupron 10 units. Then 5 units and add estrogen patches. Lining check (Dec 10) and then add in PIO. When you get BFP you stay on PIO and patches through first trimester! Your DH sounds like me.. he is not a fan of needles, but he gets through PIO because he knows we have to, but he hates hurting me more than I hate the injection. I work in healthcare, so needles don't bother me much but I need him for the bum IM PIO!

TCreasey- You are collecting on the day of my FET! :dance:

Kayla- I think for me the symptoms have been more increased than last time. My hot flashes have subsided but at the start of Lupron I was having hot flashes, headaches and crazy moodiness. And when AF came.. my cramps were horrible!!! This FET has been flying by. I started BCP day 3 which was Nov 8. And Lupron started like the 20th. I am so excited for you!! Getting so close.

CJohnson- Yay for stopping Lupron! So when will you decide for sure what number to transfer? What does DH think?

Mmbelle- So true that you run out of places to stick! You are getting so close too!! So glad this time has been less stressful. I think that is so much better for your mental health and hopefully for baby! ;) This cycle has also been less stressful for me and most of it because we haven't told anyone. Hope you feel better...darn PIO!

Hate- Yayyyy for AF! But boo for coming on a crummy day! :rofl: Still sounds funny to say that. But yay for progressing! I am so excited that we are having our transfers on the same day!!! :wohoo:

AFM- I am hanging in there. Just getting excited for the possibility of being pregnant in 2 weeks!!! :dance: So I am getting confused, so I decided to post a little calendar so we can see who is where. I can't remember everyone's dates, but the most recent posts about dates, I put in. Let me know where you are and I can add in if you want that way we can cheer each other on. I can't keep track of all of us!!! So excited for Kayla, mmbelle and CJohnson this week!!! Let's get the BFPs rolling!!!! :dance:

******:xmas6: IVF/FETs Week of Dec 1 :xmas12: *****
Kaylakin- Transfer- 12/4
MMBelle87- Transfer- 12/5 OTD: 12/11
CJohnson13- Transfer- 12/6

******:xmas6: IVF/FETs Week of Dec 8 :xmas12: *****

******:xmas6: IVF/FETs Week of Dec 15 :xmas12: *****
TCreasey- Egg Collection/Retrieval- 12/16
Cali_kt- Transfer- 12/16
HatetheWait18- Transfer- 12/16

******:xmas6: IVF/FETs Week of Dec 23 :xmas12: *****

I love this! I am starting a bit earlier than anticipated- start stimming tonight! so first scan on Saturday, egg collection may well be next week now!! eeeek! so excited now! Not looking forward to 2 injections tonight though! Any tips on stimming anyone? xx
I'll have to respond a little later to everyone, but if everything goes on schedule, my egg collection should be dec 9th?? And embryo transfer would be the 14th??
Hi Ladies! Sorry it's been a while since I wrote! Things have just been so busy for me lately but it sounds like most ladies are starting stimming or getting close to transfer dates! How exciting!! :happydance:

Kaylakin: how did your PIO go?! I did my first one today, wasn't too bad but the first couple aren't bad for me usually, it's after a couple of days when there aren't anymore places to stick! You are getting so close to your transfer day, fxd for you! Are you going to do HPT's?

AFM: my transfer day is this Thursday the 5th! Getting so close! Honestly this time around has been so much more relaxed and less stressful. It's been on my mind a lot, but I'm not totally consumed by it like I was with my first IVF. It helps too that we are keeping it a secret this time so I don't have a million questions everyday! I had my lining check last week and it was at 11. She said they like anything over 8 so everything looks good! Now I just keep doing my estrogen, progesterone, and start Medrol and doxycycline on Monday until day of transfer. Then I start endometrin and keep doing estrogen and progesterone injections!! I think I will know if I'm pregnant or not by Dec. 11th!! (Yes I am going to take HPT's starting 4dpt! :) I can't help it!)


Lining sounds like it's great! You're one day behind me! Although I'm doing PIO in the evening - are you? I did my first one last night, and it was nerve wracking to say the least. Tonight should go much smoother...Do you put heat on the area afterward? What length needle do you have? I have a 1" but I thought most people use a 1.5". When the nurse showed me she did mention that I could even use a 1" so I think I'm okay - but I get worried that it didn't reach the muscle.
As far as HPTs - no way! I can't do it! I can't bear the thought of a BFN. Last time for the fresh cycle I didn't test either, and I was blown away when they called and said it had worked. I just like to hold out hope that it could have worked- although if you test early then you can have good news early potentially... I give you credit for being able to do that! Also - what is endometrin? I'm not on that ...
kaylakin- You are in the home stretch. Just a few more days until you are PUPO with 2 beautiful embies! Just listening to your meds stresses me out though. How will I ever keep it all straight!?!! Anyway, sounds like things are moving along perfectly so fx everything else falls into place and your tww flies by, too! The holiday season always seems to go so fast so I am sure that will help.

AFM- AF arrived today!! Although this was the ONE day all week I did not want her to come. I have to go in for baseline on CD2 and I am SOOOO busy at work tomorrow I'm not quire sure how I will swing it. I work nearly an hour away from the clinic. Waiting a call back from the clinic to see about an appointment time. I am hoping they will be able to squeeze me in at the 7:30 slot so I do not have to be terribly late for work. As frustrated as I am that yet again my body did not cooperate, I am soooo excited to get this FET underway!! Looks like I am tentatively planning for a transfer on Dec 16. :happydance:

Hatethewait - yay for AF arriving! Now you can officially get started! Can you go for baseline CD 3 ? - why only on day 2? I can't believe you get to do an FET so soon after getting your AF - what's your protocol going to be?
The meds can sound a bit overwhelming -but in reality it's not too bad. I just put reminders on my phone because some I take 3x/day, others once a day, etc. It really helps and I just snooze the alarm until I actually take the medication so that I don't accidentally not take one. So glad you're going to get started!
I love this! I am starting a bit earlier than anticipated- start stimming tonight! so first scan on Saturday, egg collection may well be next week now!! eeeek! so excited now! Not looking forward to 2 injections tonight though! Any tips on stimming anyone? xx

That's great you're starting earlier! As far as tips for stimming..I don't have great advice. I felt like it went soo quickly and I was at the clinic so much that time flew. I have heard that it's good to stay hydrated - helps with bloating. The injections themselves were not too bad - I remember having to inject the Menopur very slowly as it burned a bit (not sure if you're taking this). It's impossible not to worry along the way about the # of eggs, embryos, etc - but try to distract yourself and be easy on yourself in the process.. :hugs:
Did my first pio shot for this cycle , I forgot how annoying they are! 5 days away!!!

I did my first as well! Do you ice/heat the are at all before/after? Also - are you using 1 or 1.5" needle to inject? Do you ever do them yourself? The nurse at the clinic advise against it, but I see so many people do it themselves... Also -it seems hard to have to be home with my husband every night at 8pm for potentially 8 weeks ..hmm...
This is off topic - but can anyone explain how to "multi-quote" a message?

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