December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

Don't worry Twinmum, there are always pluses to both scenarios. First kid (or kids in your case) get a refreshed parent with more time and energy. They also get the most attention surrounding the pregnancy, birth, and milestones. But on the flip side, you're more inexperienced and nervous and maybe not the most confident parent. Subsequent kids never get you truly to themselves, and often don't get as much attention and have fewer photos, etc of themselves as babies. But they have calmer, more experiences parents and often reach milestones faster copying their older siblings. Either way, lucky kids!

very well said!
I definitely feel so bittersweet about having another baby. I love my daughter so much, she is my buddy and I can't imagine sharing her with another baby. I feel really guilty because I wanted her to have me to herself for a lot longer than this. We hadn't planned on another baby until Caoimhe was 4 or 5. And she's only going to be 2.5 when Ru is born. I'm so sad. But, I'm excited too because I know it will be a lot less sad than I'm thinking. And she will hopefully have a really good close relationship with him because they'll be so close in age. I know it will all work out, it's just hard to comprehend.
I have my follow up scan tomorrow morning which I'm excited about. It's at 8am though which means we have to get up ridiculously early to make sure we can get DS to nursery and then run to the hospital and given that I've been getting pain in my bump and back when walking, it might be a bit of a challenge!

Hope your scan went well x

It did thanks. The guy was able to see the spine properly this time and we got to have a good luck at baby again which was lovely. Here's a pic!

As excited as I am to meet the baby, I'm not impatient about the pregnancy going fast. I really missed being pregnant with DS and although it's harder this time, I love having a bump and feeling kicks.

I'm also not feeling too guilty about having to split my time between two children. The way I see it, my son is going to gain so much by having a sibling to love and play with, that it outweighs the disadvantage of having to share mummy.


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I was worried about going from 1 to 2, felt guilty that my son would have to share me and that it would upset him. I absolutely love having 2!!! It is so much better then I could ever have imagined, and Seth wasn't bothered in the slightest (23 month age gap). He loves having a sister to play with, apart from when she wants to play with a toy he doesn't want to share!

Glad it went well Willow82. Are you team yellow too? I'm going to guess girl from the skull shape!
I was worried about going from 1 to 2, felt guilty that my son would have to share me and that it would upset him. I absolutely love having 2!!! It is so much better then I could ever have imagined, and Seth wasn't bothered in the slightest (23 month age gap). He loves having a sister to play with, apart from when she wants to play with a toy he doesn't want to share!

Glad it went well Willow82. Are you team yellow too? I'm going to guess girl from the skull shape!

We are indeed, although what with all the gender reveals, i was quite tempted to find out. I'm having strong boy feelings but I don't know how much of that is me trying to minimise gender disappointment as I would dearly love a girl.
Probably I have the silliest thoughts on having a second child... We desperately wanted a second child because of my age factor. Thankfully DS will be just 4 months away from his 4th birthday then. I am sure he will love his little baby bro. I always doubt if I love my little one as much as I love my DS. He's a great child with so many positive qualities - qualities even I don't have as a grown up. I all the time wish if my little one takes on him. I might breastfeed and sleep with my new born but I will always will love - may be a bit more- and find time for my DS.
Joining team :blue:

Our scan went perfectly.

Looking at my notes it seems I have an anterior placenta.

Glad your scan went well Kate! :)

My appetite is still thru the roof and it is driving me mad now. I had been fine before 18 weeks, eating less than pre preg actually but then suddenly I was starving. I read there is a growth spurt around 18-22 weeks so was hoping it would calm down again after that but I still feel starving like an hour after eating. I have been eating loads of fruit and trying to make my meals with foods that are supposed to keep you fuller for longer but there is only so much fruit you can eat in one day and then I end up having some biscuits and chocolate.
Thanks ladies!

I know what you mean about the mega appetite twin! Some days I'm not fussed about food and then others all I want to do is eat. There's never a happy medium.

Although today did not get off to a good start, I thought I'd done well to get to 20+ without being sick but it came with a vengeance today. Hoping it was just a one off.

I ate two pieces of cake this afternoon :cry: it was some of the best cake I've ever had :winkwink:

Anyone drinking raspberry leaf tea yet?
I ate two pieces of cake this afternoon :cry: it was some of the best cake I've ever had :winkwink:

Anyone drinking raspberry leaf tea yet?

I got mine out... but I'm still having some nausea and food aversions, including hot liquids :( so haven't gone with too much tea yet!
Oh no! That blows that you're still having nausea. Is it improving somewhat?

Perhaps you could chill the raspberry tea and you would enjoy enjoy it more that way? I've done that and found it rather nice. I'm not really into hot liquid now either due to the heat. Except my coffee of course!!
I thought rlt was for third tri only?

yeah, i heard it helps with/bring on labor, etc. and you should wait until closer to your due date...?:shrug:

I read that it is good any time after first trimester, as it helps get your uterus stronger for labour. I don't think it is supposed to bring on labour at all, at least not until you are already ready for it.

Avoid it if you are at risk for preterm labour, of course!
This is what I read:

"Medical studies have shown that red raspberry leaf can be consumed safely during pregnancy and can decrease the length of labor and the number of interventions used, such as artificial rupture of membranes (AROM), assisted delivery, and cesarean delivery.

Red raspberry leaf also seems to help prevent pregnancies from pre- or post-term gestation (delivering too early or too late)."
I'm not too worried about going from 2 to 3. I'm from a 3 children family and it was good chaotic fun. Good job I'm laid back, my OH maybe not so much haha but then he was brought up pretty much as an only child as his older step sister moved out.
I think the bigger the family the more support and love you give each other. As Im trying to teach the kids, love isn't a fixed amount you have to dish out :)

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