December Snowflakes 2015! Come join me 74 ladies, 10 angels, two sets of twins!

I've been drinking RLT since before becoming pregnant. You can drink it in moderation through the whole of pregnancy. I limit it to one cup a day. It doesn't bring on labour, but it can assist with contractions, so it can make braxton hicks feel like the real thing. I may up it to two or three a day closer to due date, but right now one cup only.
Also, it's lovely cold - especially mixed with peppermint!
I waited until 3rd tri last time to start drinking RLT. Decided I'd start earlier this time. I don't believe there is any scientifice evidence that it can bring on pre-term labor (even though you might read that on the internet). And if it does have beneficial effects on the uterus, then I'm all for starting it earlier.

Personally, I'm not 100% convinced it does all that much good. But it's tasty, and I don't believe there's any harm to, so why not :shrug: I did have a fairly quick labor last time after drinking 1-2 cups during the last 10 weeks. BUT, I have friends who also drank it and had really long difficult labors.

As I understand it (someone correct me if I wrong) there really hasn't been a rigorouse scientific study showing a clear effect of RLT on labor.
No, there hasn't been a study with a sample size worth talking about. It can be beneficial, but it certainly doesn't "cause" labour to start. It's just very good overall for uterine health, hydration and contains lots of helpful antibodies. And it's yummy...
I love tea in general. But I will have to get some raspberry leaf tea. I haven't had it in a while.
I have never tried it. But out of every type of tea I have tried the only one I have been able to stomach at all is peppermint and I don't exactly like it, I just don't hate it lol!
I don't know what is going on with me today, but I am just so emotional. I haven't been sleeping as well, so that may be part of it, but I haven't been able to shake this feeling all day. I've tried to focus on the fact that our gender reveal party is in four days, but then I just get more overwhelmed thinking about everything that still needs to be done before then and wondering if we'll even have time. I'm normally pretty happy and upbeat, so this stinks! :cry: Anyone else have off days lately?
I had a day last week where absolutely everything made me cry. Babies don't actually need a while.lot of things when they first arrive, diapers, clothes, carseat, a safe place to sleep. Everything else is just extra :)
Blinker, you seem to be planning a great party. It will be fun in the end of it. Everyone knows you are not capable now to make everything so very perfect as before. Try to relax a bit. I know it is easy said than done. Still.. Btw, didn't you have this friend who's arranging everything for you? I am sure things will go fine and it will be fun.. Good luck
Btw, I too have emotionally down days occasionally... I even feel so crazy that I tell DH that I want to run away from him ��
Yeah. Like the last two weeks have been down weeks for me. Emotional and anxiety struck, tired, the whole thing. Whee.
Hey blinker, it probably is just the sleep deprivation affecting your mood, I get like that too. I am such a bad sleeper anyway but since being pregnant it's worse and when I wake up and end up needing to pee and takes ages to fall back to sleep so I get cranky when the kids are fighting even more than usual and been feeling a little down the past few days. Hopefully you manage to have some nice relaxing time to refresh soon and that makes you feel better. :)

Like Luna said, babies really do not need much to start with so there is loads of time left yet. :) I have pretty much bought a bare minimum (bar a couple older size outfits just because they were cute lol) and will be buying the rest after baby comes ... well after christmas when we see what/if gifts family buy and see what we still need. I figure with what we have I can cope thru the first 3-4 weeks, I will need more grows and vests but I am waiting for the birth so I can buy something non unisex lol! December cannot come round quick enough!

Hope you have a fabulous gender reveal party! I am sure it is going to be a great day! :D
I have been getting nervous on and off this mast week or so. I keep telling myself this pregnancy is very different and is going well so I do not need to worry but I am actually scared of having to wait another month for my next scan. I am paranoid baby has lost most of it's fluid like Elliott did last time. Today marks the gestation where everything started to get very scary and complicated last time. Alicia stopped moving, I went for an emergency scan and she was OK just quiet, then they saw Elliott's fluid had suddenly dropped from being well within normal range to being 1.9cm within 2 weeks and I had no leaking so they didn't know why, then during the scan I started getting contractions so was rushed back up to antenatal ward to be checked over and given the first steroid jab. Luckily they were irregular and I was not dilating so they decided to closely monitor and they stopped on their own after 10 hours. After that I had strong braxton hicks every 5-20 mins constantly until 32 weeks when I had a false labour. I am desperate to get my hospital bag packed now but I do not have everything for it yet as I need some extra shampoos and soaps etc to pack into it, I am anxious of needing to stay in hospital lots again as OH doesn't have the sort of job where he can work around school runs ... I know my thoughts are irrational as there have been no signs what so ever there is anything wrong with this pregnancy but I cannot shake the feeling.
Thanks, everyone. At least I don't feel crazy and alone! :thumbup: I'm feeling better today, and DH brought home flowers and bagels for me last night. He definitely knows that food is the way to my heart. I actually got some decent time to talk to him for the first time this week, so that helped.

Indian Maa, my friend is helping with a little bit of the upcoming party, but since we're actually hosting it, I'm trying not to make anyone do too much. It really will be very casual though, so I know I need to not put so much effort in myself.

We have a vacation (babymoon) planned for the last week of September, and I am definitely looking forward to that. It will be much needed!
Happy v day to those ladies who've reached it so far! :flower:

As for ourselves, I ended up getting admitted to hospital for two nights following another bleed. I had one at 20+6, gush of bright red blood, out of nowhere with no warning or spotting. Of course panic ensued and after trip to hospital, examination and scan, doctors were satisfied that no active bleeding present anymore and that it wasn't bothering the baby but they never knew where it came from. Ended up in A&D a week later as spotting still present and is gone to GP for reassurance who sent me to hospital. Another exam and was told no active bleeding and they were happy with baby, normal to have spotting possibly for the rest of the pregnancy but I'd to return with any big bleeds. Going to sleep at about 1.30am Tuesday morning and felt little gush, praying it wasn't what I thought it was again, went to the bathroom and was greeted with bright red blood again so off to hospital we went. As I was 23+6 it was different approach as only 1 day from viability I was sent to labour ward.

Admitted and started the steroid injections for baby's lungs in case he decided to make an early appearance. Ugh, long story short they found sub choronic hematoma measuring 2.6x2.1x2.3 sitting right above cervix. They knew I had low lying placenta from 12 week scan and at the minute it's sitting at 1.5 cm from os so it needs to move another 1cm. In good news baby is measuring great, currently at 1lb, 7oz. I'm currently on bed rest at home. Had a little wobble last night when it was mentioned that there was a chance they could keep me in until scan at 34 weeks but thankfully I was discharged this morning! Scan to check growth and hematoma in 4 weeks, so hoping to stay out of hospital until then!! Sorry for the long post, prob gonna be around here a lot more for the next week with the bed rest! Happy v day to me! :haha:
Happy v day to those ladies who've reached it so far! :flower:

As for ourselves, I ended up getting admitted to hospital for two nights following another bleed. I had one at 20+6, gush of bright red blood, out of nowhere with no warning or spotting. Of course panic ensued and after trip to hospital, examination and scan, doctors were satisfied that no active bleeding present anymore and that it wasn't bothering the baby but they never knew where it came from. Ended up in A&D a week later as spotting still present and is gone to GP for reassurance who sent me to hospital. Another exam and was told no active bleeding and they were happy with baby, normal to have spotting possibly for the rest of the pregnancy but I'd to return with any big bleeds. Going to sleep at about 1.30am Tuesday morning and felt little gush, praying it wasn't what I thought it was again, went to the bathroom and was greeted with bright red blood again so off to hospital we went. As I was 23+6 it was different approach as only 1 day from viability I was sent to labour ward.

Admitted and started the steroid injections for baby's lungs in case he decided to make an early appearance. Ugh, long story short they found sub choronic hematoma measuring 2.6x2.1x2.3 sitting right above cervix. They knew I had low lying placenta from 12 week scan and at the minute it's sitting at 1.5 cm from os so it needs to move another 1cm. In good news baby is measuring great, currently at 1lb, 7oz. I'm currently on bed rest at home. Had a little wobble last night when it was mentioned that there was a chance they could keep me in until scan at 34 weeks but thankfully I was discharged this morning! Scan to check growth and hematoma in 4 weeks, so hoping to stay out of hospital until then!! Sorry for the long post, prob gonna be around here a lot more for the next week with the bed rest! Happy v day to me! :haha:

That sounds really scary. Hope everything's ok.
Ugh, Leanne, so sorry you have had those troubles :( I'm really happy that you and baby are ok though! I had a subchorionic hematoma early on, and mine was just above the cervix. If it helps at all, they told me that is the best place to have one, because there is less of a risk of it really hurting the baby (not sure why exactly). Hope it dissolves and that you get lots of rest and everything goes well!
Thanks so much ladies... Apparently he has huge feet too, lol


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How scary Leann, so glad baby is completely un-phased by all this and doing well. Fingers crossed bed rest at home is enough and you do not require hospital stays!
Leann - HOLY CRAP what a nightmare! I am so sorry you had that scary stuff happen. Big hugs to you, and best of health to you and baby!

TwinMum - I've been having a lot of fear and anxiety too. Even though we don't necessarily have a rational reason for it, doesn't mean it isn't there and isn't really rough. Big hugs to you too.

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